Rusted Cage


Lust; Poison, a deadly sin that follows you around and confuses you. One of the worst things to happen, a fling. You wish you never met the other person, someone who patches the hole in your soul, the dark space of emptiness. Your mind and heart in battle and you walk around with a dark cloud over your head. Day by day things add up to one thing. "I miss you..." All he ever wanted to do was just to hug his best friend, his boyfriend, his everything. There was no ending to what he felt, empty. Everyday he walked like a zombie, clueless and homebound. He sat a foot away from the lake behind his house in dark moonlight, pondering and asking himself why. The question would never have an answer, maybe in the afterlife, but not now since others say it's too soon. His hunger is his deceased lover's taste, his soul clearly is not with him, but right next to him. The wind blowing and rustling his hair is his love's hands twirling every dark lock and spinning it around in odd patterns, like old times. His happiness lies down six feet under, his life, his love. He feels something warm with each blink of an eye, he cries but not alone. He knows his promise is being kept, his boyfriend would never lie to him, right?
"Oh where, oh where could my baby be? The lord took him away from me," Bert sang, re-phrasing the words, to himself. He wanted Kurt to know he wouldn't forget easily about him. He'd paint his soul and write unexplainable words about how he felt. Kurt was the cure to all of his imperfections, he adored him. The tears streaming down his face symbolize each passionate kiss he'd get for being sad. Bert found himself playing a movie of memories in his head, the dark cloud had long since been pouring thick droplets, which continued to stream down his cheeks. He felt lost, alone, and all he wanted was one last kiss, one last embrace.

Over the days he had noticed his usually lively smile fade into that of nothing more of mannequin's face. His friends, Kurt's friends, and even his newly adopted dog, Cherry was starting to feel his pain in that one sorry expression. "Cherry..." Bert thought as he sat alone on his couch, watching the yellow dog jump beside him. "He's reminding me more of Kurt everyday..." Its true Cherry had that same color hair that Kurt did, and those same limpid eyes he remembered in his lover's stare. That could have been the reason he picked him up from the pound for Kurt for Valentines Day.....Cherry was supposed to be their baby, and a symbol of their much as a raspy yellow chihuahua that came with a free green collar could be...

The dog was like a daughter after all, something he could call a creation and a union linked to his soulmate. Bert gazed at the two orbs staring right back, stroking Cherry's head he said, "I love you Cherry." Cherry seemed to nod as replying, "I love you too Bert." Bert knew there was no going back on that narrow road he stood on, he kept walking on a trail that would hopefully put him out of his misery, that is what it's called anyway, the long walk of misery. That little something you ignore each day and sometimes, eats one alive when you least expect it. It was tearing at his insides and clawing where it hurt the most. All he did have left was Cherry, which topped the pile of his shattered memories. Insanity is catching up to him, he knew that much of course. Kurt would be there to aid him, to heal him, and nourish him. Bert let out a small whimper, it got Cherry's attention. She licked his forearm and placed a single paw near where her tongue had been, her way of saying, "You still have me, maybe not for long, but for now, I'm hear. Don't be sad, you aren't alone." Bert gave her a sad look as they read each others soul. He read understanding in Cherry's, for a dog.. she was really human-like. Bert sighed and lifted her up to kiss her applehead. He'd suffered enough and didn't want Cherry to see him like that, it was as if she almost understood what was happening. She bowed her ears when Bert spoke about Kurt or even mentioned him, she did too get attached. Now he is gone, his love, his boyfriend, his everything... As much as Bert never pictured the day to come, he's dead.

A stray tear ran down his face as he looked at Cherry in those crystalline orbs. A tiny pink tongue crept out of her mouth and lapped up the tear. The action spoke louder than any bark at a pedestrian, "hey....don't cry, you know he loved you...." . Bert let out a long sigh, "I really wish you could talk, your just like your daddy though...quiet." He halfway smirked and gave Cherry a wink, which body language described as the cry of help from a desperate man.

The way Cherry's eyes dropped at hearing the comment was enough to break the toughest man's heart, like glass dropped from a skyscraper. Bert sighed once more and tried his best to hold back tears. Times like these he really didn't feel alone, he had someone who understood him after all. Cherry turned her head upwards to face Bert again, pleading eyes, the pair he knew well explained how she felt. It twisted and tore, even played with his heart. "You know Cherry, if it weren't for you... I wouldn't know what to do." Bert stroked her round head and felt the cloud above his head grow heavy with sorrow. Cherry read right through him and nuzzled her head against his chest, trying to reach where his heart was, in other words she tried saying, "Even if I disappear one day too, I'll be remembered there too, right? You won't forget about me and I won't ever forget about you either."

He cuddled the dog to him. "You know I'd remember could I forget?" He chuckled, remembering the time she'd chewed on Quinn's pants leg and he nearly freaked. She seemed to smile at him...."That was funny......" Bert's eyes shot open......."What?"

Cherry cocked her head and stared at Bert firmly and he read, "I am glad you understood me, I just want you to know that I love you and like daddy, I'll always be with you. He still plays with me every morning before you wake up, he misses you a lot as so would I." Bert was puzzled by everything, confused scribbled on each skin pigment on his face. "I wonder if he is the one who leaves Cherry's leash on the table every morning, like used to for her everyday walk." All that Bert truly wanted at the moment was to be at home with Kurt and Cherry on the couch, there was someone missing. It felt as if someone had kidnapped their companion, a friend, a lover. Bert felt the tears dissolve as Cherry's tongue continued to work through them. She placed a paw on his chest and looked him directly in the eye, "Don't forget me. I know it's hard for you, as well as it is for my old aging dog heart, but if I could speak and not hold back my words, I'd thank you for all these great years both you and daddy had given me. Please, don't cry, I don't like it when you are sad." Bert's eyes grew wide with astonishment. He just nodded his head and kissed her forehead one more time. He was truly amazed, shocked, and teary-eyed.

"Its okay Cher.....That just means when I go, I'll be seeing you and daddy soon, so you'll never forget us, and we'll be together forever.." Bert's face was now covered in dog saliva from how cheesy he was getting. "There ya go mommy....its okay, daddy loves you still, he talks about you all the time." Bert was still in a mild state of disbelief, Kurt's ghost...a poltergeist at that, was playing with Cherry....why wasnt he making himself known to him? His thoughts were pulled away when Cherry began to speak again. Mommy..daddys here...he wants to know if you want to see him.."

Bert's eyes were blinded by joy and an un-surreal feeling lying deep in the pit of his stomach. Bert did not do more than nod his dead fanatically, excited he searched the room for his love, the one he missed. Cherry had already left his side and had returned, returned with his happiness. Kurt smiled, something he rarely ever did, he opened up his arms awaiting Bert to come flying into them. Bert didn't move but found himself freaking out, excited, and thrilled. Could it really be the one he lost or another crime of hallucination? There was no explaining it but all that was important was that Kurt was there. Bert stood up and embraced Kurt the longest he could, he fell the hole in his heart, his soul, his body, be sewed back together. "I love you too Bert," Kurt's sly smile melted Bert inside. It was something rare you'd see, like a comet. It comes every 100 years or so? Kurt's smile is something similar to that, which signified he was happy to see Bert. Bert felt himself cry once more, without thought Kurt hypnotized Bert as he made their faces collide together into one. "Don't leave me, please... please don't go! I want you to stay here with me, I need you! You promised me not to go! Not now, please god... not now!" Bert sobbed the hardest he his lungs could inhale. He remembered the night Kurt had died, that memory burns through the thickest of metal. Kurt had a minor idea and felt horrible, "I'm sorry," The words he mouthed was like a stake rammed through Trannsylvanias' most wanted vampire's heart. This couldn't be their last goodbye, could it?
Bert's eyes echoed loneliness and they bled melancholy. Kurt did kiss him their last kiss, long passionate one, and walked back from where his image first appeared from, he did turn back though. he mouthed once again, "I love you..." He added a smile again as he faded. Bert's world became a blurry still-picture and out loud he spoke, "I love you too!"
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I am too lazy to fix anything.
I wrote this with my lovely co-writter, Jenn.
Those close to me know who this truly is about...
I don't care about fixing grammer mistakes or punctuation.