Status: Giving the curcumstances, Mysti and I have agreed that it would be best if I wrote the story from now on. I have decided to start fresh and am in the process of rewriting the whole series now.

As Snow Falls on Desert Sky

Chapter 10: An Unexpected Call

I sighed as I walked into my room. I had spent the last few hours with Maxine and for some reason I felt exhausted. After the movie Max and I just walked around the mall and shopped (window shopped mostly) and talked. The whole time though, she had a look on her face like she wanted to tell me something, but was afraid of how I would react. Thinking it was just some more she had to say about Bullet, I just shrugged it off, paid it no mind and kept shopping. When we finally bought something (for me it was “All Hope is Gone” by Slipknot and she bought “A Little Bit Longer” by theDisney Puppets I mean the Jonas Brothers).

I let out a loud relived sigh as I sat on my bed and took off my shoes. I stretched my legs put before getting up and walking over to my CD player. I put “All Hope is Gone” on and as “.execute.” started playing, I went back to my bed and flopped down on it. I lost myself in the music of Slipknot. It wasn’t until the chorus of “Psychosocial” was I viscously pulled from my world, by the sound of a ringing cell phone.

Let's start a riot, a riot, Let's start a riot, Let's start a riot, a riot, Let's start a riot

It took me a minute to register that it was my phone. Only, it was the default tone, “Riot” by Three Days Grace. I got up and pulled my phone out of my pocket and looked at the caller ID. It wasn’t a number I recognized, and I normally don’t answer it if I don’t know the number, but I was in a semi good mood and I answered it anyway.

“Hello?” I asked.

“Um, hi, Ri’Kaylah?” the person on the other end said.

“Yes. Who may I ask is calling?” I said while turning down my CD player.


“I’m sorry, but I don’t know a Nick,” I said about to hang up but his next sentence stopped me.

“Jonas. From the concert last night.”

I froze. I wanted to shout and scream “What the hell!” but I kept control of myself as the shock rolled through me. I was quiet for a few minutes, the only sound was the sound of his seemingly worried voice.

“Ri’Kaylah? Are you still there? Is everything okay?”

The sound of his voice brought me back to the current situation. I stared at the phone as I shook all the shout and insults out of my head.

“Yeah, I’m okay, I’m still here.” There was another silence until I asked “How did you get my number?”

“I got it from Max,”he said simply.

Maxine gave you my number?” I asked.

“Yeah. She didn’t tell you?”



Another silence, but this one was kinda awkward. I broke it by asking “Is there something that you wanted Nick? A reason why you called?”

“Actually, there was,”he said. “My brothers and I are having another concert tonight and I would really appreciate it if you came.”

“That’s really sweet but,” I began trying to find a nice way to turn him down.

“Look, I know it’s short notice but please come. You can bring Scott and Max too.”

“I don’t have tickets and I know it’s already sold out,” I said hoping that would work.

“If you come to the arena right now, I would be happy to give you the tickets.”

I sighed finally giving in. I had nothing better to do and I really didn’t want to be bothered by Tiffany, mommy dearest and her husband. “Is that where you’re at right now? At the arena?” I asked.

“Yes, we’ve just arrived.”

“Okay, Max and I will be there in a bit. Bye.”

“See you,” he said before hanging up.

I hung up too and immediately dialed Max on her cell phone while I put back on my shoes.

“Hey Ricks, what’s up?” she asked.

“Be sitting on the porch ready to go in five minutes,” I said while walking out of my bedroom door and into the living room. I was mad as hell that Max would do that, and I really wanted to talk to her about it. As I made my way to the front door I was stopped by Tiffany.

“And just where do you think you’re going you emo whore?" she said in that annoyingly shrieking voice of hers.

“Move out of my way Tiffany,” I said calmly.

“Not until you tell me where you’re going.”

“It’s none of your damn business!” I nearly yelled.

“I’ll tell daddy,” she threatened.

“I don’t give a fuck. Go tell him.”

She gave me an appalled look and set off in search for her father. I snickered after her. What a stupid bitch. Anyone else would’ve just called for him while she stood blocking me. I just laughed and pulled out my car keys. I got into the car and pulled off in the direction of Max’s house. She was standing on the porch just like I asked.

“Get in,” I said as I opened the passenger side door and came to a stop in front of her house.

She ran and hopped in the car. Once I locked it and drove off, she looked at me. Sensing something wrong she asked “Is everything okay Ricks? Your step father being a pain again?”

“He’s always a pain,” I said with a slight smirk on my face before turning to her, “Is there something you want to tell me?” I asked her.

“Noooo,” she said apprehensively. “Nothing I can think of. Kaylah, where are we going?”

“Really? So you wouldn’t be able to tell me why I received a call a few minutes ago.”

“A call?” she asked. “From who?”

“From Nick.”

A look of realization dawn on her face, but she still decided to play dumb.

“You don’t know a Nick.”

I got even more mad right then and snapped.

“Quit the fucking act James! You know it was the Nick fucking Jonas! He said you gave him my fucking number!” I glanced at her and saw that she was cowering against the passenger side door. “Max!” I yelled. “I know you hear me talking to you!”

“I’m sorry, Ricks,” she said still frightened. “I meant to tell you earlier.”

“Why would you give the fucking Disney puppet my god damn number anyway?!”

“He wanted it!”

I stopped yelling in that instant. Shock and confusion all over my face.

“What do you mean he wanted it?”

“He came up to me, when you were in the bathroom, and asked if he could have your number.”

“Why didn’t he just ask me himself?”

“When I asked him that, he said her was afraid that you’d say no.”

“I would have.” I said as I pulled into the parking lot of the stadium. “What I don’t get is why he wanted it in the first place.”

“Kay, he obviously wanted to talk to you. He was just too afraid to ask you himself.”

“Whatever.” I said as I parked and got of the car.

Max looked around. “Ricks, where are we?” she asked.

“He invited us to their concert tonight.”

I closed the door just as my cell phone started ringing.

Let's start a riot, a riot, Let's start a riot, Let's start a riot, a riot, Let's start a riot

“Who’s that?” Max asked.

I looked at the caller ID. “It’s Nick.” I answered it.


“Ri’Kaylah, are you here yet?”

“Yeah, we’re walking into the entrance hall right now.”

“Good, then I should see you in a minute.”

“What?” I asked.

“Bye Ri’Kaylah.” He said before hanging up.

“What happened?” Max asked.

I turned to look at her as I put the phone in my pocket. “He hung up.”

“What do you mean he-” she cut herself short and got this dazed look on her face.
♠ ♠ ♠
This might be the last one for the next few days (maybe). Mysti and I are going to take the next few days off to write ahead the chapters so by that time we should be able to post at least once a day.