Vampires Will Never Hurt You


Gerard looked in the window at the boy. Oh, how he felt so sorry for him. There he was, the little mortal boy laying in the bed, his eyes half closed, his mother and father by his side. His mother was holding the boys hands and kissing his knuckles. The man in the white coat came in with a bunch of papers. He was talking to the parents. The mother started to cry.

Were they tears of happiness? Or sorrow? Gerard couldn't read human emotions very well. The father comforted the mother, Gerard couldn't help but feel sorry for the boy and his parents. One silent tear of blood slid down his cheek.

The man in the white coat walked over to the boy. He held a needle, it glistened in the fluorescent light. He took the boys arm away from his mothers hand and stuck the sharp thing in the boy's arm. His eyes fluttered close.

Gerard could watch no more. His mother said if you cried you are weak. But this time he couldn't help it. Why is it that mortals weren't alive long enough to feel alive? Gerard left that place of sorrow and death. He took one last look at the boy in the pale gown. He looked.... peaceful.


Gerard looked into a window once again. He thought this was where he lived. Aha, there he was. The little boy he saw in the place they treated the sick. His mother sat on his bed and bid him goodnight. She kissed his forehead and left the room. What does that mean? Gerard pondered, pressing ones lips to their forehead? Gerard didn't understand, his mother never did that to him.

Gerard tapped on the window, for he could not come in unless he was invited. Good manners? Or a curse placed upon their kind for centuries? The boy looked up from his bed, at least, he thought it was his bed. Gerard did not see a coffin anywhere.

The boy got out of his "coffin" and opened the window.

"Who are you?" he asked, then scolded himself, for he wasn't supposed to talk to strangers.

"My name's Gerard," Gerard said,"May I come in?"

The boy pondered. Should he let him in? He didn't look like he could hurt him, why, he looked only a few years older than him. His mother always told him not to talk to strangers, but this being wasn't strange at all. He looked like he could be his friend.

The boy nodded,"Yeah. D'you need any help?" he asked, being the polite little boy his mother wanted him to be.

"That is fine, I can manage," he said and jumped into the room.

Gerard had a full view of the little boy. He was very short, small and thin. Despite his sickly look, he had the largest smile Gerard had seen. Gerard wasn't accustomed to smiles. He lived with his parents and the other beings in his clan. There wasn't much smiling at the shelter he called "home".

"I'm Frankie," the little boy said and smiled even bigger. Gerard tried to mimic his actions and smiled. It didn't feel real when he did it. It was not something he was used to. He had no use for smiling where he "lived". The boy named Frankie sat on the place he slept and stared at Gerard with wide eyes. Gerard tried to make his eyes as big as Frankie's.the boy Frankie giggled at Gerard's attempt and pulled him down onto the bed. Gerard smiled a genuine smile for the first time in his "life".

"Why did you come here?" Frankie asked Gerard, and hoped it didn't sound like he didn't want his company.

Gerard looked down,"I saw you at I don't know what you humans call it. The white place... where you supposedly get "Better". What is better?" Gerard said. Everything about humans confused him, he hoped that along with gaining a friend he would receive more knowledge to their kind by associating with Frankie.

Frankie smile disappeared,"You mean the Hospital?" he asked Gerard.

"Is that what humans call it? Hospital," Gerard said, feeling the taste of the new word on his tongue.

Frankie nodded glumly,"Mommy says I'm....I'm not well. Whenever I go there it's when I feel sick. Do you know what bronchitis is?" Frankie asked, hoping to get answers that his parents clearly did not give. For whenever Frankie brought it up his mother would change the subject. "That kind of talk is only spoken when conversing with a doctor," his mother says. Frankie never understood what that meant. He was only in first grade for goodness sakes!

"No I do not. I am not very familiar with the customs of humans," Gerard said. Bronchitis, he said in his head. An odd word, if only he knew what it meant. It sounded complicated.

"Human? But aren't you a human? If you aren't a human, then what are you?" Frankie asked, puzzled. How can somebody not be a human? Was he an alien, like in that movie he loved. E.T., was he here to befriend him just like how E.T. befriended Elliot? Does that mean he likes Reese's Pieces?

Gerard sighed, something he picked up on from humans,"I am not human. I am part of a clan of vampires, the most powerful clan this century if I do say so myself. I was born a vampire, though. Not bitten. My parents are the clan elders," Gerard said. He wondered afterward if he should've told him that. One thing that his mother had said was not to tell any human his true identity. That is, unless you are making it your slave. Could Frankie be his slave?

Frankie face lightened. He smiled, vampires were even better than aliens!

"How old are you?" Frankie asked. He had heard that vampires lived to be very old but looked very young. Maybe Gerard was really old! What if he was thirty but only looked a little older than himself.

"I am eleven if you're counting years," Gerard said.

"Really? Is that really young for a vampire? Will you look like this forever? Do you have fangs? Do you go to school?" Frankie bombarded Gerard with questions. Gerard was mildly shocked and couldn't find his voice. How could he talk so fast?

After much preparation Gerard tried to talk as fast as Frankie and answer his questions,"No I will age as you do, but I'll stop aging in my thirties or forties. I have fangs, but they are small. Yes it is young for a vampire, I am the youngest in the clan. What is school?" Gerard answered, temporarily out of breath. How somebody could talk as fast as Frankie and still breathe was beyond him.

"School is the worst thing in the world," Frank told Gerard. Gerard nodded, another thing Gerard had learned from humans.

"Can you show me your fangs?" Frankie said softly.

Gerard sighed,"They are not much to brag about. They are smaller than they are supposed to be. But you can still see them, but I won't be surprised if you are disappointed," Gerard said glumly and opened his mouth.

Frankie stared, his mouth agape. He had never seen fangs on a human before. Only in movies, and then he did not have a good view of them. They reminded him of the puppy's teeth when he saw a puppy at the pet store. He had begged desperately for a puppy but his mom had sad no. Would Gerard mind if he asked for him to be his puppy?

Frankie touched one of his fangs, then quickly pulled away, giggling.

"I think they are cool," Frankie said to Gerard.

"Really? You like them?" Gerard asked, he felt a smile forming on his lips. No one had ever told him that he liked his fangs. Fangs were the first things a woman See's, his dad always says.

Frankie nodded. He looked to the clock, his smile disappeared. "I think you have to go, it's late for me. I sleep at night," Frankie said to Gerard.

Gerard nodded and got off the bed. He watched Frankie get under the covers and lay his head on the pillow. Gerard reached down and kissed his forehead, just as Frankie's mother had done. Did he do it right?

Frankie giggled and reached up to kiss Gerard on his forehead. Gerard smiled a genuine smile and flew out into the night.


"Honey, who were you talking to last night?" Frankie's mother asked him.

Frankie looked up from his cereal and gave a big smile,"I was talking to Gerard!" Frankie said to his parents. Frankie's parents exchanged worried looks.

"Who is this Gerard?" Said Frankie's mother in the sweetest voice she could manage.

"He's a boy who's eleven years old! He came to my room last night. He said that his parents are the elders of his clan!" Frankie said with a smile. Boy, will his parents be proud of him now that he has a friend!

"Clan of what?" Frankie's father asked.

"Clan of vampires of course!" Frankie said as if it what the most obvious thing in the world,"He even showed me his fangs!"

His parents exchanged more worried glances. Frankie's mother gave his father "the look". His father nodded and followed her out of the room.

"What's wrong Linda?" Frankie's father said.

"Frank is too old for imaginary friends," Linda said.

"Honey, Frankie doesn't have many friends, he's an only child. What'd you expect?" He said in a hushed tone.

Linda shook her head,"It's not that he's lonely. Vampires? Where does he come up with that? For the sake of the well being of our child I think that somebody should check him out," She said.

She went on when he didn't answer,"What d'you think this is? He could be a schizo for all we know!" She threw her arms in the air.

"He's just a child. All this could be is overactive imagination," He said. Linda shook her head.

"I'm calling Dr.Spalding," she said and walked into the kitchen.

Frankie's father sighed, he might as well get the newspaper.

When he came back Linda was already on the phone.

"Dr. Spalding in mental health please?"


Gerard continued to come to Frankie's house every night for the next two months. Frankie had never been any happier. And he even enjoyed his sessions with Dr. Spalding. With him he could talk all wanted about Gerard. The sessions were every Wednesday, every time Frankie would see the doctor he would tell him everything that him and Gerard had done that week.

Frankie's and Gerard's relationship had been growing ever stronger through the whole time. They were the first friends that each other ever had.

Then, one night when Frankie was teaching Gerard how to play twister, was when it all went wrong.

"How do I know left from right?" Gerard asked Frankie.

"You take your hand like this..." Frankie grabbed Gerard's hand,"And if it's your left it makes an L."


"Did you hear that?" Linda asked her husband.

"What was it?" he said sipping his coffee. He obviously did not hear anything and didn't care what it was either way.

"Frankie's talking to himself," She said, looking up at the ceiling as if she would get X-ray vision and see who he was talking to.

"Does it matter?" He said. Ever since he had this kid it's been nothing but Frankie. Oh, how he hasn't been laid in months.

"Yes, it does. And I would like for you to follow me and back me up on this!" She said sternly.

He gave a big sigh and did as his wife told,"Whatever you say, dear."

"Right foot red," Frankie said. Gerard put his left foot on the red. "Other one silly!" Frankie said as Gerard fell.

"This game is hard," Gerard said with a smile. He had been doing that more ever since he met Frank.

"Shh," Frankie said and put his ear to his bedroom door,"They're coming! Get in the closet Gerard!"

Gerard did as he was told, right after double-checking what a closet was of course. He was soon in the dark. He liked this closet, it reminded him of his coffin.

"Who were you talking to?" Gerard heard a women speak, presumably Frankie's mother. He peeked though the crack to see Frankie on his bed looking glum. Suddenly, a bright light blinded him. He gave a hiss of protest and closed the door. It looked like he would have to only listen to them.

"Gerard," Frankie whispered.

"Well, then where is he?" Frankie's mother started to raise her voice. Now, Gerard indeed did not know much about humans, but he knew that the louder a humans voice, gets the angrier the human.

"You scared him away," Frankie said even softer.

"Scared him away?! How could someone go away when they were never here in the first place?!"

Gerard did not understand what Frankie's mother had said.

"He was here," Frankie's voice started to get a bit louder now.

"Frank, Gerard does not exist!"

Gerard heard whimpers. He assumed it was Frankie crying. Oh, how he hated it when Frankie cried! He only wants to make Frankie happy! How could somebody be so cruel and make him cry? Let alone his own mother. He would never understand the ways of humans.

Frank opened the door, puffy-eyed and sniffling. Gerard gave him a sympathetic look and without a sound flew away. Never to return.


Frank sat on his bed and played his guitar. Outside children were trick-or-treating and generally having fun. Something that Frank wasn't doing. On his eighteenth birthday, for all days.

"But nothing lasts forever..."

Frank finished the song he was playing on his guitar and sighed. He was so lonely these days. He hardly had any friends in school. And, oh, how he wished he could just have a normal birthday party with him and his closest friends. Maybe even get stoned, just like the other normal kids he knew. Unlucky for him, he had no friends. Let alone close ones.

Frank closed his eyes and tried to imagine life with friends. It was so hard. Life was so hard. He wished it would get easier, but he knew you never get what you wish for. You had to be incredibly lucky for that to happen. He had to admit, luck was definitely not quite on his side.

He heard a tap on his window. He told himself he just imagined it. He heard three more taps. This time he opened his eyes and looked outside.

What he sawshocked intrigued him. A figure with raven black hair, pale skin and a hopeful look in his eyes. He was beautiful...

Against his better judgment, Frank got up and opened the window for him to come in. The man hopped in and gave a big grin. Frank saw long fangs protrude as he smiled.

"Frankie," the man said. How does he know my name? Frank wondered.

"Who are you?" Frank asked the stranger. The mans grin faltered a bit. The man reached down to kiss Frank's forehead.

"It's me, Gerard. Do you remember me? I know I have changed a bit since I was eleven," The man, Gerard said with hopeful eyes.

Frank remembered Gerard. But wasn't he all in his head? Gerard wasn't real.... was this a joke?

"Frankie?" Gerard asked softly,"I'm sorry I never came back to you...I was afraid. I always wished to see you again--"

"You're not real," Frank cut him off with a shaky voice. There was no way he was going to believe this.

Gerard frowned,"I'm here right now, aren't I?" He placed a hand reassuringly on Franks shoulder. He did not know what he meant when Frank said he wasn't real.

Frank started to cry. Oh no, Gerard did not want his. He never wanted to make Frankie cry. What did he do? Silent tears of blood flowed freely down Gerard's face.

Frank nodded,"My mom....Dr. Spalding.... they said you weren't real...." Frank tried to grasp the idea of Gerard not being imaginary.

Frank gave a sob,"I missed you so much Gerard," he whimpered and hugged Gerard. Gerard held Frankie tight and close to his slow beating heart.

"You were my best friend," Gerard spoke softly.

"You were mine too," Frank said with a smile.

There was a pause of silence between the boys. They were simply enjoying each others presence just as they did so many years ago.

"How would you like to become immortal?" Gerard asked Frankie.

Frankie was stunned. Immortal? Living forever? He wasn't sure what he thought of that.

"We can't stay like this forever. What happens if you die? Then what will happen? I'll have nobody," Gerard said sadly. Frankie couldn't help but feel the same way. He never wanted to part from his friend Gerard ever again.

Frank nodded,"Make me immortal," he told Gerard, their faces nearly inches apart. Gerard took Frank's hands in his and leaned in. Their lips touched as sparks of electricity went through both of their bodies. It was bliss... They fell deeper into the kiss as their tongues danced inside each others mouths.

Amidst the intimacy, Gerard's lips started to trail downward, towards Frankie's neck. His lips glided across Frankie's neck and Frank stifled a moan. Gerard took a deep breath and bit into his neck.

Frank gasped and started to whimper. Gerard felt a bit sorry for him as he sucked his blood. But, oh, how he tasted so good.

Frankie's breath started to come out more evenly and it wasn't soon before he passed out.


Frank woke up, groggy in an unfamiliar bed with satin sheets. His head was pounding. He bit down on his tongue to try and dull away the pain. He tasted a metallic taste in his mouth. It tasted....good.

Frankie glided his tongue across his teeth. Sharp, he felt. This time he felt with his fingers. Yes, he had fangs.

"Ah, so I've seen you have woken up," He heard somebody say in the corner.

"Gerard?" he asked, unsure of who the voice belonged to.

Gerard walked out of the darkness of the corner,"Yes, and welcome," he said, his arms outstretched,"To my humble abode."
♠ ♠ ♠
I was watching The Little Vampire and this is what happened.

Please comment, this is my favorite thing I have ever written!