Sing Me A Song, We'll Write A Story About It


Big tears fall down like puddles
When something cuts it bleeds
Big storms leave towns in rubbles
Shore just recedes


That one word. It’s like a black hole; sucking you in, consuming you. It’s easy to fall into it, hard to escape. The sleepless nights plagued by your irrepressible tears, your thoughts. You can’t avoid it, as hard as you try you just can’t.

I never thought that he would have been the one to put me in this rut. To put me in such a state that I couldn’t even face the world. I put so much trust into him, hewas is the love of my life. No matter how hard I try, I can’t fall out of love with him. I just won’t let myself. I know he’s the only one for me; the only one that I could see myself with.

All of the trust, love, memories; everything was just thrown away. It was thrown away and all because of her.

Take some time to secure
A stream of water to occur
But crying is a way to know
Your tears are how you learn and grow
So better off to let it flow
Stains on cheeks will come to know

She was his best friend. Granted I knew him longer, a lot longer than she did. She came into the picture two years ago and instantly despised me. Tried everything she could to break us up; she did it all.

Told him I was cheating on him when he was away. Said I was just using him for the fame, for the money. That I didn’t love him; not one bit.

The lies that she spread, the false accusations. At first he didn’t believe a word she said. We had been together for almost four years the day she walked into his life; he had known I would never do those things. That he was the love of my life, and always will be.

But her words, they started to take a toll on him. Two years of her badgering of false accusations. His was the only one that started to doubt and second guess me. His family, his friends, my friends, everyone that we knew wasn’t fooled by her. We all knew she wanted him; and for all of the wrong reasons. She was in it for the fame, for the Hollywood lifestyle; not me.

Heartaches and hopes for healing
Through the raining of your tears
You'll learn the pain you're feeling

It all happened on his birthday. I was running a little late due to work. The party was in full swing by the time I arrived at my house. We had decided to celebrate it there, taking into account how much room I had to offer. His brothers greeted me as I walked through the door. Remorseful hugs and somber expressions. I had waved it off at the time; thinking nothing of it. His mother greeted me in the same fashion, I had asked her where Joe was. The shake of her head and frown on her face sent my head reeling.

Something had happened, and I knew I wasn’t going to like it.

She never told me where he was, neither did anyone else.

Take some time to secure
A stream of water to occur
But crying is a way to know
Your tears are how you learn and grow
So better off to let it flow
Stains on cheeks will come to know

There was only two people missing from the party. Him and her.

I cornered his brothers in the kitchen; demanded they tell me where they were. They had pointed towards the stairs, not saying a word, but their eyes said it all. I trudged my way to the stairs; leaded feet weighing me down. Everyone at the party watched me; the expressions all the same.

I didn’t want the pity, I didn’t want their eyes on me the way they were. I still felt them as I reached the top of the stairs. They burned into me, made me uncomfortable.

The guest rooms were empty, the office, the balconies, the bathrooms; they were all empty. I had checked every single room, leaving mine for last.

When I opened the door I stopped dead in my tracks. My blood ran cold, my lips quivered, and my eyes filled with tears.

There they were; on my bed. Her shirt and bra were off along with her pants; him only in his boxer briefs. I watched him place kisses on her exposed flesh, the same way he did to me.

My bed. Where we would lay for hours cuddling, professing our love to each other, whispering it into each other’s ears. Where he would kiss me delicately like I was such a treasure that couldn’t afford to be broken. Where we have been in the same position.

They never noticed me; too caught up in their heavy breathing and her slight moans. They didn’t notice me until a sob escaped my lips; the tears breaking free and cascading down my cheeks. His head whipped around to the doorway, he just stared at me; void of any emotion.

I could never get her smile out of my mind, the victorious grin that played across her lips as her eyes met mine.

He never escaped her grip, he just stayed on top of her and stared.

Thinking back to that night made the tears fall faster.


For his smile.


For his laugh.


For his beautiful eyes that used to only see me.


For the memories.


For the way his skin felt on mine.


For the six years of our love.


For him.

There may not be more than one of you
Appearing to be by your side
But if the ones you still love are here
To fight against time

He was it; the one.

That night was the last night that I saw him. His family still came around; still treated me like a daughter, like a sister. They didn’t approve of her; didn’t treat Joe the same as they used to. They were on my side; they were my comfort.

He’s the only one that I see when I lie here awake, when I’m sleeping. He’s everywhere to me. Pictures on the walls, videos by the television, cologne on the sheets; he engulfs me.

I never went back into that room. Nick brought all of my stuff into a guest room for me. He left the pictures, the sheets and comforter, the jewelry. It was all still in there.

My promise ring from him laying on my dresser, the necklace he surprised me with when he came home from tour and the charm bracelet he insisted on getting me to show our memories with it. They’re just there. Nobody to adore them, to see them; just there. They were never forgotten.

Take some time to secure
A stream of water to occur
But crying is a way to know
Your tears are how you learn and grow
So better off to let it flow
Stains on cheeks will come to know

Heart wrenching sobs racked my body; echoed throughout my house. They just wouldn’t stop.


For my broken heart.

Tears, tears, tears,
Tears, tears, tears
♠ ♠ ♠
Tears by Aly & AJ

This song is currently on repeat on my iPod. I love it; can't get enough of it. After I listened to it inspiration instantly hit me. I knew this song would be amazing to write a story around. And for once I really like what I wrote.

I would love for you guys to comment; to tell me what you think of this. I'm going to be really busy for the next week (next Monday; the big 1-9) so this will most likely be my last post until the middle of next week or so unless I can squeeze some odd amounts of writing time in here and there.