Status: Complete. =)

Now and Forever

Shattered Within


I'd been sitting on this couch for the last few hours. I'd called all the other guys and told them what happened. Right now I really don't give two shits about Matt's cheating, lying, deceitful- Okay Imma shut up right there. But I will get my daughter back even if I have to spill blood and shitloads of it. Someone powerfully pounds on the door, waking me from my trancelike state. Matt's here. "EMI-" I punch Matt in the jaw, kicking him in the stomach. "Listen, asshole. Had you NOT even cheated on me in the first place, this shit would never have fucking happened. MY daughter is gone and MY son is in fucking shambles. So you get your lying, deceitful, sex and ass-addict self out of my fucking home. Do you fucking understand my words Matthew Charles Sanders? You speak one more fucking word and I will SLAUGHTER YOU. Good FUCKING bye, manskank!" I spin kick him to the nose, then slam the door in his face.

I have to try and get my daughter back not for me, but for my weeping son. "I will find you Heaven. Even if saving you ends my life." I run upstairs to my room and put on ripped-in-the-knees black jeans, knee high airwalks, red socks, lace armwarmer (black) on my left arm, a studded leather wristband on my right wrist and a green studded belt. "I will find my Heaven, even if saving her sends me to Heaven." I take my wallet, phone, i-pod and black nail polish (I can't kick ass without my nails black) and when I reach the kitchen, I realize I forgot my makeup.

15 minutes later, I walk downstairs with black eyeliner, red eyelids and black lips with tears on the side of my eyes. I have a bag of tools, but decide on improvising. So I go un-armed except for first-aid kits for when I find my daughter. I put on my hoodie- new one since my last was a7x (burned old ones)- it's a plain red one with thumbholes. :) I walk out to my car after applying my black nail polish and putting my rings on. Note with my name on it attached to the front window.


If you want your daughter back, meet me here at noon exactly. Bring my money....and that body of yours. You're my whore. And your little 'heaven' is going to help. I will not let you escape me!

Kai." Oh FUCK no. That Kaid guy has gone too mother-fucking far. He's planning on raping me and MY CHILD. Oh Hell no. *smirks* I'm a telekinetic. Mwhaha. I hop in the car and drive light-speed to the hideout. I already see the car that took my daughter away. Your ass belongs to my fists, Kaid. No one harms my daughter. I'm so fucking pissed that when I reach the entrance to the warehouse, I jump-kick the BOLTED-SHUT DOOR down like it's plastic. "KAID. GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE AND BRING MY FUCKING DAUGHTER OUT, YOU SACK OF C*M-SUCKING SHIT. Times have changed, dude. I'm not the helpless 8th grade chick you knew. I can and totally will spill your fucking guts!!!!" 5 men show up in black suits, with *ahem* PANTS PROBLEMS WITH LEGS! *ahem* issues.

"What's the matter? Got the hots for Kaid fucking a defenseless 3 year old girl?" One charges at me, and I do a front flip and spin-kick him between the legs. The same goes for the other four. I run into the secret room and I'm locked in with Kaid and some old dude with a gun to Heaven! "Kaid you took this shit too fucking far. In love with me I don't care. I never liked your arsch. But you and Senor Wrinkles have my kid. I don't take well to kidnappers and pedos. Let my child go and I'll let you die easily. Don't and I'll make sure you die painfully." The two men laugh and make fun at my fake exterior. "Women are meant to be SLAVES, girl. NOT fighters. Leave that to the MEN!" He cackles again.

"Men? Am I in the presence of men? Oh I'm terribly sorry. I had no idea. :)" The older one loads the gun and raises it to Heaven's face. "NO!" But before Heaven can scream, the gun flies to my feet. "Hahahahaha. Whose got the gun now baby?" I fly it up to my hands and shoot the older one in both legs and the shoulders. "Kaid this is for my son and daughter. Want to fight, bitch?" He smiles evilly.

"Girlie, that's not ALL I'll do to that body of yours......" Oh it's on now!