Status: Finished. RIP J.S


Getting Ready

Prom. It came much faster then I anticipated. But then again, time at this point, is passing by much faster than I would really like it to. Sighing I look at myself in the large bathroom mirror. I had placed a burgundy or rusty red coloured piece of fabric on my head, like a bandana. Hiding my baldness. Matt had been so helpful with my lack of hair, it made me want to cry. I had just finished my make up and was contemplating how the hell I was going to get my dress on. Giving up I walked back into my room and close the door. Dropping the towel that was wrapped around my waist.

It has taken me three hours to work myself up to get into that bloody dress. Matt was suppose to be here in about fifteen minutes so I groan and take the dress off the hanger before slipping my slender body into the satin material. Just as I realized that I could not tie the back I hear a soft tapping at my door.

“Audrina, you need help?” Raph’s voice asks, causing me to smile. Perfect timing. I walk over, holding the top of the dress to my chest, and turn around as I open the door.

“Could you tie me please?” I ask in a sweet voice, Raph laughs before lacing up the back. I turn around and smile at him. He was wearing a black suit with a black tie. I gently straighten it. “You clean up well,”

“I could say the same but I’d be lying,” he says, laughing lightly. “You look beautiful sis.”

“Thanks,” I whisper as we hear the door chime through the house. “That would be Matt,” I whisper, biting my lip as butterfly’s harass my stomach. I look over at the clock on the wall. “It’s quarter to seven, he’s early.”

“Yes it is, and yes he is early. You know how mom gets with the pictures.” Raph laughs as we walk towards the top of the stairs. I look down at the door. My dad was standing beside Matt, talking and laughing as my mom was at the doorway from the living room, camera hanging from her wrist and smiling.

“Here they are,” my mom says, smiling up at us. Matt’s head lifts to meet my eyes. I smile widely in answer to his own huge grin. He was wearing a black suit with a tie the same colour as my dress and a baseball cap on his head, slightly to the side, like always.

“Audrina,” he says quietly. As I reach the last three steps Matt lifts his arm and gently pulls off his cap. Everybody around me gasps as my eyes fill up with tears. I gently reach my hands out and run them along his now bald head. When he came over this morning to make sure his tie was the right colour, he had a full head of hair. I cry lightly. Touching only the bare skin.

“Baby,” I whisper through a mouth full of tears, he smiles and opens his arms as I fall into them. Clutching him as tightly as I possibly could to my body, crying opening into his shoulder. I feel him press his lips to my head lightly.

“I love you,” he whispers.

“I love you too!” I look into his eyes as he gently wipes away my tears.

“You…you shaved all your hair off?!” My mom asks, tears slipping down her cheeks.

“Why?” I whisper in a choked up voice, still running my hands along his head.

“Because I love you,” he says smiling.

“But baby, you’re hair!” I say again, still unable to believe it.

“It will grow back. Just like yours is going to. Baby, I know it hurt you to cut it all off before, and I know you were scared that I wouldn’t like you anymore because you were bald but I wanted to show you that you are my everything. I do not care if you look like a yeti or are completely bald. You are my life and I love you.”

“I love you too!” I exclaim, kissing him full on the lips.

“Jesus Matt,” Raph says. Shaking his head lightly trying to rid the few tears that had crept into his eyes.

“It’s just hair,” he says laughing as I finally make it to the bottom. “And Audrina, you are absolutely, without a doubt, the most gorgeous human to ever walk the earth.”

“Thank you babe,” I whisper, blushing.

“If your parents weren’t here that dress would be off,” he whispers into my ear causing me to blush even darker. “And I would make love to you like I never have before.”

“Alright Sanders, enough with the sexual talk,” Brian says as he walks into the house. “Audrina, you look beautiful.” he says as everybody else files into the doorway, not bothering to knock. We break apart and I look over at Lou, her blue dress moving with her body beautifully. I smile and hug her. Telling her just how beautiful she looked. After a few more minutes and what felt like thousands of pictures later we all leave the house. Climbing into the back of the limo that we had rented we made our way to the prom. Excitement burning through my veins.
♠ ♠ ♠
2 left!!

I finally decided how to end it!!!
