The Unexpected Disaster

The Unexpected Disaster

The war had been going on for over fifty years, and most people had forgotten what it was about. It had started out small with Japan wanting to take over Taiwan, and then escalated into something much bigger. More and more countries took part in the fighting and as technology improved, weapons grew more powerful. Explosions constantly lit up the sky and the sound echoed across countries. Some bombs were so powerful that they created earthquakes, and as a result, Vietnam, Italy, and California had all split apart from their continents. It had turned into the third World War.

People were on the verge of insanity because there was nowhere else for them to go. Destruction was everywhere. There were no safe places.

There was talk of Japan creating bombs powerful enough to destroy almost the entire planet, but no one believed that it was true. Until the day it happened.

The target was Sao Paulo, Brazil. With its population of over 20 million, the destruction of the city would send a clear message to the rest of the world that Japan’s nuclear capability was supreme. Little did they suspect the devastating consequences of their decision. The plan was set and foolproof, or so they thought. The A794 was supposed to be fired from Tokyo at exactly 9 o’clock a.m. on May 29, 3018 and reach Sao Paulo at 9:02 that same morning. Japanese scientists had everything in place when it came time to launch the rocket and everything was on schedule.

The residents of Sao Paulo had no idea that anything bad was about to happen because nobody besides the scientists and government workers at the Tokyo headquarters knew about the bomb. Even if they had known, though, there was nothing that they could have done about it. It was too destructive.

At 8:58 a.m. on the 29th the entire headquarters was silent. Everyone was waiting for the moment when the world would be changed forever. Then it was time. The rocket was launched, but something wasn’t right. It was going off course but for a while it wasn’t clear exactly where it was heading. Then they knew: it was going straight towards the sun. Just how long it would take to get there, no one was sure, but the scientists were in a panic. Instead of just destroying one country, they may have doomed the entire planet. They had no control, now, over the speed of the rocket, so anything could happen. It would undoubtedly take years to reach the sun, but not long enough for the human race to naturally die out. The sun would blow up much too soon, taking all human life with it.

In years following the launch, scientists would try to blow up their own missile, but all of their efforts failed. There was no way of stopping it, and now the world just had to prepare for the worst. And the worst was definitely what they got. When the rocket finally collided with the sun the explosion was incredible. Even from Earth people could hear it. Meteors started to speed towards the planet from the Sun and the air gradually got colder and thinner. They were running out of light and oxygen. All of the plants were dying and the animals were following suit. It was only a matter of time before the entire human race went down the same path. The world was slowly dying, all because of what started out as a small war. If only they had known how it would end.
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This is just something I wrote for English so I thought I'd post it.