A Chance Encounter

A Macchiato Misshap

The smell of Starbucks could practically be tasted in the air. It was one of those smells that just permeated everything. You could be a block away, like Renee was now, and the scent of over-priced deliciousness would still knock you off of your feet. There was almost no need to actually go in and buy anything, thanks to all the caffeine being pumped through your nostrils… almost.

Renee was exhausted. She needed that caffeine. She had spent all night finishing up her literature paper on the classic science fiction novel, 1984, and was sure she was going to get an A. As a reward for her hard work, she decided that the day would be spent having fun, shopping, and just taking in the city. In order to do so, though, she would need coffee. And that meant Starbucks.

As usual, there was a ridiculously long line, even though it was already past eleven a.m. and the customary early-morning coffee drinkers were not around, the place was still packed. Finally, after a nearly ten minute wait, Renee made her way up to the barista.

“I’ll have a grande caramel macchiato with extra caramel, please,” she said.

“That’ll be $4.50.” Ugh. $4.50! Why do I pay so much money for this crap? Renee thought.

She paid for her coffee, took it from the other barista, and began to make her way out of the coffee shop, carefully pulling her sunglasses off of her head and putting them on. As she stepped out of the Starbucks, and into the dazzling sunlight, she took the first sip of her macchiato. Only to have it immediately spilled all over her shirt by some guy who bumped into her.

“Dammit!” she cried, falling to the ground.

“Oh! I am so sorry! Are you alright?”

Immediately, Renee was intrigued. This was not your average jerk who had just bumped into her… this was a British jerk. As she looked up to take the hand he had extended to help her up, it was impossible to see his face because of the blinding sunlight.

“Here,” the Unknown British Jerk said, “have a seat at this table, while I go get you another drink and some napkins, ok? I’m so sorry… again.” And he disappeared into Starbucks.

Well this is an interesting development, she thought. Renee checked her arms for scrapes, and thankfully there were none. Suddenly, a coffee cup appeared in front of her face. That was fast. Wonder how the Unknown British Jerk got through the line so quickly?

“Venti caramel macchiato extra caramel. I figured I had best up it a size, since I did spill your drink all over you,” the UBJ said. Renee took a cautious sip of her macchiato. Perfect.

“Listen, thank you so much. You didn’t have to buy me a new…” Renee was speechless. As she looked up from her delicious coffee drink, she could not believe who she saw sitting across from her.

Daniel Radcliffe.

As in the Daniel Radcliffe. As in the Daniel Radcliffe who is not only the star of all Harry Potter movies, but various other movies, currently starring in the Broadway play Equus, and only Renee’s most favorite actor ever, Daniel Radcliffe.

Suddenly Renee was snapped out of her reverie by the UBJ (no… not the Unknown British Jerk, Daniel Radcliffe) saying, “Is something wrong? Did I get you the wrong drink? Did they not put enough caramel in it? Shall I get you another?”

“No, no, it’s perfect,” Renee stammered, finally getting her voice back. She had to think. She had to play it cool. No way was she going to be one of those crazy annoying fangirls and scare him away. So what to do? I know! I’ll act like I don’t know who he is. Like he’s just some random guy who bumped into me on the street and just so happens to be British. And gorgeous. And perfect. And wonderful… oh geez.

“Good. I’m glad. I’m Daniel, by the way,” he said with a slight smirk.


“Well, Renee, I feel like since not only did I spill your coffee, but I also knocked you to the ground causing you bodily harm, and ruined your shirt, that I owe you a bit more than just a large coffee,” said Daniel, chuckling a bit. “How would you like to go for a walk with me?”
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~comments please!~ this is my first fic in a looooong time. so far this is all i have, but i've got a basic idea of where its going in my head. i'd really like some feedback before i post the next chapter. thanks!!! <3