Secret Relationships

The Weekend!

Angie's Blog. Sunday 31st August.

I feel dead weird. I had a dream about Sid, Fraser and Nikki last night. The thing is I think I might be getting a crush on Sid. Oh God! What do I tell Nikki? She hates them.

Normal Pov.

Nikki waited at the door of Angie's house. They were going to order chinese and watch a film in Nikki's house. Nikki wore Skinny jeans that were white and Black stripes with a Black and Red polo top. Angie wore cropped jeans that only reached her knees and a Black t-shirt that had a guitar on. Angie wore both 'chavvy' clothes as the Goths, Emos, Punks ect, would say and 'Grebby' clothes as the Chavs would say. But Angie didn't care. She wore what she liked.

They went into Nikki's and Angie Got plates, Glasses and Knifes and forks out ready while Nikki ordered. Whe it finally came Angie put the food on plates and then carried them to the living room which was now dark as Nikki had drawn the curtains. The only light in there was from the Tv which was on pause from the DVD they were about to watch. The film was Mean Girls. They enjoyed the film and dinner and was smiling.

"My mum bought me a necklace yesturday. It's silver and has the Letter 'A' on it. It's gorgeous' Angie told Nikki.

"My mum bought me some new trainers, there in the hall but there Black with White Skulls all over it. There the trainers people call Skater but I call them Trainers" Nikki said laughing along with Angie.

"School tomorrow! What lessons have you got?" Angie asked.

"Erm... Science, Humanities, English, Maths, P.E, and Textiles. you?" Nikki told her.

"Same as you. So we've got Science, P.E and Textiles together. Cool." Angie said.

"Yup Cool"

At 6pm Angie left Nikki's to have a shower but all she could think about was Sid.

At School. Monday 1st September.

Angie's Blog.

I walked with Nikki to the corridor that seperated our forms. She was in Maths I was in modern Languages. We were practically next door but there was a small corridor for Nikki's classroom. I saw Sid with Fraser walked towards us. Butterflies filled my stomach and I looked at the floor.

"Sid just looked at you" Nikki teased.

"Yeah so. In what way?" I asked her.

"Well lets say not his normal way and not a bad way either. Anyway I've got to go my class has gone in" And she left me standing thinking about what she'd just said about Sid. Did he like me?
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I hope you like it. Please comment. xxxx