Fall Asleep and Catch Me Again

Hey what's your name?

Frank's pov...

I wonder what his name would be? I also have a feeling that he might be Mikey's mysterious brother he hardly mentions. How can he not mention such and angel? My thoughts were interrupted when a guy plopped next to me. He said, "Hey, um what's your title?" Who is this little green eyed cute nutcase? I mumbled, "Frankie, you?" He smiled and said, "Billie Joe, at your aquantance." He was so cute! Not as half as gorgous as Mikey's brother. He started a converstaion, "So I've hardly seen you at school, you always hang out with Mikey right?" I nodded and joked, "I thought you hardly saw me at school." He bushed at his mistake and cleared his throat. I patted his back and reasured, "It's okay sugar, everyone does mistakes." He stared at me for a while, making me stare and drown into his emerald eyes. He leaned closer to me, making our lips collide, why is he kissing me? This rambled in my brain for a while until we pulled away. Even though I was confused, I couldn't help but kiss back. He smiled at me, which made my heart skip a beat, it was so mind blowing. He asked, "Wanna go outside?" I nodded and he took my hand and led me outside. My mind was dozed off from the angel, but for some reason stayed locked in my mind.

Billie sat me on the soft grass and took his place next to me. I took a good look at him and he was much into the punk scene. With blue spiky hair, white t shirts black skinny pants black socks and black laced black and white converse. His style was completely different from the angel's. I was locked in thought as he asked me, "It's something wrong?" I replied, "It's nothing, it's just you're so different form other guys that's all." He asked matter of factly, "And how is that?" As he asked me, his eyes kept looking inside me, which made me have chills. I stuttered, "Well...um...everything so far. Like they way you dress, act, and just something I can't defy." He somewhat finished, "Well nothing comes to mind." I smiled and agreed, "That's right." He pushed himself closer to me, now our bodies touching, and our lips locking for the second time. That guy sure loves kissing, but he's not so bad, I still want to meet my angel! But I guess this guy beat him to the punch, I don't wanna get involved though cuz I don't wanna hurt anybody. I pulled away and whispered, "Bill, I think I like somebody, I can't get involved. I'm sorry, you're great but I don't wanna hurt you." He looked at me sad and said, "It's okay, I understand, we should become friends first before we take the next step. I really like you Frankie. Whats your last name anyway?" I giggled and said, "Iero, your's?" He replied, "Armstrong."