Wolf Gang

The Bear

The 8 wolves trotted over hills, plains and mountains in search of food but they found nothing. There stomachs were empty and there paws hurt.
"We got to stop!" whinned Tre. "My paws hurt!" Gerard glared at Tre. Frank began to sniff.
"That cold comming back to you Frank?" asked Bob. Frank put his nose to the ground and his mouth began to water. "Steak...." he said and walked with his head down into the forrest.
Everyone did the same and there mouths also began to water. Frank lead the way into a marsh. The scent was stronger now. Soon a large doe came into view.
The doe raised her head and began to sniff the air.
"She smells us!" hissed Billie. The does ears twitched and she trotted into a thicket.
"We cant lose her!" said Mike. Frank left the group without anybody noticing. He went into the thicket and saw the doe. He snuck up behind her and jumped on her back. Frank sunk his teeth into her neck and she made a strange noise that deer seemed to make.
The other band mates cmae to see what was going on. Frank stood opon a dead doe.
Thats the moment Frank became there leader.

They all feasted upon Venissen and blood covered there muzzles. There bellies were full but there eye lids began to droop.
They sought out a large cave. It smelt terrible inside but it was fine. Gerard went first then everyone else followed.
Everyone cuddled up and began to fall asleep. You know in movies, the sound a mad bear makes? Yeh, thats what our heros heard. Billie Joe woke up first to see a really mad female grizzly on her hind legs. She roarded and looked really pissed off. Mikey was clossest to her but he was frozen him fear.
"Mikey!" howeled Gerard.
With one mighty swipe of her paw, Mikey was thrown into the rock wall. He didnt move. The 7 wolves got up and began to growle. The bear wasnt scred one bit.
Mike jumped on the bear and Ray followed. The bear cast them aside like dolls. Tre went around to the bears tail and bit it really hard.
Tears streamed down her face as she tried to turn around and get at Tre.
Frank, being the leader and all, went for the bears neck. The tightly packed fur made it nearly impossible to get his jaws around. Soon he managed and the bear really got ticked off. Mikey still wasnt rising. Mike and Ray were still biting the bear and Billie helped Frank with the neck. Bob was cowering in a corner.
"Bob?" whispered Mikey.
Bob came up to him.
"Help the pack!" he said and died right there. Bob stood there but soon grabbed the bears left hind leg in his teeth and growled.
The bear was weakaning but managed to kick Bob and made his break his tooth.
"Alooooooooo!!!!" he howled in pain.

After hours of biting, howling and blood. The bear lay dead. Sadly, so did Mikey.