Status: Hiatus.

Rette Mich

Thank You.


My eyes started watering as we neared the door.
The Hot Topic guy told us to SCREAM (kind of ironic, huh?).
My friends and I screamed at the top of our lungs, catching Bill's attention.
He looked right at us. Danielle looked as if she was going to die.

We walked in. I gripped my glossy photo tightly. I smiled at Bill.
I was too afraid to say anything. But Leelee spoke up
"You guys. You are awesome!"
"Awh, Thank you, very much." Bill cooed.

His voice stabs me in the heart, its so sweet.

"Guys. You are AMAZING! I wanted to see you at Starland! But it was sold out!"
Bill looked at me and said "Danke."

--Deanna's POV--
Me being a vegetarian and all, I would really LOVE Tokio Hotel to go veg.
They are like brothers! One goes veg, they all go veg! Right?
After searching through my purse, I found my PETA2 WOOF! flyer that Kris gave me.

I gave it to Tom. He seems like the guy who would go veg!

No hellos. No thank yous. Just an "Aight." He sounded like a fucking guido!

Auh Mein Gott!

He's such an ass!

-Kris's POV-

Tom was a real ass to Deanna. Bill was really sweet though. When I first ever saw a picture of Georg though, I thought he'd rape me in my sleep. Deanna and Jen, not so happy when I say he's a pedophile. But hey, that's my theory.

As soon as I got to Gusti, I looked right in his eyes. Boy, they were beautiful.

I left the table after Gusti signed my photo. Tears started welling up in my eyes. "Thank you guys so much!" I called back at them.

"No, thank you." Gustav commented.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yup. That ACTUALLY happened.
Dont worry though! It will get fanfiction-y