I'm Not a Monster, I'm Just Ahead of the Curve

"Did You Break Yet Beautiful?"

As the truck sped down the road, I was sliding around sometimes hitting Happy, Dopey, and The Joker. At first they found it funny, but halfway down the road, the Joker grabbed me and put me on his lap. "Now beautiful, that was funny, but now's not the, uh, time for games, got it?" he said. I smiled and nodded as the door to the truck opened. The Joker put me down as he stood up and started to shoot at the convoy. When his gun didn't work, Happy handed him another gun. That one didn't work and he turned to me. "You're up beautiful" he said, handing me the RPG. I knelt down and aimed the RPG at the police car that was coming up. The explosion caused the car to flip over and I couldn't help but laugh. The Joker looked at me as I loaded up the RPG again. This time, however, the tumbler got in the way. The Joker leaned his head out of the truck and made a 'hmm' sound as the tumbler drove past the truck. We stopped and I looked over at Dopey.

"Why did we stop?" I asked. A loud gunshot made me jump and I saw the Joker laugh. "Harvey, Harvey, Harvey Dent. Oh, excuse me, I want to drive" said the Joker, shoving the driver out of his seat. The truck started back up and I was slammed into the drivers seat. "You hurt beautiful?" asked the Joker, mocking concern. "Yeah" I said as the Joker laughed. "Too bad!" he said, making a hard turn that caused me to smash my shoulder against the door. I heard a sickening crack as I made contact with it and the Joker laughed harder. I noticed that the Joker wasn't driving and then I felt arms around me as the truck flipped over. The Joker and I fell out of the truck, me landing on top of him. He shoved me off of him as the Batman grew closer. "Come on, I want you to do it, I want you to do it, come on, HIT ME!" he yelled as the Batman missed the Joker.

The Joker went over to the Batman, skipping and laughing. " Can I have just one minute?" the Joker asked the police as the handcuffed him. "Ms. Winters, are you ok?" came the gruff voice of the Batman. "Yes I'm fine. Can I go see him?" I asked. "We just saved you and you want to go back to him?" came Harvey's voice. My temper flared and I could see the Joker smiling in the cop car. "I didn't want to be rescued! Hell, I wasn't even held hostage. I was forced to work for him due to my curiosity! I would've died otherwise" I said, whatever strength I had prided myself in was slowly rotting. "Ms. Winters, the Joker is known to play with peoples minds. It's obvious that he's messed with yours" said Batman. "No, he hasn't. You guys really have no idea what I've been put through" I said. "How about you go home and rest? You've been through a lot" said Gordon. "Can one of you take me home? Please?" I asked.

The ride home had been filled with questions and it wasn't until I got home did the paranoia set in. Every time I turned around, I thought I saw the Joker. His laughter echoed through my ears, and his face was painted vividly in my memory. I looked at the scars he had inflicted on me and the tears finally came. The tears never stopped, they grew worse and worse by the second. Picking up my cell phone, I realized that I still had that text message I didn't read. Once I opened my phone and read it, the tears grew worse as I dropped the phone and headed into the bathroom.

The message was still open on the screen. It read 'Did you break yet beautiful? I'm going to make you break, and what fun will it be to do so. No matter where you go, I'll find you beautiful. Remember, your mine now. HA HA HA HA'