Cemetery Drive

Cemetery Drive- Run for Love.

It was a hot-humid day.
Things didn't make sense.
Here I was, in front of the cemetery gates, in my lover's arms.
Was he really my lover?
His name was Alex.
Alex. Was Alex really my meant to be lover?
Or was it the boy in the on the hospital bed?
I shivered and Alex pulled me closer. But it felt strange. Like hugging a wall. Cold and hard, and no emotion put into it.
This made no sense at all.
So I ran.
I dodge every teary eyed, person that was in my way. I knocked umbrella's on my way too. I didn't care if Alex called after me. Or if my mother was in the casket, being lowered to her final resting place.
I already said good bye to her. She told me, hours before dying, not to cry over her, to continue with my life and be happy.
So that was what I was doing.
Running toward happiness.
I got in the sleek black car, put the key in the ignition and zoomed past the blurred-out buildings.
I felt my heart in my chest. It was beating so fast, I thought I was going to pass out.
I arrived to the hospital in less than fifteen minutes.
Fifteen minutes lost. He might be dead and I wouldn't know.
He was so stupid. Risking his life like that.
Didn't he know I cared for him? And that if he was gone, a huge chunk of me would be missing?
With out mentioning my sanity.
I stormed up the stairs, ignoring the lady sitting by the desk.
I stopped at room 402.
I stared at the pale blue door. There, right in front of my face, was small piece of paper taped to the door.
Keep Out it said.
That was Frank's writing.
He must be mad.
I ignored the request and went inside anyways.
I had to blink at the sudden brightness. The sun was setting by the window. It felt as if it was mocking me, blinding me so that I couldn’t see my beautiful love.
I waited a few seconds until my eyes got adjusted and later looked around for my love.
There he was.
On the bed.
His face was very peaceful and pale. Painfully pale.
I knew why it was pale, it was all my fault.
I hurt him.
Every fucking day.
I walked toward the bed and sat next to him.
I lay my hand in his. His hand was very cold against my warm skin.
His eyes opened a little. His lips twitched into a smile.
“I love you,” I whispered.
“I love you too.” He said.
His grip on my hand fastened.
And I knew that we would be together.
♠ ♠ ♠
um. This is my first post so whatever. Thanks to Sandy lots and lots. I have more chapters to this story on quizilla so just contact me if you want the URL. Or just wait patiently since they will eventually end up in here. Thanks for reading and please comment. Note: There is way more to this. ANd more drama. Tell me if you want to be in the story. ^_^