Vanilla Lace

That One Crazy Fan

It was raining hard over Vienna and the boys were backstage, preparing for the open air show. It was heavy, but there was no lighting or thunder. The kids there didn't want to leave, and there were well over three thousand waiting in the pouring rain. They loved it, and were waiting eagerly for Bill, Tom, Georg and Gustav to come out.

"We are so lucky," Bill said as he wore his earpiece.

"Why?" Tom asked, wearing his guitar.

"Because our fans are still out there waiting for us in the rain," Bill added. He looked at himself in the mirror. Perfect.

"I thought you were going to say because we're shielded from the rain," Georg laughed. The bassist tied his hair back this time. He didn't want his hair to be in his face when the cold wind of the rain blew.

"That would be for Gustav to say," Tom added, turning to see the drummer on his headphones and drumming on the chair, trying to relax and focus. "He's right at the back, furthest from the rain."

Bill smirked, perfecting the arrangement on his wrists that were his bracelets.

"Let's go," David said, coming up from behind suddenly. He tapped Gustav and beckoned. Gustav put down his headphones and headed out.

The stadium was alive and pumping with the chants of the fans, and Bill felt greatly overwhelmed. He was amazed by the enthusiasm he felt even before he went on stage. He had this little moment every night before a show; the boy would reflect on the things he had and was very thankful. Being at a peace of mind helped him a lot so he wouldn't panic halfway onstage. His eyes fell on the wide open sky before him. It was almost black, and strong wind was blowing. Only a small portion around the crowd was sheltered, and the ones in the middle and front were soaking wet. The rain had transited to a drizzle stage and he smiled at the dark but beautiful sight.

Tom, Georg and Gustav filed out first much to the hype of the fans. The screams got louder, and everyone's hands were raised. Tom kept flagging his hands, creating more excitement as he encouraged the crowd to welcome his brother. With the cue David gave him, Bill went onstage and bursted into the first song.

Surrounding the stadium were high metal bars supporting lights and speakers. Every word was belted out perfectly, and the boys were having a blast. The lights from the streets behind the stadium illuminated the backdrop that Bill could see behind his fans, revealing the silhouette of the stadium's opposite end nicely. The singer tried to make eye contact with every single person in the crowd, running from end to end just to do so.

Analiese followed Bill from the café earlier, deciding to put her errands on hold, forgoing all possible consequences that might incur. She found Bill, and she wasn't going to let him slip by again. She stayed at the alley until he left because it started to rain. She was soaked to the bone as she ran from shelter to shelter trying to follow him. She hated being a stalker, but she just wanted to know what he was doing and where he was going. When she was close enough, she wore her hood over and hid her face. She tried to read his thoughts; he hated the weather and worried for his show. She smiled to herself at that.

The vampire saw a poster outside a music store showing Bill's face, as well as three others showing that they had a concert tonight. She found it disturbing why she had never seen it before. She didn't have money to buy a last minute ticket, so she decided there was only one thing she could do.

From outside the open aired stadium, she observed the thousands of girls queuing up outside in the rain, and a lot of them were dressed in black and wearing shirts with Bill's face. That's nice, she thought. He has his face on random girls' shirts. She missed the Bill that only she knew. When the fans disappeared inside, she looked around and started climbing up one of the metal bars she had spotted earlier. There was only one entrance, and all the guards were there. She didn't want to go in, she just wanted to get up.

The rain was pouring heavily, and it had been half an hour that she had been sitting there. It was a treacherous hike up the bars, and she almost slipped when the rain made it hard for her. She sat at the edge and looked forth. Finally, the fans screamed louder and thee guys appeared. None of them was Bill. She waited a while more and the one she was waiting for finally appeared. Her wet hair was stuck against her cheeks, and she shivered slightly, but her thoughts were only of Bill.

"Bill Kaulitz," she breathed to herself, remembering the name on a few of the banners that was brought in. It was the first thing she had said in a long while. When Bill started singing, the rain stopped. She listened to every word, and her breath was taken away. Despite how cold it was alone up there in the freezing early September wind, she felt warm enough just listening to him. Her favorite was the one he sang about going through the monsoon. It was a love song, and she was in love with it. She could merely see his hair from where she was, but she knew it was him alright.

"This is a song for my brother," Bill said, smiling, when it came to the part where they were the only ones on stage.

Analiese watched, intrigued. The lyrics were beautifully penned, and she felt the bond between him and his brother. Tom was his name. The thought of Bill not wanting to go through the night alone made her tear up. She admired Tom for the way Bill felt about him. She started drifting away to her thoughts. She had only followed him for a few weeks each time she saw Bill, and this was her first time seeing him perform. She had never dared to sneak in or climb up a metal bar, but she felt she wanted to this time. She was old enough, anyway, and she had no one to stop her.

Tom had his eyes on his fretboard, Georg had his eyes on his bass-lines and Gustav was focusing hard on drumming. Bill's were free to roam and he eventually landed his peepers far out beyond the crowd. It set upon a figure atop the edge of the stadium, the silhouette perfectly carved out because the orange streetlight glow from outside contrasted against her. It was someone in a hood, possibly a girl by the shape. It scared him to know that someone was watching from afar, and he didn't really like the thought. She might have fallen, or something. It was dangerous.

Bill finished a song and told David that there was a fan who sneaked up there, pointing to the top behind the fans. Everyone in the crowd looked at where his finger aimed at and all eyes were laid upon Analiese. Fortunately for her, she could not have been recognized by the face from how high up she was. All everyone saw was just a hooded figure with a bag.

"Hey," Bill said through the microphone and smiling. "You're a pretty good climber to be up there. Would you like to come down and we'll let you in?" Tom laughed, in disbelief. This fan climbing just to see them has got to be one of the craziest things ever.

Analiese was shocked, and when she saw that thousands of eyes were staring back at her, she almost lost her balance, falling off the top. However, being the agile and careful vampire she was, she maintained her composure. She didn't look back as she swiftly escaped the place, slipping down wet metal bars and landing perfectly on her two feet. She felt like a cat, managing to display such flexibility. Security was informed, but they couldn't manage to find the girl. Analiese managed to disappear into the night, holding images of a distant memory renewed and close to her heart. Her hopes ran high as she was running down the streets back to where she hid away from the rest of the world.