They Watched the Sky

With The Widest Of Eyes.

They watched the sky. They watched the sky with the widest of eyes, almost as if the pools of aqua and brown were taking pictures of it. They both had different depictions being developed in their mind. One believed it was the most beautiful natural sight there could, indigo and purple all bleeding into each other, feathering into the most spectacular colours. Colours no artist could formulate on a palette. These colours were not man-made…they were miracles to the human eye.

The other, however, couldn’t see the beauty. The mind was too preoccupied with fear to process the radiance. Words were flowing through the ebbing of the brain, sending adrenaline filled terror into every inch of her already trembling body. There was only one thing this sky could mean…


A huge of roll thunder clashed into the sky above the two girls, whose hearts were beating rapidly, though for very diverse reasons. Splendor, luster, vividness and passion surged into the black haired girls’ body. Terror, trepidation, anxiety and apprehension shot through the other girl.

Her lungs seemed to close as the rumble of thunder above grew in intensity. Gasps and rickety breaths erupted from her small body, her hands clawing at the grass underneath their bodies. The other girl gave a small chuckle.

“Shush…it’s not going to get you, is it? It’s all the way up there.” She pointed to the sky. “It’s not going to hurt you, I promise.”

“What do you think thunder is?”

“Huh? Well…its two clouds colliding, isn’t it?”

“Not like that…like…in a metaphoric sort of way. Symbolically. What do you think thunder is?”

“Oh…well…my mom used to tell me it was God, you know? Letting us know he’s here, with us. When it gets louder, it means he’s closer to us. When it gets softer, it means we’re okay again, I guess.”

“Yeah…I like that theory. It’s nice…comforting. But, I asked you what you thought.”

Silence spread between the two girls. The eldest stretched her arms out, pulled them rigid in front of her, placed them underneath her black hair. The only noise that could be heard was the now quieting thunder and the blonde haired girl’s now quieting heart beat.


She watched the sky. She watched it with the widest eyes, trying her hardest to see the beauty threading between the fears. The heart was thumping inside her ribcage, but she could not decide what it was beating for - the beauty, the fear, or the feeling. Or, so she told herself. The most powerful out of the three was most definitely the feeling. It shone out from her heart, carried itself all the way down to the camp, into the tent, ready to be placed in the second girl’s heart. It was a connection - the strongest connection known to man. Strongest, but not understood…never understood.

“Why’d you run off like that?” Though she did not expect to hear a voice next to her, she did not jump. She remained calm (even when the person whose voice belonged to joined her on the rock), lost in her own thoughts.

Another roar of thunder seized the sky. Neither hearts pounded from it – they pounded from the person they were accompanied by.

“Do you think thunder is good or bad?”


“Do you think thunder is good or bad?”

The question bewildered the other girl.

“Well…uh…it depends on the person…”

“No. I asked you what you thought. No one else. You.” Wisps of blonde hair scattered into the wind as she turned her head. Now it was the other girls’ turn to look away.

Silence spread between the two girls.

“I…I…guess…it’s…it’s…good. Yeah…I think thunder is good.”

The brown eyed girl added this quietly,

“Have you noticed that it always thunders when we’re together?”