A Puppet's Heart


"You're getting married today!" Sasori reminded. Kayuna shot up.

"Me? Married? Oh my gosh!" Kayuna squealed. Sasori smiled at her.

"I'll see you on the aisle," Sasori said, kissing Kayuna on the lips before leaving. Minutes later Konan ran in with Deidara to get Kayuna ready.

"Here's your dress! Get dressed!" Konan urged.

"No breakfeast?" Kayuna protested while Deidara pushed her into the bathroom. Kayuna closed and locked the door and got dressed. A perfect fit.

"Okay, come in!" she said, swinging open the door.

"Beautiful," Deidara said, and went to work on her hair. "Up or down?"

"Umm, down," Kayuna said. Before long Deidara had finished her hair. It was curled at the end and a little poofy.

"Perfect," Kayuna complimented.

"Thanks. Konan, your turn!" Deidara called, walking out of the bathroom. Konan rushed in and did her make up. Kayuna had golden eyeshadow, red lipstick, mascara, and blush on. She looked beautiful.

"My turn," Konan squealed. Kayuna left the bathroom and let Konan get dressed. The door swung open and Deidara went in to fix her hair.


Kayuna was stuffing her mouth with a glazed donut before leaving to walk down the aisle. A friendly village near by agreed to have the wedding there. A lot of unknown faces showed up.

"Come on," Konan urged.

"Fet muh funish his," Kayuna said with a mouthfull. Konan rolled her eyes and Kayuna swallowed her donut.

"Come on out," one of the guards said. Kayuna took a deep breath and started to walk. Sasori saw Kayuna and froze. Kayuna refrained from wobbling down the aisle. She got up to the arch and smiled at Sasori; Sasori smiled back. The priest started his rambling, but Kayuna didn't really listen until he asked if Sasori takes her to be his lawfully wedded wife.

"I do," Sasori said, smiling.

"Kayuna, do you take Sasori to be your lawfully wedded husband?" the priest asked. Kayuna inhaled.

"I do," she said.

"You may now kiss the bride," the priest said, closing the Bible. Sasori then puled Kayuna into his arms, giving her the most passionate kiss he could offer. Cheering and squealing came from the guests and bridesmaids. Sasori broke the kiss and picked up Kayuna to carry her to the limo.

"Whoa," Kayuna squeaked. Sasori smirked and set her down in the limo.

"You know where to go," Sasori said to the limo driver. The driver nodded and drove off.

"Where?" Kayuna asked.

"Our honeymoon, of course," Sasori said. Kayuna smiled and cuddled into her new husband.
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This was the last chapter. Hope you liked!