A Chance Encounter

Blissful Beginnings

Renee was panicking. She was running around her dorm room, throwing clothes and shoes everywhere. There were piles all over the place: on her bed, the floor, her desk, her chair; but it was no use, she had nothing to wear.

“Okay, did a bomb go off or something while I was gone?” one of Renee’s best friends and roommate, Hope, asked as she walked through the door and attempted to maneuver her way through the piles.

“No… I’m just trying to figure out what to wear tonight. And as usual, I have nothing,” Renee sighed.

Hope gasped, “Omigod! Do you have a date tonight?” Renee didn’t answer. She just blushed. “Omigod! You do! With who? Spill!”

So Renee told her the whole story about her crazy day: How Daniel had bumped into her, bought her coffee and a new shirt, how they spent hours talking in the park, how he held her hand, how he kissed her (at this point Hope began a whole new series of shrieks), and how when he dropped her off at the train station, he invited her to come see Equus and go to a party with him afterwards.

“Wow. I can’t believe this. This is like… wow.”

“I know! And now I have nothing to wear to this thing and I am freaking out because I have to look amazing and if I don’t look amazing he’ll probably see me and thing ‘What was I thinking? This girl is hideous,’ and kick me out and I’ll just die,” Renee cried, hyperventilating just a little.

“Okay, Renee. First off, you need to calm down. He is going to see you and think you are fabulous, because you are. Second off, let’s sort through these clothes. I’ll help you pick something, then do your hair and make up, okay?” said Hope calmly.

“Okay.” Hope then pulled her shoulder length dark hair back into a ponytail and set to work.

Two hours later, Renee was ready to go. Hope had managed to find the perfect dress buried under the mass of clothes: it had pink spaghetti straps, a sweetheart neckline, a casual smattering of sequins on the top, and flowed gently to the knees. Paired with a great pair of heels, some mousse in her hair, a bit of eye shadow and lip gloss: the ensemble was perfect. Hope was a genius.

“Omigod, Hope, you’re a genius! Thank you so much!” Renee squealed.

“Not a problem. Now go get him, girl!” Hope said with a devilish giggle.

After taking the twenty minute train ride into the city, and the 10 minute cab drive to the theatre, Renee was starting to get a little nervous. All that time by herself had given her plenty of time to rehash all of the fears she had told Hope about.

Now is not the time to have a panic attack, now is the time to go see the show, and see Daniel. Just BREATHE, Renee. Geez! She then took several, deep calming breaths, paid the cab driver and stepped out onto the street.

The play was fantastic. Daniel’s performance was real and emotional and powerful. Renee was literally speechless. After the show, Renee stepped outside into the cool night air and made her way around to the stage door. Already, there were hundreds of people pressed against the barricades, hoping to catch a glimpse of Daniel. The crowd was filled with screaming girls, and it made Renee feel scared… and even a little bit insecure. But she marched purposefully around, and up to the security guard, murmuring, “I should be on the list, my name is Renee Amsone.” The security guard then nodded to one of his fellows, and Renee was admitted backstage, much to the grumbles and sighs of the crowd.

Renee was instantly greeted by one of Daniel’s handlers. “Renee? Hi. I’m James. Dan is still getting changed so he told me to give you a quick tour of the theatre. He said you’d like that.”

“Would I?!” laughed Renee, and then they were off. The theatre was beautiful, and Renee really enjoyed getting a look around the stage and wing areas, having done theatre in high school and a smattering of community theatre during college. It was amazing to get a look behind the scenes of a real Broadway theatre. James was suddenly called away, and Renee found herself standing in the middle of the stage by herself, eyes closed, breathing in the scent of the theatre… just imagining herself performing there. It was a blissful dream…. that was suddenly interrupted by a pair of hands sneaking their way across her eyes.

“Guess who?” said an unnaturally deep male voice.

“Hmmm… well seeing as I only know one person here, I’m going to go with… Richard Griffiths,” Renee joked. The voice laughed, and she turned around to see Daniel standing before her. “Hi…” she said.

“Hi…” They just stood there for a moment and Renee could already feel herself beginning to blush. Daniel laughed. “You’re cute when you blush.” This only made Renee blush all the more. Daniel extended his hand, “Shall we go?”

Renee laced her hand with his, and they made their way towards the exit of the theatre. Daniel had to let go of her hand as they just before they went outside, so that he would be able to sign autographs. He told her to go right on out and get into the SUV that was waiting outside for him. “I’ll be right there,” he said with a final squeeze of her hand.

Renee came out of the stage door and was immediately hit by a wall of sound. The fans could obviously see Daniel, just inches behind her, and they were going mad. She walked quickly past the screaming fans and the body guards and over to the black SUV, whose door was promptly opened by yet another security guard.

Inside the silent SUV, Renee let out a breath she wasn’t aware she had been holding, and leaned her head back onto the head rest for a moment. Before she knew it, the door was being opened and another wall of sound was assailing her eardrums. Daniel slid into the seat next to her, the door closed, and the SUV took off down the street.

The rest of the night was a whirlwind. Renee was introduced to so many people, but forgot most of their names. Daniel kept her busy the whole time: introducing her to people, getting her something to eat, dancing with her, and always, constantly, making her feel like she was the only one in the room.

He found cute little ways of sneaking in kisses when she least expected it, every time sending shivers up and down her spine. As the night wore on, they grew more comfortable being with each and kissing each other. At one point, they ended up in one of those alcoves with couches that all night clubs seem to have for at least ten minutes, just exploring each other’s mouths.

Renee couldn’t get over what was going on. She loved being with Daniel. It was too much for a person to feel all in one day. She couldn’t get enough of him. She slid herself across the couch, coming closer to him, her hands weaving their way through his hair. However, she was not the only one seeming to give into their feelings: Daniel had one hand on her left thigh, and was making gentle circles on it with her thumb, while his other hand was pulling Renee’s neck and face closer to him, deepening the kiss. His tongue slid against her lips and tongue, and Renee found suddenly found herself craning her neck back, a barely discernable moan escaping her lip. And on it went, Daniel occasionally forgoing her mouth to quickly taste the skin of her neck and shoulders, before returning to her mouth once again.

The two were so involved with each other that they were oblivious to those around them.

Finally the night came to a close, and the couple left the club, hand in hand and made their way back to the SUV, cameras flashing all the while. Daniel drove her back to her dorm room, and they spent the whole thirty minute drive wrapped in each other’s arms. When they arrived at Renee’s dorm hall, Daniel gave her one more kiss, before she headed inside and promised to call her tomorrow.

When Renee got up to her room, Hope was asleep. So much for that promise to wait up and hear about my night, Renee thought. Oh well, I just go to sleep and tell her in the morning.

Renee got into her pajamas, crawled into bed, blissfully thinking of Daniel.

Before she knew it, she was being shaken awake by Hope, who immediately shoved a magazine with the headline “HOGWARTS HUSSIE: All the details on Daniel Radcliffe’s new ‘friend.’” sprawled across it into her face.

Oh dear.
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~comments = <33 ~ this one was longer! excitement. ha ha .... ok so here's where the drama offically begins! get ready! ... lol.