Status: All Done!!

All the World's a Stage


This is the tale of Jacqueline Matthews, and her journey to a life out of the shadows. After living life on the sidelines for so long, she decided one day to find the Joker and team up with him. Obviously, it takes place in Gotham City.

This takes place after the movie "Dark Knight."
The only difference will be that the police do not find the Joker at the end. Other than that, it's all peachy

I do not own The Joker, Gotham, or anything else. The only thing I do own, is the character Jackie Matthews. Her, and the shenanigans that she's going to get into in my story, are all mine. She is entirely made up, from me. Everything else, well, that is not mine at all.
  1. A Life in the Shadows
    Jackie Matthews is sick of her life in the shadows. Ending up being in the warehouse where the Batman left the Joker, she sees this as theone chance to change her life finally.
  2. Black and White and Red All Over
    Jackie is brought to the Joker's strange hideout, revealing her villain name and who she really is.
  3. My Enemy's Enermy
    The Joker and Jackie question each other a bit. Jackie gives him her information, and he wants to know what she wants in return. A misunderstanding arises between them.
  4. So Foul and Fair a Day
    Jackie's locked in a room in the Joker's hideout for the rest of the night. This is how she wastes her time.
  5. Gotham Hospitality
    Jackie and the Joker have a nice breakfast, so to say. They reach an understanding, and get ready to get on with their day.
  6. People are Strange When You're a Stranger
    Jackie gets a free day in Gotham, and goes to shop and get her stuff at Bruce's, where she runs into a familiar face. She has less than satisfying encounters with strangers, and then the Joker shows her a newspaper article which changes everything.
  7. Just Tired
    Jackie wakes up, on the side of the road. And then, she wakes up in the bed. Conversations with the Joker proceed.
  8. Good Old-Fashioned Anger
    A day of bedrest for Jackie, where she gets a phone call from an old 'friend.' The phone conversation goes on, with many bumps in it. One of Jackie's secrets of her past is revealed.
  9. The Joker, his Snow White, and his Seven Dwarves
    The Joker goes to meet up with his goons, and brings Jackie with them. Jackie makes an important realization about people with the Joker. A plan is formed among all of them, and they set off for the rest of the day's events.
  10. They Call Me the Whistler
    Jackie's first kill, and her reaction to it. Jackie and the Joker get back to the hideout, and 'problems' arise.
  11. Hell is Empty
    Jackie wakes up, and is afraid. Her and the Joker talk a bit. Days fall into a routine, and a victim unsettles Jackie.
  12. Trick or Treat
    Halloween comes around to Gotham, allowing a day in which the Joker can be in his garb the whole time. Jackie and the Joker go throughout their day, and have an important run-in with one of the Joker's seven dwarves.
  13. Hospital Beds
    Jackie comes in and out of consciousness in the hospital, one face being prominent there. When she's finally awake though, a new face is there.
  14. Honey, I'm Gonna Make You Smile
    The day in which Jackie can leave the hospital comes around, bringing in both welcomed and unwelcomed characters and confrontations.
  15. All I Am
    A day of bed rest for Jackie, and the Joker stays with her. They talk, and have many different conversations, and come about to the reasoning of Jackie being the Whistler, and what made her pursue the Joker.
  16. Bonnie and Clyde
    A plan, and a dream.
  17. Will the Real Batman Please Stand-Up?
    Jackie goes on the hunt for who the real batman is, but is first confronted by a gypsy she knows only too well. After that encounter, she goes on, following clues, until she makes a very important realization.
  18. Saving the Day Again, Mr. Wayne?
    Dinner with Bruce comes along, with a minor -and expected- delay. Truths come out in the open, and Jacqueline decides to head over to Bruce's house for the time being, hoping to get him to confess to the words that she's been hoping for.
  19. You in Mid-Air
  20. You'll Find Him Tonight, You Know.
  21. The Watch of Wit
  22. And When Our Worlds They Fall Apart
  23. I Never Thought I Would Return To Be Consumed By You Again
    This is the Epilogue of the Story!! I thought that this would be better than a whole sequel. Hopefully you enjoy.