Status: Giving the curcumstances, Mysti and I have agreed that it would be best if I wrote the story from now on. I have decided to start fresh and am in the process of rewriting the whole series now.

As Snow Falls on Desert Sky

Chapter 1: Watch Where You’re Going, You Emo

With my iPod on full blast, head bent low, and walking at a fast pace, I almost missed the store that I was heading to. I back-tracked and went inside F. Y. E. I pulled the hood of my black Misfits hoodie over my head and pulled my sunglasses off. I headed for the rock section and went directly for the 'M's… Machine Head, Iron Maiden, Manson, Mastodon, Mayhem, Meatloaf, Megadeth, Metallica, Mindless Self Indulgence, Elliot Minor, The Misfits, Montrose, Mountain, Morbid Angel, Motorhead, Mudvayne. Ahh here it is. I found what I was looking for and went up to the cashier to pay for it. She gave me a weary look.

“What?” I said my voice dripping with attitude. She quickly looked away and rang me up. I gave her the eighteen dollars and she handed me the bag with my CDs in it. "Have a nice day," she muttered. “Thank you,” I said as I put my hoodie and sunglasses back on. I started my walk back home. My bangs fell into my face and covered half of it. I let it stay there. My hair was black with red, purple, and blue highlights running through it. I kept my head down and turned on 'Fifth Period' by 'Leathermouth'. While I listened to one of my celebrity crushes, Frank Iero, scream his heart out at full blast, I bumped into someone. I fell down on my ass and my earphones popped out.

“Shit,” I cried out as my ass hit the ground. I looked up to see three guys staring back at me. I had no clue who they were, but they were kinda cute. They all had on skinny jeans, two had on black and one had on red. The one who had on red had long straight hair that looked to be either straightened or permed and the other two had really curly hair. For some reason, they looked kinda familiar to me.

"Why don’t you watch where your going, you emo," the one in the red spat at me. “Excuse me!” I said. “But what the fuck is your problem?!” He just walked off with the other two following him. I rolled my eyes and got up. I brushed dirt off my black skinny jeans and watched as the three boys walked away. I was half tempted to chase him down the block and beat his head in, but then a fight would ensue and I wasn’t sure if I could take all three of them.

"Stupid, stuck-up, preps. Always gotta fuck things up. I was in a semi-good mood too.” I muttered as I turned the corner to my street. I made my way to my house without anymore incidents and rushed up to my room. I was unaware that someone was already in there.

"Start all over! Start all over!" My evil step-sister, Tiffany, sang. Loudly. And off beat. You know what's worse than having a step-sister? Having a step-sister that’s your age. Know what's worse than that? Having a step-dad. And finally, worse than that? Having a mother and step-dad that cherish your step-sister, but couldn't give a shit about you. I'm not out going like Tiffany. I don't have friends like Tiffany. I'm not popular like Tiffany. And she's definitely not “Emo” like me. Ugh, I hate that term.

“Tiffany,” I said in my fakest and “sweetest” voice. “Get out of my room. Now.” I said the last part slow and seriously. Sensing I meant business Tiffany quickly left out of my room. I went over to my CD player and pulled out the CD she put in there. I then walked back to my bedroom door. “And don’t be blasting that Disney crap music, tainting my CD player again!” and I threw the Miley Cyrus CD. I hit the wall with a cracking sound and I laughed.

I walked over to my bed and pulled the contents of the bag from FYE out. My Chemical Romance’s “Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge” and “Life on the Murder Scene”. This was my fifth time buying both of these CD’s. Mostly thanks to Tiffany. I put “Revenge” on first, since it was my favorite and immediately turned it to “To the End”.

I went over to look out the window; I then looked over to the window across from mine. Then I saw the moving truck. I wish the new neighbors don't have any children to occupy that room. Anyone who got that room would see into mine and see everything. I like my privacy and I hate to keep the black curtains closed all the time. It gets hot. The worst part is that my desk is right in front of that window and my laptop is on that desk. That means they can look over and see me on my laptop, full view. I groaned and flung myself down on my huge queen bed, and began staring at the many posters and pictures that cover my walls.

I have all sorts of posters. From my favorite bands, My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, Avenged Sevenfold, Iron Maiden, The Misfits, The Bouncing Souls, All-American Rejects (though they’re at the bottom), Black Flag, Mindless Self Indulgence, the Used, Green Day, Evanescence, Nine Inch Nails, Tokio Hotel and Muse to Lupe Fiasco, Ludacris, Missy Elliott, Eminem, Alicia Keys, Pink and Black Eyed Peas (no Disney or pop though). I also have all of those band members individually in their own poster (except Fergie). I also have posters from my favorite TV shows and video games. The poster I favor most though is the huge Criss Angel poster near my window. The pictures that litter my walls are that of my friends, fellow members of the MCRmy and my fellow Demolition Crew members.

I was pulled out of my admiration of my walls by cell phone ringing.

I am not afraid to keep on living. I am not afraid to walk this world alone. Honey if you stay I’ll be forgiving. Nothing you can say can stop me going home.

“Famous Last Words” by My Chemical Romance. I only have that tone programmed for one person. I answered the phone.

“Hello Maxine. How are you?”

Maxine is my best female friend and has been for a long time. She is my complete opposite. She’s on the more girly poppy side while I’m a little more on the tomboy rocker side. She is a very skinny, beautiful girl that could easily pass for a model while I’m a little more on the “healthy” side, have plain looks and I could pass as a football player. While we may be very different physically, what brought us together were the things we have in common. Like our love of anime and curiosity of the Japanese culture, and our love of vampire books and Stephen King novels.

“Hey sista. Guess what?”


“I’ve got tickets to a concert tonight.”

“Really? What time is the concert?”

“Tonight at seven. What are you doing right now?”

“Nothing, just sitting on my bed, staring at the wall. Why?”

“I was just wondering if you could go with me to the mall. I have to get a new outfit for the concert tonight.”

“Okay I'll go with you but we have to stop at Best Buy, Circuit City, F. Y. E., and Hot Topic.”

“OK. Can you come over right now?”

“Sure. Am I driving or is Scott?”

“Can you drive me? I’m meeting Scott at the mall.”

“Fine. I’ll be in your house in ten minutes. Be waiting outside for me.”