And That Smile That You Give, To Me

It Kind of Sheds a Different Light -3,263 Words

“Jon, forget it, there’s no way this is going to work now,” I snapped, lathering styling gel into my hair. “Not after what happened y-yesterday.”

Just thinking about it made me blush ridiculously. What a way to start out, falling on top of Brendon and really, I don’t want to think about the rest.
“Ryan, get over it,” Jon rolled his eyes. “At least you drew attention to yourself.”
“Jon, I fell on top of him!”
“And from where I was standing, he didn’t look too disgusted at that fact, if you know what I mean.”
“What?” A tiny spark of hope clicked on inside me as I turned on him.

Jon shrugged, “Didn’t we agree that you would trust me? I know what I’m talking about. Now, do you want to continue this or no? Cause I’ve got a really good task for you today.”
“Just tell me,” I sighed.
“Okay so here’s what you’re going to do. First, you’re going to share a dressing room.”
I gasped, I couldn’t help it.
“And,” Jon continued. “You have to spank his ass a total of three times.”

I glared Jon right in the eye, wondering what in the world I could have possibly done to him to make him want me to die from embarrassment. I turned on my heel and fled out of the room without saying a word.

The dressing room would be bad enough; there was a reason I demanded to share with Spencer every time. Because Spencer doesn’t take showers and walk around butt naked, try on clothes for your opinion, or occasionally take a shower without closing the door.
I couldn’t even bring myself to plan on how to do the second part of my task; I’ll deal with that when the time comes.

Spencer was typing on his laptop when I entered the front lounge, face so close to the screen I was surprised he could even read what he was typing. I sat down next to him with a huff, mind lost and body too lazy to reach forward and grab the remote.
“Ry, Jon said we’re sharing a dressing room today?” Brendon suddenly, popped his head out of the door to the bunks, a curious grin on his face.
“Er, yeah, if you want?” I stammered.
Brendon beamed and skipped forward, catapulting his body in the air and landing hard across mine and Spencer’s laps, crushing the laptop at a dangerous position below him.
“Fucking don’t do that Bren,” Spence growled, heaving himself off the couch and from under Brendon’s legs, inspecting the slightly mangled piece of technology in his hands.

Brendon shrugged and I chuckled, not wanting to be there later when Spencer finds out that his laptop is defiantly broken beyond repair and comes looking for revenge.
“So,” Brendon said from my lap, eyes twinkling mischievously. “What made you want to suddenly share a dressing room with the fabulous moi?”
I shrugged, mouth forming a lie faster than I had even realized I was talking. “Spencer never gives me time to shower.”
“Well, I’ll give you all the time you need, my new dressing room buddy.”

I smiled and rolled my eyes for good measure, disguising the overwhelming joyful bubble inside me.


I leaned against the side of the bus, sunglasses on and guitar case in hand. Jon was talking to Spencer next to me as we waited for Brendon to get out of the bus so we could walk to the venue. Zach had implemented this new rule for us to not venture off by ourselves, not after Jon narrowly escaped getting jumped by a teenage girl practically foaming at the mouth and screaming her head off. It was for everyone’s safety, really.

“What the hell is he doing?” Zach asked us, to which I shrugged without interest. He grumbled something to himself and stomped onto the bus.
Seconds later the sound of Zach urging for Brendon to hurry the fuck up reached us, Jon picking up his bass case.

“Alright, alright,” Brendon burst out of the bus door, smirking beneath his large sunglasses. He wore tight—ridiculously tight—black pants that hung low on his waist and curved perfectly around his ass, accenting his curves so flawlessly they could only be from the women’s department.

I checked him out as he neared, careful to bend my neck just right so my bangs fell in front of my peering eyes. He didn’t seem to notice, of course, chatting idly about something to whoever was listening.
Something jammed into my side forcefully and I let out a squeak of surprise, horrified for a moment that someone had seen me blatantly staring at his ass. Jon stood behind me, jerking his head in Brendon’s direction. I frowned, confused, until I remembered what I had to do and immediately blushed.

Zach ushered me and Jon to catch up with the other two and I stumbled quite a few times, nerves shaking my hands. Once I got in reaching distance, I closed my eyes and swung my arm forward, feeling just the slightest bit of denim under my fingers before I quickly retracted my hand.

Brendon’s head spun around to look over his shoulder at me, eyebrows lifted above the lenses and smirk on his lips.
“Ready for a good show?” I said lamely, a quivering smile on my face. Brendon wooped and punched the air with his fist.

I let out a sigh of relief that he hadn’t thought much of it at all and relaxed for the time being. True, I had barely even touched him at all, but it was enough for him to turn around so it has to count, right?
The venue looked pretty big, certainly high end. We usually played in smaller, less expensive arenas but today was an exception. A security guard greeted us at the door, welcoming us inside.

“Come on, dressing room buddy,” Brendon beamed, grabbing me by the wrist and pulling me down the carpeted hallway. I giggled, maybe a little too feminine, and trotted behind him.
Brendon opened the thick mahogany door to our room and stepped inside.

“Wow,” I breathed, taking in the room in surprise. It was large, probably as big as my bathroom and bedroom combined back in Las Vegas, with a sitting area and leather couches tucked neatly into the corner, the other wall half taken up by a vast, lit up mirror with a vanity counter and stool in front of that.
“You can say that again,” Brendon said happily, kicking his legs forward fiercely and sending his shoes flying.
Brendon opened a door on the other side of the room, crying out in delight.
“Hey look Ry! There are two showers in here. Holy fuck, we must be more famous than I thought.”

Feeling suddenly uneasy, I entered the humongous bathroom, my heart skipping a beat at what I saw. There were two shower stalls, side by side, clear glass encasing them and the only thing separating them. They were crystal clear and pretty much, 100% see-thru.

“We can both take a shower at the same time and not be late for once,” Brendon chuckled at his own joke, his fingers finding the hem of his shirt and beginning to pull it over his head.
“Um, yeah, I’ll be right…yeah,” I mumbled hurriedly, darting to safety in the actual dressing room. I took a deep breath, trying to calm my brain from the erotic images of taking a shower with Brendon that were currently plaguing it. Jon knew, I know he did. He knew we would have two showers in one bathroom because he knew this venue would be high end. Fuck.

The sound of a shower beginning to spurt out water cut through my panicked silence and I could hear Brendon opening the door and stepping in.
“Oh, it’s nice and warm,” Brendon’s voice came out as an appreciative moan; dark, hoarse, and sultry. “Mm, that feels so nice.”

I think I just about pissed myself right there. How long had I built up in my head how Brendon’s moan would sound? Years, pouring over that critical detail in my nighttime wonderings, and I had actually began to believe I had got it right. But I had never imagined it to be so deep, husky, gravelly. I shivered and willed myself to think of something not so arousing.

“Ryan, get your ass in the shower!” Brendon called and I jumped.
“You can do this Ross. Mind over matter,” I prepped myself, stepping back into the bathroom.

Steam spun around me, the room being much hotter than the one I had just vacated. Brendon’s clothes littered the floor in a line, ending with his boxers at the base of the shower, where the fuzzy, skin colored outline of his body could be seen through the fogged-up glass.

I quickly averted my eyes, cursing Jon Walker to hell.

Because I couldn’t just stand there all day and not think about what I wanted to think about, I peeled off my shirt and pants nervously, waiting until the very last second to strip out of my boxers and hurry into the other unoccupied shower.
“Put it all the way up, it gets frigging hot,” Brendon called as if he was giving me advice.
I sighed and did the complete opposite and turned the water on to freezing.
I looked straight ahead of me and froze, body shutting down. There, just like before, was the blurry flesh colored outline of Brendon, but this time because it was so much closer, I could make out more detail. Like where his nose was, and that his hair was slicked down and tickling his forehead, and the outline of his abs. I stopped myself abruptly, not even wanting my eyes to travel further, only because I know it wouldn’t end well for me.

“Hey Ry remember that Salt n’ Pepa song Will taught us that one time?” Brendon called, his voice slightly muffled through the wall.
“Not really, why?” I said dreamily, eyes fixated on his naked, blurred torso.
I saw his shoulders shrug. “I just like to sing in the shower, and I have that beat stuck in my head, but I can’t remember the words too well…”

I cleared my throat and tore my eyes away, looking around and finding a complimentary bar of soap lying on the tiny ledge by my hip. I picked it up and began to wash myself quickly; the sooner I’m out of here the less urges I’ll have. That’s the plan.

“Oh, I remember,” Brendon said suddenly, “Let’s talk about sex, baby. Let’s talk about you and me.
The bar of soap shot of out my hand as my eyes jerked to Brendon, not believing the fucking irony of the situation. Mind over matter, mind over matter.

Let’s talk about all the good things and the bad things, that may be.
Brendon giggled. I held back a moan.

A temporary silence followed, in which I stared at Brendon bending over and picking something up off the ledge in his own shower. “Look, they gave us body wash…”
He turned the bottle upside down, squeezing out a good amount of gel before snapping it shut. He rubbed his hands together to put some gel on the other hand. Brendon placed both of his hand on either side of his chest, rubbing smooth circles. He began to spread it all over his body, head thrown back to include his neck, hands travelling behind his back.
One of Brendon’s hands started to creep down his chest, lathering the gel into his skin, growing closer and closer. And the area I had tried so desperately to block form my sight before was now swimming in the smooth gel, Brendon moving right on past to get his thighs.

It was then I noticed my own hand sliding down my lower stomach, inching to the stretch of now hardened flesh. I started, cursing under my breath at the sight of another erection, clawing desperately at the shower nozzle to try and turn it colder because this temperature was just not cutting it.

Brendon shut of his shower with a satisfied sigh, his fuzzy outline stepping out and reaching to drape a towel over his chest.
“Best shower I’ve had in months,” He said serenely. “Ry, can you hurry up? It’s almost time to go on, I think.”

Suddenly, the door to my shower was thrown open, Brendon standing there with a flimsy towel clutched around his waist and a smile on that face. I yelped in surprise, jumping backwards and losing my footing on the wet surface, slamming into the shower corner with my legs and arms out and clutching the sides to support myself.
“Would you hurry the…” Brendon’s eyes that were once fixed politely on my face had glanced down, sentence trailing off as his ears turned red. “Oh, dude, I’m sorry I didn’t know you were, uh, busy.”
“What?” I squeaked out, voice a couple notable octaves higher. Petrified that Brendon of all people was standing there looking at me naked; I followed his gaze and terror griped at my heart again at the sight of my still very prominent friend. “Oh, no, it’s not what you think I wasn’t-“

“It’s okay,” Brendon held up his free hand in apology, eyes glancing down again. “I understand. Um, I’ll just leave you alone then…”
“No! No, seriously Brendon, I wasn’t masturbating!” I cried, desperate for him to believe me, but there wasn’t much I could use as an excuse. “No, no! It’s, um, it’s just always this big?”
Brendon’s eyes widened at the same time his lips parted softly, this time his eyes staying fixed on my crotch. The red in his ears had spread to his face and neck rapidly and I don’t know if I was delusional or not, but I could have sworn the grip on his towel loosened.

“Oh,” He said. “Well, um, you’re very well endowed.”
With that he strolled casually out of the bathroom, leaving me panting to catch my breath and heart thumping in my ears.


Damn my uncontrollable hormones. Damn them to fucking hell.
I got ready in the bathroom, not once leaving even if the air was still damp from the steam. I just couldn’t go out there. Even if Brendon had believed my horrible lie, there still lies the fact that he saw me completely naked and unsuspecting.

I still hadn’t left the bathroom when I heard Jon and Spencer come into the dressing room, my ear pressed firmly against the wood to see if Brendon would say anything to them.
“Ryan, we’re on in five minutes,” Jon said, his voice closer to the door than I’d imagined. I scowled and came out, fixing my features into the best mock-casual appearance that I could.
I avoided Brendon’s eye and sulked in the back of the group, beating myself up inside. Jon came up next to me, a tiny smirk on his lips.

“So, you’ve got one spanking and the dressing room down,” He said cheerily.
“Crap,” I rolled my eyes, completely forgetting about the two other things I had to do.
“I suggest you get crackin’ on them, you haven’t got all the time in the world, you know.”
“Yeah, whatever.”

The four of us gathered on the side of the stage, bouncing up and down with nervous jitters, Brendon doing some type of vocal warm up. I stood right behind him, already sickened at what I had to do after that whole incident in the shower. Now the only thing running through my mind was He saw me naked.

A roadie announced that we had one minute and Spencer stood more off to the side for easier access to his drums. A waft of air washed over me as he passed, Brendon’s floral body wash making my mouth water.
“Let’s get out there and knock ‘em dead!” I tried feebly, Brendon smiling at me over his shoulder. I gritted my teeth and swung my arm forward for the second time tonight, but with much more force behind it.

This time, it was defiantly more of a spank. My hand smacked his bottom roughly, the sound of the impact cracking between us. I couldn’t help but let out a tiny, inaudible whimper as my fingers curled instinctively to cup his ass, filling my whole palm.
Brendon squirmed out of my grip, coughing and giving me a shocked glance. I must have been holding his ass longer than I had thought.

We were called on stage, the four of us walking out stoically like usual, Brendon giving me another look. Before I could even begin to beat myself up over it, I grabbed my guitar and slung it over my neck, randomly strumming a few chords just to keep my hands busy.

Usually whenever we play a show, the air between the band is so energetic and stimulating it made you feel as if your skin was alight, the drive to perform perfectly weaving among us. But there was this tension tonight, between me and Brendon. He sent me even more of those looks, as if he couldn’t understand why in the world I would spank him, only for it to turn into an overall groping on my part. By the middle of the show I couldn’t even look at him without my heart sinking with dread.
Jon said this would work, but it’s really not going to plan.

We made it through the set alright though, but I was too preoccupied with my own personal thoughts than to actually notice if anyone had messed up or not. Brendon said the usual ‘Thank You!’ to the crowd and everyone started converging to the center of the stage to take a bow like always.

Eager to get this over and done with, I hurriedly threw off my guitar and rushed forward, pace quickening when I saw Spencer casually strolling to take the place next to Brendon. I elbowed Spencer in the ribs, causing him to stumble backwards a few feet and allowing me to nab the spot I wanted, right next to a sweating, smiling, and exhilarated lead singer. Spencer shot me a glare from his new spot next to one of the dancer’s but I brushed it off, there were other things to take care of.

Brendon put his arm around my shoulder at the same time as the dancer did on my other side. Instead of doing the same to Brendon, I wiggled my arm behind us and reared it up again, snapping it forward to give him a nice whack. Brendon squeaked, looking at me with large eyes, confusion rippling with another emotion I didn’t have the courage to understand.

I breathed a sigh of relief, a huge weight being lifted off my shoulders at the conclusion of this day’s task.

Brendon unhooked his arm from my shoulder just as we were bending down and I furrowed me eyebrow, perplexed. When we straightened up again, Brendon’s hand slammed against my ass, his fingers bending. Brendon squeezed and lifted up slightly, tilting his head to plant a kiss on my cheek.

As quickly as he had done it he was gone, prancing off the stage as usual. I stumbled forward, dizzy and disoriented, my body tingling with delight.
I caught Jon’s eye as I left the stage and he gave me a big thumbs up, wiggling his eyebrows around.
♠ ♠ ♠
Salt n' Pepa FTW!

Excerpt from upcoming chapter:

“Are you turning this into a sexual game Ross?” Brendon cocked an eyebrow in amusement.
“No?” I said apprehensively, a little afraid of his reaction.
“Well if you’re not than I am,” Brendon laughed.