The Art of Drowning

Special VALENTINE'S Update!

"Jade!!" he heard and he just ignored it figuring it was just his imagination again.

The he heard it again.

"Jade! I'm so glad I found you!"

Jade got up and turned around. Davey was standing in front of him smiling from ear to ear.

"Hello?" Jade asked and Davey threw his arms around Jade tightly into a hug.

"Davey, what are you doing?"

"Jade, everybody was worried! I missed you so much..." Davey replied and squeezed tighter.
Only this time he did something by accident. Davey kissed Jade's cheek.
Jade didn't move, he just stood wide-eyed and Davey let go as he blushed.

"I'm sorry, Jade. I- I didn't mean... to do that."

"It's okay, Davey. But why did you do that? I mean, kiss me?"

Davey took a deep breath in through his nose.

"Okay... I've been trying to tell you this since the first day of school. Jade, I'm gay."

Jade was wide-eyed once again and speechless.

"Davey... I don't know what to say..."

"You don't have to say anything," Davey said.

Davey sat on the ground and hugged his knees to his chest.

"Davey, it's fine," Jade assured but Davey didn't listen.

"No it's not fine, Jade! I'm sick of being insulted and teased! I don't want-"

"Don't say anything you're going to regret later."

Davey looked up at Jade with tears in his eyes.

"Nobody likes me."

Jade sat down beside Davey on the grass and rummaged through his stuff.

"Have a chocolate," Jade offered and Davey took the Hershey Kiss from him.

"Thanks," Davey replied and wiped tears from his eyes. He began to unwrap his chocolate when he felt a warm wetness touch his cheek. Jade kissed Davey and grapsed onto his hand.
Davey looked at Jade and gazed into his eyes. They were sweet and sincere, as for Davey's eyes were red from crying. Jade pressed his forehead against Davey's and they brushed lips.

Jade stepped back inside to his house and looked around. Almost suddenly out of nowhere his mom came and threw her arms around him.

"Jade! Where did you go? Why did you do it? Are you hurt?!"

"Mom... Calm down, I'm fine."

His mom eyed him suspiciously at a smiling Jade and let go of him.

"I went to a forest because you and dad were fighting and no, I'm not hurt."

"Jade, don't do that again."

"I won't."