Booze, Boys, and Buses

Chapter Seventeen

The loud music from the guys’ bus had kept me up for most of the night. Everyone over there had wanted to party, I of course wasn’t in any sort of mood to start partying. I heard some beeps and knew they were coming from someone pushing the buttons on the tour bus security system. Whoever it was then came in.

“Hey, what are you doing in here all alone? You’re missing the party.” A husky voice said to me. I recognized it as Zack’s. I turned to face him.

“Oh my shit. Are you seriously asking me that right now? You saw Matt and me fighting. And if this is his plan to get me to go to that party, he’s sadly mistaken.” I said, stubbornly crossing my arms.

“This isn’t his plan to get you to go to the party. This is my plan. I hate seeing you so upset over something as stupid as Matt. He’s an idiot. Don’t let him ruin your night.” Zack urged, nudging my shoulder slightly.

“Even if we hadn’t gotten into a fight I would still be here. I’m too tired to party.” I explained, turning back over so I was facing the wall.

“Well, I tried.” He said, and I heard him get up to go.

* * *

I woke up and rolled over and stopped before I could roll completely over. There was someone else in bed with me. I realized it was Matt and gave him a hard shove. He landed with a thud on the floor and muttered an “ouch.” I groaned and rolled back over so I could continue my slumber. Matt was trying to get back into the bed with me.

“No!” I exclaimed, kicking my foot backward, hoping to hit something round and squishy.

“Baby, let me sleep with you.” He said, teetering his way back over to the bed.

I peered at a nearby alarm clock to see what time it was. “Shit Matt it’s one o’clock in the morning! Get your ass back on your own bus!” I yelled, pointing at the door.

“I don’t wanna!” He exclaimed, teetering again. He had been tipping back on grandpa’s cold medicine just a bit.

“Matt you get your ass off of this bus!” I yelled, getting out of bed and grabbing him by the collar of his shirt. I pulled him down the very small set of stairs and I forced open the door. I walked outside, with Matt in tow and then shoved him.

“Why can’t I just sleep in bed with you?” He asked, running a hand through his hair.

“Jesus fuck Matt! I wonder why not?” I yelled turning and retreating to the bus.

“I love you.” I heard him say. I rolled my eyes, went back to the bus and crawled back into the bed. I was not about to listen to this bullshit.

* * *

“You guys have to get back together!” Kacie exclaimed, pouring some coffee for me and her.

“I don’t want to get back together with him if all he wants is sex from me. I won’t give it to him. And even though he said he respected that, he still openly fucked over my morals on stage.” I grumbled and sipped my coffee.

“Well, I’m sure that things will pan out just right for you two eventually. You just have to let things take their course.

“But I don’t know what to do! I mean, I don’t want to have sex with him, but I don’t want to lose him.”

“If he isn’t willing to accept the fact that you won’t sleep with him, then he isn’t worth the effort.” She said, nodding and sipping her coffee as well.

“You have a very good point.” I honestly stated, getting up from my bunk and walking over to the sink. I honestly wasn’t in the mood for coffee, so I dumped it and walked off the bus. I heard Kacie yell something about slaving over a coffee pot to make that, I just chuckled and walked in the direction of the guys’ bus. I was planning on giving Matt the cold shoulder of his life. “Hey guys.” I said, walking onto the bus.

“Hey.” They all muttered as I took a seat at the kitchen table.

“So what’s everyone up to?” I asked, twiddling my thumbs.

“Nothing.” They all said in unison.

“Ok, could I get more than just one word answers here?” I asked, laughing slightly.

“We’re headed for Seattle tomorrow.” Jimmy said, picking at a nail.

I nodded. “What about Oregon?” I asked, feeling bad for the people there.

“I don’t know, why, but we’re not going.” Johnny said, shrugging.

“Hey babe, I’m sor…” Matt began, walking over to me.

“Are we going to stop in Maine?” I asked, completely ignoring Matt.

“Sure we are. I mean, now that we have two girls on tour that are from there.” Brian piped in.

“Hey I said…”

“Awesome, well I’ll talk to you guys later.” I said, being satisfied with the damage I had caused.

“We’re going out to a club tonight as a going away from home thing.” Zacky said to me.

I turned around. “Well we should make tonight fun then.” I replied, grinning.

* * *

“Are you almost ready to go?” Kacie asked, stomping her foot. She was so impatient.

“Yes I’m almost ready to go. Would you give it a fucking rest already?” I asked, finishing my makeup. I adjusted my mini-skirt and low-cut tee-shirt and it was the door we went.

We girls grabbed a taxi, and the guys grabbed their own taxi. It didn’t take us very to get to the club. I could hear the loud music all the way outside. When the bouncer opened the door for us the music eliminated all sound, making it impossible for me to hear the little tid bit that Kacie was saying. I had heard something about, “don’t go too crazy.” Or something to that effect. I walked into the club and made my way over to the bar.

“What can I get for you honey?” He asked me, leaning over and staring quite a bit at my chest. I didn’t mind, I was single now, remember?

“Uh, I’ll have some bud light.” I said, turning around to look and see if anyone was dancing. Zack didn’t seem to mind too much that Kacie was grinding up on him. Johnny and Lacey were just talking in the corner and kissing every once in a while. Brian and Michelle were dancing like goofs. Last but not least, Jimmy and Leana were sitting at the other end of the bar taking shots. That was going to be fun to deal with tonight.

“Here you go.” The bar tender said, handing me the hard beverage. I took a sip and let my gaze linger until my eyes landed upon what I did not want to see.

Matt was sitting in the opposite corner of the club with some blonde. I looked closely, thinking it could be Val, thank god it wasn’t. He was stroking her face and pushing her hair behind her ear. We hadn’t even been in the bar for twenty minutes and already he had a hot date. I watched him press his lips to hers in the most loving way. The heat rose to my face and I gripped the glass in my hand with the utmost force. I couldn’t believe he would do that, knowing I was here. Maybe he was doing it to get back at me, but I wasn’t about to let him get away that easy. I stormed over to the table and put my hands on my hips.

“What do you want Cassie? Can’t you see that I’m busy?” He asked, pointing to the girl to his left.

“I can’t even sort of believe you. Last night you say you love me and now this?” I asked, pointing to the girl.

“Yeah, well unlike you, she’s going to fuck me.” He said, grinning and kissing her.

“Fuck you!” I yelled at Matt, slapping him in the face. “And you, you fucking whore,” I said to the girl, “He only wants you right now so that he can get back at me. I doubt he even thinks you’re pretty.” I said, storming out of the club. I walked over to the street and grabbed a taxi cab.

“Wait Cass!” I heard behind me. I knew it was Matt, so I just kept my gaze on the taxi cab. “Could we please talk this through?”

“What is there to talk about Matt? You want sex, and I’m not giving it to you. End of story, end of relationship. That’s the end of it.” I said, getting into the cab. I groaned when He got in next to me.

“Please, if you would just shut up and listen to some of the things I had to say.” He complained, putting a hand on my leg.

“Where to?” The cab driver asked, looking at me in the rearview mirror.

I told him where and then turned my attention back to Matt. “Ok, if you want to talk so bad, then talk.” I said, crossing my arms.

“Ok, I love you Cassandra, and I would never do anything in the world to hurt you on purpose. When I get out there on stage, I just try really hard to be cool and funny, and sometimes it turns out bad. Obviously. And so this time, I said some of the wrong things. I know I shouldn’t exploit your morals to the world and I won’t do it again. I promise.” He said, holding my hands in his.

I didn’t know what to say. His apology seemed pretty sincere, but I was still angry with him for kissing that broad in the bar. “Why did you kiss her?”

“I wanted to make you jealous so you would come back to me. I didn’t think she was that pretty at all. And she was a horrible kisser.” He said, sticking his tongue out.

“Apology accepted, but, you have to promise me something. That you will never, ever kiss another girl without my permission.” I said to him.

“I promise.” He said, smiling and stroking my chin with his thumb. I blushed.

When we arrived at the buses, Matt took me over to their bus. We lay down on his bunk together and I nestled myself into his chest. He kissed my forehead all the way down to my lips. I put my hands on his back and as the kiss got deeper I dug my nails into his back. He moaned and pulled me in tighter. I put my hands up his shirt and began pulling him closer and closer into me. What we did that night wasn’t sex, but it sure felt wonderful. The caressing words he spoke into my ear, the way he made me feel. If sex was any better, I would just about die.

“Hey, wake up.” Matt said, shaking me. I jumped awake and looked around. I smiled when I saw Matt. I knew waking up to his face was what I wanted to do every day for the rest of my life. I kissed his lips, but didn’t turn it into a whole big thing. It would’ve been easy to, considering that we were both already completely naked.

“Hey, I thought I said nothing sexual.” Zack said, with Kacie in tow.

“Who said we did anything sexual?” Matt asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Uh, there’s your boxers, shirt and pants on the floor. And unless you wear chicks clothes too, I believe that those would be Cassandra’s.” Zack said, matching his eyebrow to Matt’s.

“We didn’t have sex, we just came pretty close.” Matt said, grinning sheepishly.

“Keep up the grinning and the little comments and that’s all you’ll be getting for quite a while Mr. Shadows.”
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Banners people! The contest is over on friday! If you don't have any in soon I'm going to be mad. And you won't like me when I'm angry RAWRGRRARGHH. The info is in the last chapter :))