The Art of Drowning

Art Class

I stared at the chalkboard at the front of the classroom and sighed. Another boring day of being pushed around and spit on. I wish something interesting would happen! I almost fell asleep but woke myself up many times. Everytime I would yawn the teacher would scratch her nails on the chalkboard. It sent chills up my spine, and definitly kept me awake.

The bell rang for the period to end and I put my things in my backpack. The next class was Art. It was just as confusing as Math class, only with less numbers and more colors.

"Seats everyone!" the teacher exclaimed and clasped her hands together.

My eyelids drooped and I could feel myself falling deeper into a slumber with every waking minute. Everyone was in their seats and I was waiting for the class to begin.

"Jade, you know you have a girls name, right?" Brandy, the girl beside me, whispered and I felt my anger building. I didn't whisper back because I knew, with my luck, I would probably get caught. Brandy's friend laughed and I tried to ignore them.

"Jade, your hair is weird!" her friend whispered and I broke the pencil I was holding.

"Jade, your grandmother is cooler than you!" Brandy insulted and the two girls laughed.

I rested my head on the desk and closed my eyes. There was a knock on the classroom door and I lifted my head in a daze.

"Boys and Girls! We have a new student! Davey, come introduce yourself!" the teacher, Mrs. Paton said and I closed my eyes again.

"Uhm... My name is Davey and I like... Stuff..." he said and I laughed. I looked up to find a teenage boy my age. He had a lip ring and hair that went to the side. But what made him stand out the most, is that he was wearing eyeliner.
Eyeliner? A guy?
I shrugged it off and rested my head back down. I began to snore and the whole class laughed at me.

"What did I do?" I asked, still half asleep and put my head back down. Davey was smiling and I smiled back before going back to Dreamland.

The bell woke me and my eyes shot open at once. Davey shook me. I could tell because he was wearing nail polish.

"Hello?" I asked childishly and he said hello back. I got up and walked toward the door. That is, before Mrs. Paton stopped me.

"Jade, could you show Davey, here, around?" she asked and I sighed.

"I guess.. As long as it keeps me from more school work..." I mumbled and Davey giggled.

"That's the spirit!" Mrs. Paton replied as if she didn't hear me.

We walked down the hall silently until we came to the office.

"And this is the office," I said and continued walking down the hall. Davey followed.

"I have a question!" he stated and I rolled my eyes.

"What is it?" I asked, impatiently and Davey jumped as if he were startled by my sudden approach.

"Well... I wanted to know if..." Davey said but stopped in the middle of his sentance as two boys walked down the hall.

"What? You wanted to know what?" I asked, a bit more interested.

He bit his lip and continued walking. I was confused but I didn't ask more of it.