Take Me. I'm Never Gonna Let You Fall.

We fight regret so let's burn this city down.

Over the next couple of months, Jack and Henry’s relationship became more open. Everyone knew about it, and neither of them really denied anything. Not that I expected them to. They were so comfortable around each other, it was hard not to see that they were crazy about one another. And they really didn’t care what others thought about them. For the most part, the kids at school were cool with it. I don’t think anyone really said anything. Trust me, if they did, I would’ve known about it, and I would’ve come running, ready to bash someone’s face in if necessary. But it never was.

I even grew accustomed to it. At first, it was a little awkward seeing the two of them hold hands, and kiss each other. But over time, it just felt normal. Like, perhaps they were just meant to be together.

And Alex and I…well, we became awfully close too. We never really put a title on our relationship, like Henry and Jack did, but we went out all the time, and spent as much time together as we could. We had yet to do more than hold each other’s hand, and for that, I was grateful. Alex knew that I wanted to take it slow, without me having to say anything. It just made it easier, being around him. Alex, during the first awkward months, was my rock. No matter what I did, I didn’t feel any embarrassment. He never made me feel like I was an idiot for some of the things I said, or whenever I tripped over my own two feet in front of his parents. It was amazing.

It was nearing Christmas. Snow had fallen onto the ground, covering the city with mounds of white fluff. The air was much colder than either Henry or I anticipated. We were constantly bundled up like Eskimos, much to the four other boys’ amusement. And of course, a whine or gripe was always at the very tip of my tongue.

“It’s coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooold,” I whined, one early December morning as I was forced to stand outside with the guys as they waited on Rian to show up for band practice.

Alex wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close as he shifted, shoving me beneath his own coat as well. “Oh, hush, woman,” he said, smirking down at me before placing a quick kiss on my forehead.

A pout came over my face as I tilted my face back to look at him. “Why can’t we go inside?” I asked, now starting to not feel my toes.

“Because. He said we had to wait outside. I have no idea why. So. Deal with it,” he replied, sticking his tongue out at me.

I punched him in the chest, scowling. “You ass.”

About that time, we heard the unmistakable sound of a horn blaring as a car drove down the street. From behind the wall of trees that lined Alex’s front yard, Rian appeared, his entire upper body sticking out of his window, a huge smile on his face. “Holy shit, guys! You’ll never believe what kind of news I just got, bitches!”

“Well, get your ass out of the car and tell us! I’m freezing my balls off,” I yelled back, narrowing my eyes at him as he put the piece of shit car into park and got out.

“Wow, there, Hols. You have balls?” Alex asked, his eyes wide as he took a step back from me.

I smacked him in the arm. “You know what I mean, loser face.”

Rian was so excited, he ran across the lawn and did a cartwheel before coming to a stop in front of us. “We’re going on tour!” he screamed into our faces, waving his hands around, “AND we’re going to record an EP with Emerald Moon!”

We all stared at him for a few seconds before the screaming began. We all jumped around, hugging one another. This was the biggest news that the guys had ever received. Ever since that first gig of theirs that I saw, I knew that they were special. I knew they were going to go places. They had the talent, and the drive, to do whatever they wanted with their music. I was just proud to be a part of it, however long it lasted.

Alex picked me up and spun me around. I laughed giddily as I clung to him for dear life. Suddenly, his lips were pressed firmly to mine. My body, colder than ice, erupted into flames. My feet weren’t even touching ground as he held me to his chest, both of his arms encircled around my waist.

I think it was then, in that moment, that I knew I loved him. I had known him about five months, and there was no other way to describe the insane emotions that went through my body every time he was around. We took our relationship slow, and I think that just added fuel to the flame. Alex and I were meant to be together. I knew it, in that moment. Like Henry and Jack, we were destined.

My mouth opened to inform him of my revelation, but his lips moved from mine and he sat me back on my feet. I stumbled, my eyes going hazy as I reached out for the person closest to me, who happened to be Zack. He caught me, leaning his face near my ear.

“You okay Hols? You look…drunk or something,” he whispered, concern lacing his voice.

I smiled to myself. I was drunk. Drunk on Alex.

“I’m fine. I just got…too excited, is all,” I told him, patting his hand with my own before stepping away with from him, back towards Alex.

We all headed inside and plopped onto Alex’s couches. My body was curled around Alex as I sat next to him, only half listening to the conversation around me.

“So, what happened exactly? Did they call you and tell you? Or did they come over?” Jack asked, kissing Henry’s hand in his excitement.

“They called. I got the call early this morning. They were all like, ‘We want you to come in and record an EP before summer. Once summer begins, we want you out on the road, touring’. They’re going to book us shows, big shows, not the stuff that we’ve been doing here. I’m so fucking excited!” Rian yelled, flailing around.

Silence followed. Then, Alex broke it, squeezing my shoulders. “Guys. This is it. This is our big break. I can feel it.”

Our entire lives changed after this.
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I know I jump around a lot. xD That's cause high school isn't as important as what happens afterwards.

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