Out Of Dreams

Ur So Gay

He couldn’t help but admire Slam’s body, he was so tall and well-built and Trent realised he should probably work on his own body in addition to his usual work-out. Slam murmured something about taking all his pain away, and then he was so close that they could have been as one. Trent could feel him, taste him, and then he smiled and sunk into sweet oblivion...

Trent woke out of his nap with a start. He could not believe he was fantasising about Slam, how dare his damn subconscious do such things to him?! He breathed heavily, blinking in the bright sun pouring from the window and erasing the image of an undressed Slam from his immediate thoughts. Still, he could almost feel Slam still there and-- Simmons was staring at him with polite amusement.

Trent yawned and stretched, “What is it, S?”

Simmons chuckled, “Slam?”

Trent’s eyes widened, “I didn’t!” He buried his head under a cushion and groaned heavily, “What happened?”

“Apparently you love Slam,” Simmons said with a straight face. He unhooked Trent’s bathrobe from the back of the door and handed it to him for a quick shower before he met Rose. He then sat back behind his desk and consulted his computer.

Trent was far too embarrassed to reply. Slam was a private thing, what if someone else heard him, someone less discreet and understanding than Simmons? He cleared his throat and changed the subject, still feeling that slightest bit wistful at the fading of the dream. “So um did you compile a report on Rose then? Can I see it? I barely saw you yesterday!”

Simmons smirked at the blatant changing of subject, “Why yes, I did write a report on it after reviewing everything.” He opened a drawer and leafed through many folders before producing Rose’s one. He skimmed it and looked back up at Trent, “Ah yes. Well as we originally suspected, there does seem to be a co-incidence between what we heard her do in the alley and what happened to Winston.”

“But we still can’t be 100%, right,” Trent said slowly, “Anything on her motives the other night though? I was tired and being precautionary.”

Simmons smiled proudly, “You did wonderfully, lad! Alerting me was the best thing to do because it meant I could block her tracking device which she tried to put on you when and her bug-finding device which you told me she was holding. And planning the date for yourself was excellent thinking!”

Trent glowed at this praise, “Well you’ve taught me well Simmons,” he did a two-fingered salute at him. Much like the salute Slam had given him with his promise, Trent thought with a pang. Go away Slam! “So she was trying to fit a tracking device on me?! The bitch! When?”

Simmons nodded and consulted the paper again, “I didn’t notice at first, but it must have been when she shook your hand as that was the only contact you had. I noticed that she put her other hand up to cover yours, and fitted it to your watch. It showed up as a hotspot when you alerted me.”

Trent ran a hand through his hair again, “She is guilty, I know it. Gut-feeling. She had a gun the first time I saw her and then all this business. And she suspects me, I’m sure of it. I bet she’ll use tonight to grill me and see how much I know. I am not gonna touch a drink tonight, wow she’s a good influence,” he grinned, “Why do I go for the shittest women?”

“Smart thinking, lad,” Simmons beamed, “And don’t worry about a thing, okay Trent? I’ll have people on standby for you just in case anything happens, which I’m sure it won’t! Maybe Rose is just doing what she has to, but you can at least enjoy your date.”

Trent shook his head and yawned again, “She just tires me out with all her games and shit, I wish she’d just let her hair down and have a bit of fun with me, but she’s so secretive and up herself!”

“We can’t help who we fall in LOVE with, can we Trent?” Simmons couldn’t hold back a laugh and Trent knew he was thinking about Slam again.

“Ugh I hope I get over her as soon as possible if that’s the case. I could do without her in my life if I’m honest.” He threw the cushion back on the sofa savagely, “I say that, and get all pissed and vow not to give her the time of day. And then it all goes out the window as soon as I see her!”

Trent’s phone rang, making them both jump. Trent checked the caller ID but it was unknown. “Hello?” he said hesitantly.

“Hey honey!” It was a voice so familiar to Trent that he’d even dreamed about it. Slam. His eyes widened and his butterflies returned. “You alright?”

“Yeah Slam, um how did you get my number?” Trent turned to see Simmons grinning and raising his eyebrows at him.

Slam’s voice was so low and such a turn on and SHUT UP BRAIN! “Ah well I have contacts Trenty boy, I recommend doing my sort of networking!”

Trent laughed, but it sounded more strangled as he tried to keep his voice even, “What, sleeping around?”

“I’m offended Trent! I called to ask you- well never mind now, I’m offended, bye Trent!”

“Wait! Slam! I’m sorry, joking alright!” Trent wondered why he was so hormonal and why he cared so much about Slam. Was he pregnant or something? Something was not right in his head, that was for sure.

“I’m hurt,” Slam said, sounding hurt. “Everyone twists everything I say and believes everything they hear from others! It’s so mean! And I thought you were different Trent!”

Trent knew Slam wasn’t totally upset with him now and laughed, “You do bring it on yourself slightly Slam, but I guess you can’t help being so-” Trent caught himself before he said something embarrassing. He coughed, “So what did you phone about?”

“Well you dropped one of your electronicy devices last week, and I thought you might want it back. I had to hide it before Brent came back.”

Trent could have kicked himself. So that’s where his bug had gone, he’d forgotten to retrieve it! “I see.” He still had no idea what to do about Slam. He’d started trusting Slam without realising it and without thinking it out logically, but there was something so honest and genuine about Slam that he liked. However, Slam was dangerous and could be a great actor.

“One sec Dave,” Trent heard Slam say, then another guy’s voice in the background. Slam was back, “I have to go Trent, but if you drop by tomorrow you can get it back.” He hung up.

Trent was left holding the phone, staring at it disbelievingly, “How am I supposed to know where he-?”

“I’ll track the call for you,” Simmons said smiling, “Get you an address.”

Trent smiled appreciatively at Simmons, and then grabbed his robe for a quick shower. Simmons went off to do other duties and left Trent to soak in the shower and ponder on life- and Slam. When he was clean and smelling of apple, he dried himself off and stepped out, only to collide with Caroline.

“I’m so sorry Trent, I honestly didn’t mean-”

Trent wasn’t startled as he’d been in a daze, thinking of Rose and Slam and his weird reactions. He looked at Caroline, not really seeing her and not aware of the effect his half naked, scented, damp body was having on her.

He cupped her chin and kissed her very gently, then strode back into his bedroom muttering under his breath, “I’m NOT gay!”
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow Slam has had a much bigger effect on him than I intended!
And I added Caroline for Marina who loves her :)