Sing Me A Song, We'll Write A Story About It


“Will you hurry up? We were supposed to leave half an hour ago. You would think that I’d be the one taking forever to get ready because I’m the one that doesn’t even want to go to this stupid party. Can’t I just stay in the room and watch the ball drop on the TV?” Stephanie was getting impatient waiting for her best friend Hilary to finish getting ready.

“You know you want to go,” her voice echoed from the bathroom where she was doing her make up. “Besides, who is actually on time to these things? Exactly, no one. And anyways we’re going to be surrounded by celebrities all night, and if the Jonas brothers are there then I want to look good for Joe,” Her dreamy sigh could be heard at the end of her rather small rant.

That sigh alone caused Stephanie to roll her eyes at her friend, but she just couldn’t help but smile. Not only was she smiling at how cute Hilary sounded when she talked or thought about Joe Jonas, but the thought alone of Kevin Jonas made her get giddy and, even if she wanted to, she wouldn’t be able to stop smiling.

But then she thought back to how preposterous it is to go to a party of all things on New Years Eve in New York when they could easily either stay in their room and watch it on the TV or go out into the crowds in Times Square. She doesn’t know how, but somehow Hilary got two invited to an exclusive party. Perhaps it’s from her extensive contract she just signed to write books, but she got them, and it’s inexcusable to miss out on the party.

Oh! And don’t even get her started on how she has to dress up to go to this party that she doesn’t even want to go to. Yeah sure parties are fun and all, but she was expecting not a quiet evening, because lets face it when her and Hilary are together it’s never quiet, but a sort of relaxing evening with her best friend. Now they’re going to be surrounded by people that they know, but not on a personal level. But back to how she actually has to dress up. Jeans and a t-shirt are perfect attire for her. She’s not into the whole get-dressed-up-and-wear-heels thing. And if Hilary hadn’t actually insisted on her dressing up then she wasn’t going to at all.

However, since she did cave when Hilary insisted, she was more or less forced to wear the black strapless dress that came to mid thigh and those stupid, uncomfortable, gold, strappy heels. To say she wasn’t in the greatest of moods was a little understated, not to mention she was absolutely starving and won’t be completely happy until she eats something.

“Seriously Hilary, can we just go and get this over with, please?” Stephanie begged, she was getting tired of waiting, even if it is uncommon that she has to actually wait for her best friend.

In a way she kind of regrets coming. It had always been her best friend’s dream to come to New York for New Years, and when she actually got down on her knees and begged her to come she just couldn’t say no. Besides, she knows that no matter what she’s still going to end up having a blast. I mean she is in New York, with her best friend, and they’re more prone to getting into some pretty hilarious and ridiculous trouble. For years all Stephanie could remember is all of the fun that her and her best friend would have, sometimes Stephanie’s little sister would join in on the fun. They’ve experienced so much together, and the list just keeps getting longer.

So even if she kind of regrets coming, she would regret saying no even more.

“Okay okay,” Hilary said as she walked out of the bathroom, messing with her curly hair a little bit. “I’m done.” The two of them stood in front of the floor length mirror that was on the wall in their bedroom. “We’re two sexy bitches,” Hilary bluntly stated.

Stephanie couldn’t help but chuckle after Hilary said that and then really looked into the mirror. Her and her best friend we’re so different, but so very much alike. Hilary was the same height, but contrasted with her dark brown hair to her own dirty blonde hair. Not to mention that Hilary loves any excuse to dress up, no matter the occasion.

“Lets go,” Hilary said as she turned away, her strapless royal purple dress moving with her, perfectly matching her black heels and matching black pea coat.

“Yeah yeah, I just want to get this over with so we can get back and watch movies while pigging out on junk food and talking,” Stephanie grumbled while shrugging on her own pea coat.

They made their way out the door while Hilary shook her head. “You’ll be thanking me later for this."


“Why are we going to this?” Kevin kind of complained while following his younger brother around their suite.

“Because Kevin,” Joe let out a frustrated sigh, “We were specifically asked to go to this, and I know that this isn’t exactly what you want to be doing tonight, especially after you and Danielle, but please for us, have fun.”

Kevin closed his eyes as Joe mentioned his now ex-girlfriend Danielle. Four years together and then it just abruptly ended, and just recalling that was making Kevin’s head spin. He still couldn’t get his head around what happened.

“Alright,” he sighed out, defeated and not really happy.

“And besides,” Joe stopped messing around with his hair and looked back at his older brother, “You might meet a girl, I mean we are in New York and it is New Years.” He nudged him with a laugh and then turned towards their little brother. “Nick are you ready yet?”

Nick rolled his eyes and mumbled an unintelligible sentence that kind of sounded like “yeah I am, lets get this over with”.

Joe scoffed while Kevin stifled a laugh. “Glad I’m the only one excited about this,” he said sarcastically, grabbed his coat and was out the door with a flourish. His two brothers trailed after him, dreading the night.


“This party is amazing!” Her best friend screamed in her ear over the music. Stephanie looked around, a little less than impressed. There were people everywhere, celebrities, regular everyday people, waiters, everyone seemed to be there. “Oh! I think I see Johnny Depp!” She squealed in her ear, causing Stephanie to laugh at her star struck friend.

And even now, surrounded by all of these celebrities she just wanted to go back and curl up in her bed in the suite the two of them booked for the next few days. But even if she wanted to she couldn’t, she didn’t know the name of the hotel, and Hilary also happened to have the key to the hotel room. So, there she was stuck at this party that was horribly overcrowded.

“Lets go get a drink,” Stephanie said over the music to Hilary, who was still checking out the party, undoubtfully trying to see if she could spot a one Joe Jonas.

They shared a nod and were off to the bar that was unfortunately on the other side of the room.

“Stupid, idiotic people who don’t move when you say excuse me,” she mumbled under breath as she had to push past another person who didn’t move after she asked them to politely.

“I’ll take a Diet Coke,” Hilary said to the bartender who nodded and then looked to Stephanie as to ask what she wanted.

“Oh uh water please,” she answered distractedly. Her head was still teaming with the thought of her not wanting to be here.

The bartender returned with their drinks as they said a quick, but polite “Thank you” and then turned their attention to each other.

“You really don’t want to be here, do you?” Hilary asked, slightly upset for the fact that she basically dragged her to this party. She was so caught up on the idea of attending it, that she just really didn’t take the time to listen to her best friend.

“No, no!” Stephanie tried to reassure her, “I’m just taking a little more time to warm up to the idea of being around so many people that I don’t actually know. I want to be here, and besides I wanted to spend New Years with my best friend, it’s going to be fun.” She sent her a reassuring smile and mentally sighed in relief as she saw her best friend’s face brighten up noticeably and a smile begin to form.

Stephanie couldn’t help but laugh when her friend did a complete 180 and started talking about how she tripped and took down the curtain of the changing room when she was walking back into it after trying on her dress.


“Could you guys at least pretend to have fun tonight, please?” Joe had resorted to begging his two brothers as they made their way through the building where the party was being held.

Kevin and Nick exchanged a glance, they would rather be anywhere other than there at the moment, but it seemed important to Joe, and they just couldn’t bring themselves to ruin his evening and happy mood.

“Yeah, I guess,” they said at the same time, sighing.

Joe sent them a broad, bright grin after they agreed and had an extra bounce in his step as they started to make their way into the room. “Thanks guys.”

Kevin glanced around and couldn’t help but wince as he noticed all of the celebrities that seemed to notice them right away after they walked through the door. The room was so densely populated that he couldn’t even see over to the other side of it. This really wasn’t where he wanted to be. Not since the break up, he just wanted to lay in bed and feel just a little sorry for himself as he watched the ball drop, and all of those happy couples, who were so in love with each other, kiss.

He was once one of those happy couples.

“Wow, everyone is here,” Nick commented as the three of them shrugged off their coats and handed them to the person who would take them and put them in the closet.

Kevin mumbled a “Yeah, how unfortunate” the same time that Joe let out an excited “I know!”. And Kevin just couldn’t help but roll his eyes at his bouncing brother. It wasn’t that he found him annoying, more so of being jealous, not too long ago he was like that too.

“Oh! I see a hot girl,” Joe cried out and disappeared before either of his brothers could say anything.

The two remaining brothers exchanged another look and a shake of their head. It was so like Joe to drag them to a party and then ditch them upon entering.

“So…what do you want to do?” Nick asked as he looked around, rocking on his heels.

Kevin sighed and shook his head while looking around him. He really didn’t want to be here.


“You know what sucks?” Stephanie snapped her head up as she heard her best friend start talking again.

“Hmmm, what?” She was fully interested now as she caught sight of Hilary swirling the ice cubes of her empty glass around with her finger.

“Being single,” she sighed out while plopping her head down on her hand, her elbow propped up on the bar. Stephanie had to stifle another laugh as she heard her say this. Not even two days ago Hilary was telling her how happy she was being single, glad that she could have the “freedom” to do what she pleased. And now, she was slightly complaining about it.

Stephanie was about to open her mouth to respond when a guy came up on the other side of her best friend. She recognized him and shut her mouth, a smug smirk making its way on her face.

“You really hate being single?” Stephanie really just couldn’t help but ask, the temptation outweighed the resistance.

“Yeah,” it sounded so sad, so defeated, but yet Stephanie couldn’t help but let her smirk grow wider. Hilary still hadn’t noticed the guy to the right of her since she was sort of facing her.

“What’s wrong with being single?” A guy’s voice interrupted their conversation, causing Hilary to just about fall off of her bar stool from the shock of having him right there. And Stephanie couldn’t help but laugh.

“Um-noth-nothing,” she sat amused and watched her stutter and stumble over her words as she took the guy in.

“Well, would you like to dance?” He held his hand out to her.

Before she took it she looked back at Stephanie and said a simple “I take it back” before accepting his hand and walking off. She couldn’t help but shake her head at her love sick friend, only Joe Jonas could do that to her. She looked at the clock; 11:33.

“Make up your mind woman,” she said under her breath and chuckled yet again.

But that chuckled soon faded as she realized that she was alone at the party now. And the regret was starting to come back. She knew that Hilary didn’t do it on purpose, and she’s happy for her, she was just feeling a little pissed at the fact that she was alone. But then that feeling started subsiding. Why was she sitting down when she should be out there in the middle of the dance floor being wild and crazy in true Stephanie fashion?

She glanced at the clock again, 11:34 and made her way to the middle of the dance floor, and just let loose and went crazy.


“Dude, who do you keep looking at?” Nick asked his oldest brother whose eyes were never wavering from the dance floor.

The two of them were off to the side talking and just trying not to get pulled into the craziness that was the dance floor. They had watched in amusement as their brother appeared on the dance floor, not even four minutes after he disappeared, with a girl. But that’s not who Kevin was looking at, oh no, he was staring at the incredibly gorgeous dirty blonde haired girl in the middle just completely going crazy. It was like she had no care in the world and was just having fun.

But he didn’t know what to think, she was completely different from the girls he was normally attracted to, so different from her. This was like Joe in female form, he would have thought that his younger brother’s attention would be on her, but with a glance at him he could tell that all of his attention was solely on the brunette he was currently dancing with, and the look on his face, in his eyes was one that he hadn’t seen him have in a long time. It was the same look that Kevin got whenever he was around her. And it made him wince at that thought, but he couldn’t help but smile at the sight of his younger brother and that girl before returning his attention to the mystery girl that caught his attention the second he saw her.

She was so wild, so carefree. She was having fun and didn’t seem to care about what everyone would say about her or the looks they were sending her. She was so confident, so damn confident that it made him just a little apprehensive. He loved confident girls, but with the way he’s been feeling lately he just didn’t know if he had the confidence to approach her, to talk to her.

She was hanging out, dancing and he caught her a couple of times making eyes at him, while he stared from across the room. Nick followed his oldest brother’s line of vision and smiled an understanding smile.

Clapping his hand on his shoulder and giving him a reassuring squeeze he nodded his head. “Go ahead man, have fun. Besides I see a cute little red head over there that I’ve been kind of wanting to talk to.” And with that Nick was gone, leaving Kevin alone. But for once he didn’t feel alone, he hasn’t felt alone since he saw her.

He got the nerve to walk the floor and ask her to dance.


Stephanie noticed him, she would be stupid not too. I mean there was the most handsome guy that she has ever seen in her life, and he was looking at her. Her of all people amidst all of these celebrities, and it made her feel beautiful. Of course she thought she looked incredibly ridiculous with the way that she was dancing, her flat ironed hair moving with her every time she swung her head around.

But that’s how she is, when Stephanie dances she goes crazy.

Her heart couldn’t help but skip a beat when she saw him making his way to her from across the room. The butterflies started, and she just wanted to dissolve into a giggling puddle on the floor, even though she never really gets girly like this. But there was just something about him.

She fully stopped moving as he finally reached her, standing less than a foot from her, and even though it was incredibly hot in the room, she couldn’t help but welcome the heat radiating off of his body. It went through her in tremors.

“Would you like to dance?” He asked her, his voice sounding so deep, so kind, so hot.

“Well I’m already dancing, but you can join me if you want,” there was the Stephanie that everyone knew, so quick and funny.

He let out a laugh, one that caused her to melt, and make her want to do whatever she could to make him laugh, just so she could hear it for the rest of her life. Wait, the rest of her life? She doesn’t even know this guy and she’s thinking about the rest of her life? Stephanie, you idiot, at least find out the guys name before you get all crazy, psycho on him. But it only took her one look to be so hooked on him, so incredibly in lust with him.

His dark brown, curly hair was so unnaturally adorable, his hazel eyes we’re beautiful, the clothes he was wearing fit him so well, it was like they were made for him, his smile was to die for, and his voice was so smooth. Stephanie couldn’t deny it, he was amazing, even if she didn’t know him.

“Touché, but I would love to join you in dancing.”

“I’m Stephanie,” she introduced herself and held out her hand.

“Kevin,” was his simple replay as he shook her out stretched hand.

Stephanie smiled and glanced at the clock; 11:37.


“No way!” Kevin gasped out in between laughs.

The two had retired from the dance floor just 10 minutes after they started to dance, and were currently talking by the French doors that lead out to the balcony on the floor the party was held on. It seemed like it was the quiet place in the vicinity in and surrounding the party, and with their luck there was an adorable little couch just to the right of the door.

“I swear!” Stephanie’s smile couldn’t get any bigger and her face was starting to hurt from smiling so much, but she didn’t care, his laugh was like music to her ears. And then she softly laughed. “I have the worst karma, it was right after I made fun of her too and as soon as I turned around I tripped over that damn carpet.”

He started laughing again as she finished talking, and she couldn’t help but join in, the story really was funny.

After a few minutes of laughing they finally composed themselves.

“So, are you here alone?” Kevin asked her and she couldn’t help the smile that grew even bigger as he flirted with her.

“No,” she watched with some satisfaction as his smile dropped slightly, “I’m here with my best friend Hilary,” his smile was even bigger than before and the butterflies started again. “She’s somewhere on the dance floor….” She trailed off as she tried to spot her best friend and let out a triumphant sound when she finally spotted her. “She’s over there, in the royal purple dress,” she pointed in the general direction and Kevin was shocked to see that her best friend was the one that Joe was currently so caught up in as they continued to dance.

“Oh so that’s the girl’s name that my brother is so caught up on,” Kevin noted out loud, still watching the two of them dance. Joe looked up after he finished his sentence and smiled at Kevin, the smile grew even bigger as he noticed Stephanie beside him, and sent his older brother a wink before directing his attention back towards Hilary.

Stephanie sat there shocked. If Joe Jonas was his brother, then that means….OH MY GOSH! She’s been talking to Kevin Jonas the entire time! The Kevin that she danced with, that had initially asked her to dance, the Kevin that she’s been telling embarrassing stories to was the Kevin Jonas. She’s had such a celebrity crush on him, and has been a fan since she could remember. How could she not have noticed that it was him?

But it all made sense to her now. The butterflies, the smile when he laughs, her heart skipping a beat, she’s all experienced that before when she would see a picture of him in magazines, on the internet or when she’s seen them live. She felt so stupid for a second, having not recognized him, but then relaxed because this is still the Kevin that she was just talking to, it’s just that now she actually knows who he is.

They both watched as Hilary looked over at Stephanie and mouth an “Oh my gosh” as she and Joe grinded on the dance floor. And both of them couldn’t help but laugh at the grin on her face and how she just seemed so incredibly ecstatic. And Hilary grinned when she saw Stephanie and Kevin sitting together, she knew that Stephanie was going to find someone, but it was an added bonus when she found out that it was Kevin Jonas. They still watched as Hilary turned her attention back to Joe and leaned up, whispering something in his ear. Joe smiled and tightened his grip, bringing her even closer to him, flushing her body up against his.

Stephanie laughed and shook her head, “She is definitely head over heels for him.”

Kevin looked over at her and couldn’t help but be captivated by how amazingly beautiful she was. Her hair, her eyes, how completely gorgeous she looked in that dress. He knew she was beautiful the second he saw her, but sitting there and then in the dim lighting he finally saw just how beautiful she was.

“And he is for her.” Stephanie couldn’t help but notice the double meaning behind his words and turned her attention to him after she took in what he was saying. He was staring at her in such adoration that it made her head spin. Their eyes were locked as people started to shout the countdown.


A smile started to slowly spread across his lips.


He scooted just a little bit closer, Stephanie was unable to move, he was just so gorgeous.


Kevin couldn’t believe how lucky he was that Joe convinced him to come to this party.


Stephanie was so incredibly happy for agreeing to come to New York with Hilary.


His eyes caramelized as he stared into her eyes, to the depths of her soul and every inch of her heart.


Her breathing came short as it was almost midnight and for the fact that he was just inches from her face.


He glanced down at her lips briefly before adverting his eyes to hers once more.


They were so close, body heat engulfing the other in such a comforting way.


He moved in closer, their noses brushing against each other, eyes closing in anticipation.


Their lips finally met and everything else disappeared. All of the cheers, the shouts and noise makers, it was all drowned out by the beating of their hearts, the butterflies that erupted in their stomachs. All they could hear was each other, all they could feel was the other’s lips, their eyelashes as they softly brushed against the other’s cheek as they tilted their heads in order to deepen the kiss.

Stephanie was so grateful that she was sitting down, because as soon as their lips met she felt lightheaded and her knees became weak. But that was nothing compared to how she felt when his hand snaked its way behind her neck, it was nothing compared to how she felt when her hands made their way up into his hair, his soft curls between her fingers.

She felt like she was floating on air.

They pulled apart not too long after, confetti flying down from the ceiling, getting caught in the other’s hair, making the moment just that more romantic. And still all other noise was drowned out. He smiled at her, a smile that made her lose her breath, and leaned into her to speak in her ear.

“I have to go.” He picked up her hand and kissed it, his smooth lips brushing against the soft skin of her knuckles and both of them relished in the feeling.

And with that he was gone.

She felt alone again, without him there to make her feel so alive. She dropped her hand back onto her lap but paused as she felt something in her hand. Glancing down at it she turned it over and opened it. And the smile came back. For in her hand was a small piece of paper with “Kevin” written on it and his number underneath his name.


“That was so much fun,” Hilary gushed as they made their way down the street, opting to walk instead of hail a taxi. “I can’t believe I danced with Joe Jonas, I can’t believe he kissed me at midnight, I can’t believe he asked me for my number, and I definitely can’t believe he asked me if I wanted to go out with him tomorrow.”

Stephanie smiled as she listened to her best friend talk in such a breathless manner. She smiled because she knows that if she were to talk she would sound exactly like that. Hilary’s love sick grin was the same replica of the one she was wearing.

“And what about you?” Hilary asked. “I saw you with Kevin, I know he kissed you,” she giggled out as she nudged her in her side with her elbow.

And the smile grew even bigger. “He’s amazing,” she breathed out, just thinking back to that moment, back to all of it. She was still partially in shock at the fact that she was with Kevin all evening, that they had kissed at midnight. “Oh, and you were right. Thank you. You gave me the opportunity for the best night of my life, and I kind of owe it all to you.” She looked over at her best friend as she smiled at her.

Hilary laughed and pulled her into a hug as they were still walking. “Don’t thank me, I’m glad you came with me, and I’m glad that it was the best night of your life. All I want is for you to be happy, and seeing you like this makes everything worth it; all of the begging, the pleading, it was all worth it.”

Stephanie chuckled and hugged her back.

It really was the best night of her life, and it seems as though her life didn’t start until 11:37.
♠ ♠ ♠
So this is a one shot written for my best friend in my entire life; Stephanie. And it features her absolute favorite Jonas, a mister Kevin Jonas that is.

This one is solely for you, and is the longest one shot that I have ever written, but it's worth it because it's for you.

Oh! And by the way, Stephanie is writing a new story called It's Ok To Cry featuring the man of the one shot, Mr. Kevin Jonas himself. It's seriously amazing, and I can't get enough of it. And if you don't want to click on the link, her username is sccrg815.

Hope you loved it Stephanie.