Maybe It's Too Late


Shane's POV

I woke up and ran downstairs as fast as my legs could carry me.
I ran straight out of the door and down the street towards Kelly's house.
I decided, today was it. Today is the day i tell Kelly how i feel about her.
Today is the day i risk everything we've had for twelve years, but i don't care, she needs to know, because i can't go on living like this. Constantly in fear of her finding out the truth, i'm in love with her.

I walked as fast as i could down the street, until i reached it. Her house. Number eleven, Hawthorne avenue.
I stood for a second. Stood outside her gate, i just gazed up at the house. This was really it, this was really happening.
I took a huge breathe and stifened my back as i made my way up her path.
Stopping at the door, i let out the breathe i'd taken in and knocked.

I could feel my heart beating faster and faster as i heard footsteps coming towards the door.
The door opened to reveal her father.
"Hey Mr Martins, umm, is Kelly home?" He looked down at his shoes then back up at me. The expression on his face wasn't good. I got a dreadful feeling in the pit of my stomach.
"Mr Martins?" I asked again, urging him to talk.

"Look, i don't know how to tell you this Shane, but..." His voice quietened as his words slowly came out.This was when i knew something was deffinatly wrong.
"...She's...gone." He said sheepishly.

On those words i felt all the happiness in me drain away and tears slowly started to well up in my eyes.
"Gone? Gone where!?" I asked half shouting, half crying.

"Her mother got a promotion in work, she had to leave, she took Kelly with her. Did dhe not tell you?" He asked looking shameful.

"She...said nothing." I said as the tears rolled down my cheek faster. I couldn't believe this was happening. I've lost her. I never got to say goodbye..... or i love you.
I sniffed and put on a strong face.
"Mr Martins, where has she gone? It's important i reach her, i... need to tell her something." I said trying to hold back more tears.

"She's at the airport. I'll give you a lift if you like, you might still catch her, her plane doesn't leave for another hour yet." He said noting the sincerity in my eyes. He knew what i wanted to say was important to me, he just didn't know what it was, or exactly how important it was.

We ran straight to the car and drove there as fast as we could. We took as many shortcuts as we possibly could, desperate to get there. When we arrived i left Mr Martins at his car and ran through the airport. Mr Martins told me she was bording at gate 21. Trust the one i need to be on the other side of the airport.

I had half an hour to get there and so ran as fast as i could to get ther in time. Running through an airport isn't a good idea, i forgot about the whole national security thing and of course, my running grabbed the attention of the security guards.
They were running after me, but i didn't care. Iwanted needed to get there.

I was almost there when the announcment for her plane arriving sounded from all the speakers around me. Hearing this i jumped over the tickets and passes barrier and ran straight for the gate.
I saw her, about to walk through the gate.

"Kelly!" I screamed before stopping to catch my breathe.

"Shane!" She screamed back, running over to me. I stood up properly again as she embraced me in her arms.

"Why... you...leaving?" I said between breathes and tears.

"Shane, i'm sorry. I couldn't handle telling you," She said tears welling up in her eyes.

"Why? I'm your best friend."

"Exactly... the truth is, i couldn't face telling you, because i didn't want to acknowledge the fact that i was leaving you for good... I love you Shane."

Those words hit me like a brick, i didn't know what to say. When she saw i was completely speechless, she started to cry harder. I put my hands to her face, whic only made her tears fall faster.
"Ssh, now now, stop crying... I love you too." I said wiping her tears away.

"Yeah, as a friend."

"No," I said pulling her face towards mine, connecting our lips. This was so right, everything, everyone around us just melted away. I traced her lips with my tongue and she granted me entrance, parting her lips. Our tongues met and danced passionatly. I pulled away and looked into her eyes, "No," I said again, "I love you Kelly, with all my heart and soul."

Her face lit up and her smile was loving. She puled me close to her again, as if she didn't want to let go. And she didn't. Until her mother came over to shatter the moment.

"Kelly, we're leaving, we'll talk about this on the plane!" She shouted at Kelly, grabbing her hand to pull her away.

"No mum!" She shouted, "I'm staying with dad, and the love of my life." When Kelly said this, her mum couldn't stand it. She turned around and walked off. As did we, hand in hand.
♠ ♠ ♠
A/N: hey everyone, so ive been meaning to write this one for a while. Never got round to it, but i felt the need to do so. Hope you all like it.
comments fuel my writing hand XD