In Our World

This is a Naruto Fan-fiction of my best friends and I!

Lora is our crazy random border-line pshycotic ( i don't care if I spelled that wrong)
Jessica is our cutest member of our group (too cute for words that is)
Brendyn is our popular one (She knows almost everyone in our school)
And then there's Avery (me) the quiet one who doesn't talk a lot to people and hates showing certian emotions (but I can talk so much sometimes it's scary)

In this story the characters: Mizu, Kaori, Sunako, and Ketsu are completely made up by yours truly. I'd appretiacte it if you didn't use them in anything please, I spent a long time creating them and I love them. So...please...don't use them...unless you ask me permission that is but otherwise...DON'T!

Other than that, please enjoy my story! I don't care if you comment on it, but please don't be rude!!