My Saving Grace

Chapter 4

Craig held out his hand, his heart aching lightly as the woman flinched again. They had been at the same exercise for the last hour, and no progress had been made. The nurse, clearly trying to figure something out, stopped them by stepping in-between.

"Ok, let's try something else. Craig, I want you to just hug her. No roaming hands or anything! This is serious. I think she needs to have a large amount of contact just to start her on the right path."

"Do you really think I'd violate her like that?!" Irked at the nurse's presumption, his voice was rougher than necessary. 'At least she has the decency to look ashamed...' Craig stepped forward to Isobella, barely giving her time to react. By the time she flinched, his arms were already tightly secured.

Isobella writhed and moaned in panic, her mind racing with memories of the attack. Her heart ached as she thought to herself. 'My dirty...' Tears leaked past her eyelids as she clenched them shut, trying to drown out the memories and fear. Vaguely, she could hear Craig's voice, and with it came the memories of her savior.

Soft eyes studied her, sadness dripping through them. His face had a pure kindness to it, and the soft smile was perfectly beautiful. Black hair was trimmed neatly to form a goatee, lacking a mustache or side-burns. His hair was shaggy, but in a classy way. The light reflecting on it turned the near blackness into a softer brown. He must be an angel.

Noticing all that did not stop her from noticing that he was male, and her body curled away from him as he reached out to her. The hurt on his face made her regret the reaction. Even his reassuring voice was melodic and full of benevolence. However, fear overrode any good points this man had.

The same hazel eyes that had studied her broken form now greeted Isobella as she came out of her thoughts. She no longer struggled, but her body remained stiff. Craig smiled carefully at her, and she graced him with a small twitch of lips.

"You...saved me?" He nodded, and the result was a slight relaxation of Isobella's body. The nurse smiled and clapped her hands.

"Good! We're on the road to recovery!" Craig tightened his hug slightly before letting go and stepping back.
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Oi...Senior Exit sucks!