Status: I'm Editing this now. It won't change the story line and you can read the sequel. I'm just making it pretty and with no errors.

Don't Go Out in the Woods Tonight...

Metaphorical Boat

I hear Troy close the door and I'm left alone to get my drink of water. On my way back upstairs, I look at the wall clock.

Yuck. It’s only 10:30. Ugg, I have school. Double ugg, Troy and I might be sharing a ride.

Kate, remember, Humans. You and he are on the same metaphorical boat of humanity.

Yeah, a sinking boat, if he's around.

That's not very ni--

My internal conversation, come to a halt when I get to the top of the stairs and turn left. Troy comes out of the guest room with the pants on, but the shirt is in his hand with his other clothes.

Oh My ---. He's half naked and has a really nice body. Plus he's staring at me. Wait no... I'm staring at him. Oh MY --- I'm staring at him!

I look away and walk pass him and open the door to my room.

"It didn't fit." He says.


"The shirt, it didn't fit, and I didn't want to mess it up." He lifts it from the bundle if his clothes, "Where do you want me to put it?"

"Um... I'll just take it, I guess." I hold out my hand for it.

He tucks the clothes under his arm then takes hold of my wrist. I try to back up, because he's acting really weird and it startles me, but he only moves with me.

“Hold still.” His voice goes low and rough. “You’re bleeding.”

I look at my hand, and sure as the rain on the windows, I’m bleeding.

“Oh, that's from in the woods.” I explain as I remember what happened, “I fell after I rolled my ankle. I guess the scabs came off.”

“Mm, hmm. Sure.” Troy nods once and pulls me gently to the bathroom.

I pull out the first-aid kit and sit on the steamer trunk we keep in the bathroom. Troy sits down next to me and works on cleaning the scrapes out with alcohol pads. I manage to not whimper about it, even though it stings worst than getting the cuts.

I look at him as he works, trying to distract myself from the mild pain. His short black bangs keep falling into his face, even though he flips them back ever few seconds or so.

His eyes kind of narrow in concentration or maybe annoyance when his hair blocks his view one more. I can't help but smile. Gently, I tuck his bangs behind his ear.

Troy freezes for a moment. Then he lifts his eyes and stares at me, searching for a motive behind my act of kindness.

I simple ignore it, like nothing happened and reach for my glass of water. Troy goes back to cleaning the cuts on my hand, and then puts a bandage on it. When he’s done he puts every thing back where is belongs.

He walks out into the hall. I stop him before he runs off to his room.

“Hey, Troy.” I speak in a sort of stage whisper, “Um… Thank you, for everything. And…uh… Good night.”

Not the most elegant good night I ever gave, but it works. Troy looks up at me, and smiles, a good happy kind smile, for the first time since I met him this morning.

“You're welcome, Kate.” He says it with less difficulty than me, “And good night to you too.”

Okay, weird.
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i like this one. I mean i really enjoyed wrting this nice little chapter. :)