Fall Asleep and Catch Me Again


Frankie's pov...

Billie and I stayed seated on the front lawn for quite some time, just learning common stuff about eachother. I found out he's in a punk band, Green Day and there's only 3 of them...trio's are pretty cool. Just to my surprise, I see none other than...my angel, walking outside for a smoke. I felt my heart beating 10 times faster and found my breathing getting heavier and quicker. I tried to contain myself as best as I could, but kept failing, until Billie asked me, "Are you okay there, Fank?" I let out, "Um yeah, just fine, can we go inside?" He nodded quickly and he helped me up, holding my hand as we walked. As we headed inside, he sat me on the couch and asked me again, "Are you sure you're okay?" I nodded and whispered, "That's him, that's the guy." His eyes saddened and requested, "Oh, he's not bad looking, you guys would look good together, but we would look better." I smiled and said, "You've got sweet jokes there Billie Joe, I like you." He pretended like he was blushing and kissed me quickly on my cheek.

He's really cute and sweet, maybe I should give him a shot and my angel seems pretty distant, too far from my reach. I suggested, "Billie, look, you know what you told me earlier, you know, about us looking better together, I guess I could give it a shot." He smiled happily from ear to ear, but softened it as he asked, "You sure about this?" I nodded and said, "I'm possitive." He kissed me once more and held me closer to him, making me fell warm inside, I got a good guy in my grasp. Three hours passed by, and people were starting to leave, just leaving a feww other ones here and there. Billie and I stayed in the same spot, looking at people getting drunk and playing some random stupid games.

Gerard's pov...

When I walked outside for a smoke, I saw the most beautiful guy my eyes could lay upon. I think that must be Mikey's best friend he always hangs and talks about. I was wondering who was the guy next to him, he's quite a punk, literaly. Just then, I saw them walk inside, holding hands, I guess they just started to be an item. That's just too bad, I was gonna talk to him. I haven't talked to anyone for weeks and he was the first person I was ever gonna talk to, but I don't think I have a chance now. I went inside and saw them snuggling on the couch, which made my stomach turn. I headed straight to my room, locking the door behind me. I blasted Iron Maiden through my small stereo, and layed down on my bed,enjoying the music. My thoughtscouldn't escaped for the angel in my living room, siting next to Mr. Punk. Suddnely, I felt like I was going insane, so I decided to go out for my second smoke. Gosh, I need a new solution to my problems, so instead, I picked up my sketch book from my side drawer and started to carefully draw him, paying close attention to detail. A few minutes later, I was finished, admiring my work. I succeeded, it looked as if he was real, ready to come out the page. I slowly closed my sketch book and placed it back on the side drawer, taking my place on the bed.

I layed there for another few minutes, and felt the house silent, I guess the party must be over. Just then, I dozed off into a deep, much needed sleep.