Magic, it's a family heirloom.


After years of being away, Sanara returns home for a bit of camping and memory stimulation.

When she wakes up on the beach she'd spent some much time on in her youth, she notices something falling from the sky. From the moment she sees the strange creature tumbling in the air weird things begin to happen. She begins to notice odd things about herself along with the creature she saved from drowning.
  1. Chapter 1
    Introduction to Sanara
  2. Chapter 2
    The discovery of what the child is.
  3. Chapter 3
    Sanara furthers her knowledge of her abilities.
  4. Chapter 4
    Sanara and her shape-shifting friend duke it out...
  5. Chapter 5
    Dymin tests Sanara's limits
  6. Chapter 6
    Dymin gets his revenge.
  7. Chapter 7
    Sanara makes an obvious observation.
  8. Chapter 8
    Sanara plans to go home.
  9. Chapter 9
    The introduction of Lylith.
  10. Chapter 10
    A day full of lessons.
  11. Chapter 11
    In which Sanara grows up a little.