Forgotten Promises

Before Our Beginning

Spring had just arrived, the flowers were battling against the ankle deep snow, fighting their way for that very first glimpse of the steadily rising sun, its bright rays growing warmer and warmer with each passing day.

Now this is the setting for where it all began and how they first met and this is how it all started.


Why is that girl crying?Probably over some ice cream she dropped, humans are always so simple minded, crying over such trivial things.

A boy walked out of his hiding place from where he had just been observing the crying little girl and decided to speak to her, "hey girl, why are you crying in my meadow?"

The small girl looked up and her eyes widened at what see saw.The boy in front of her looked absolutely stunning.Black raven hair framed his abnormally pale face and seemed to be spiked up at the back from what she could see and his eyes, wow, they were a lush emerald color with tints of gold in them.

The boy grew frustrated as the girl merely stared at him completely ignoring his question.
"Look little girl, this place is mine okay and I want you to leave right now."

The blond girl pouted, "my name's Eva not girl, its rude if you don't tell me your name as well and the is everyone's meadow not just yours."

The boy stared at her, mouth agape then quickly closed it,"how old are you?"

"I'm not saying until you tell me your name."



Zero rolled his eyes,"My name is Zero you idiot now tell me how old you are."

Eva grinned, her dimples showed making her look absolutely adorable."I'm six, turning seven in two months." She emphasized by holding up two small fingers.

"I see and now I want you to leave."Zero turned around about to head back to his lonely mansion on top of the meadow until something seemed to grab him from behind.When he turned around two huge azure blue eyes were staring back at him,"don't leave."
That small voice which seemed so loud before when she was announcing her age sounded so.....scared?

"Don't go yet."

And for some very strange reason Zero obeyed Eva's wishes, he turned back around and sat down on the grassy meadow next to her.

The day quickly sped by with each other chatting about nothing in particular.Zero didn't want to admit it but he enjoyed the girls completely random chatter from talking about her friends one moment and then what she wanted for her birthday the next.

All too soon Eva had to leave for home which wasn't that far from the meadow actually.

"Will I see you tomorrow?"Eva stood up while dusting small drops of snow off her jacket.

Zero thought about this, he had never met a human quite as interesting as this little girl so he nodded.

Eva's smiled was absolutely beautiful,"then I'll see you tomorrow, bye bye Zero."

Zero watched her until she disappeared from view then he chuckled, would tomorrow be as interesting as today had been?

Seconds, minutes, hours, days and weeks passed by and the two kids continued seeing each other playing around in the meadow.They walked around the small town watching people pass by.

Zero had never felt so happy in his life, finally there was some one who wasn't frightened of him, finally there was some one who understood him, finally there was some one who saw him for who he was and not just some kind of monster to be shunned by society.

Two months passed in utter contentment for the both of them and then all to suddenly everything came crashing down the day before September 10th which was Eva's seventh birthday.

"What do you mean we're moving mummy?"Eva sat at the dining table her dinner long forgotten over the distressing news her mother had just told her.

"I'm sorry Eve but your father just got a new job in Rome and we have to leave immediately tomorrow morning."

"B-but, you can't just do this mummy, what about all my friends!"

"You can make new ones when we move."

Eva felt hot tears sliding down her cheeks and she bolted up the stairs and into her room, locking the door behind her, she dived into her bed and started crying.She didn't want to leave, what would she tell Zero, he had promised to give her something for her birthday.

She cried herself to sleep that night.

A small blond little girl made her way to the beautiful sparkling meadow where she had first met Zero only two months ago, it was only 7:00AM so she wasn't expecting Zero to be sitting in the meadow staring at her with such a grim expression on his face.She told him of the events that had occurred only last night and that she had to leave soon.

Zero was silent through the whole ordeal feeling as if his heart was being ripped out piece by tiny piece.How could they do this to her, simply taking her away with only a nights notice about it, humans could be so cruel sometimes.

Eva stood up, the tears coming back from last night but before she could make a run back to her house Zero grabbed her small gloved hand.

"Will you promise me that wherever you are you won't forget about me."His eyes were desperate, pleading almost.

Eva nodded not trusting her voice min case she accidentally choked on her tears, then he let go and Eva stood right outside her house and in her hands was a small silver necklace with a simple platinum ring in the middle, she held it to her heart not noticing that there was writing on the inside of it.

The promise was left unfulfilled nine years later when Eva suffered a fatal car accident, she survived but pieces of her memory seemed to have disappeared, they came back to her as time passed but their was always something missing every time she gazed at the ring on her necklace, she was always reminded of jade green eyes but she couldn't quite put her finger on it.

One year later she decided to finish her last year of school back in Phoenix where all this first started back before the beginning.
♠ ♠ ♠
Finally finished, this took forever to do -_-"

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Should I continue or not?