Status: Giving the curcumstances, Mysti and I have agreed that it would be best if I wrote the story from now on. I have decided to start fresh and am in the process of rewriting the whole series now.

As Snow Falls on Desert Sky

Chapter 12: Practicing with the Demolition Cru

I pulled up in front of the studio to find Bullet standing there. At the sight of me, her face lit up and she ran to the car jumping up and down telling me to hurry up. I shut off the car before turning to look at her.

“Bullet, calm down. I’m here.”

“I know, you’re here Sorrows, I can see you.”

“So what’s up?” I asked as I got out of the car.

“I told you already Sorrows. And we wasted practice time waiting on you.”

“Well, I’m here now, so lets get started.”

We walked into the dance studio and I came face to face with five other people. They all turned to look at me and a smile broke out on all of their faces. I waved to each one as I walked further in and grabbed a water bottle from the cooler that someone had graciously bought. As soon as I open the water and took a sip, I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my torso. I let a little squeak and a giggle before turning to the person whose arms I was in.

“Halo!” I screamed as I turned around and hugged him.

Donald “Halo” Pascal is a really go friend of mine, who loves MCR almost as much as me (its kinda mandatory if you’re in the Demolition Crew). He has black hair, which is dyed and he keeps covering the left side of his face, with crystal blue eyes and snake bites (two lip piercing). He and I met when I we were in sixth grade and we’ve been friends ever since.

“What are you doing here Sorrows?” he asked.

“I’m apart of the dance crew just like you, duh Halo.”

“No, I mean what are you doing here in that,” he said while pointing at my outfit.

I glanced down at my black skirt, blue shirt, black boots and necklace, then glanced at Halo’s outfit for the day. He was wearing a pair of grey sweatpants and a t- shirt. I looked up at him with hopeful eyes.

“I wasn’t aware we had practice and I didn’t have time to get my duffel bag. Please tell me that you have an extra pair of sweatpants with you.”

“Of course I do, Sorrows. What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t?”

“I’m not going to answer that right now cause Bullet is giving me a death glare,” he handed me the sweatpants. “Thanks Halo, I owe you one,” I said while walking to the back to change.

I came back and was approached by Halo, along with two other girls. The girls squealed and came up and hugged me one by one.

“Sorrows,” one of them said. “It’s been too long since we’ve all be together.”

“Yes Sorrows, Heaven is right,” said the other girl. “For the seven of us to be such good friends, we sure don’t see you as much as we used to.”

“Sincerity,” I said to the girl. “I really don’t think that now is the time or the place to really get into that.”

“Oh I agree,” said Heaven. “It’s good to know that even if you don’t hang with us as much as you used to, we can still count on you to come through for the dance crew.”

Holly “Heaven” Wilcox and Carmen “Sincerity” Wilcox, are identical twins, each have black hair with red streaks. Like the rest of the Demolition Crew, these two are in love with the band My Chemical Romance, and like Bullets and Halo, I met them in middle school.

“Don’t look now,” said Sin. “But here comes Bullet.”

I turned my head to the direction she was pointing in and sure enough Bullet was walking in our direction.

“What are you four hens over here cackling about?” she asked.

“Nothing Carrie,” I said and she shot an evil glare for calling her by her name.

“Well whatever it is, cut it out! We already lost practice time because ‘Queen Sorrows’ decided to be late.”

“I’m sorry all might Bullet, but I was doing something,” I said sarcastically.

“Whatever,” she said as she walked to take her place to the front. “Just hurry up and do your stretches and get in place.”

“Yes ma’am,” I said while saluting.

Halo laughed then, when he and I took our places in the back and began stretching; he turned to me and asked “Why were you late?”

I looked at him as I bent over backwards. I had to say my words carefully around him when talking about Max.

“I was hanging out with Max,” I said as I brought myself right side up.

“Oh,” he said interestedly. “How is Max by the way? Since she left the crew? I mean.”

I could sense the true meaning in his words. He was the most devastated out of all of us when Max left. It was no secret that he had developed really strong feelings for her.

“She fine. She still kinda sore she was kicked out though.”

“Is she-” he began.

“She’s still with Scott,” I said before he could get the question out.

He face fell. “Oh. Tell her that we miss her in the crew and even though she’s out she could still come to hang out with some of us.”

“Yeah, well, it depends on who it is,” I said while taking a glance at Bullet. She had just got finished with her stretches, and was gathering everyone’s attention.

“Ok everyone. Since we now have everyone present and accounted for, we can now start practice,” she said as she put the CD we’ll be dancing to on.


“Woo, that was a work out,” I said as I picked myself up off the floor. Halo and Cube, another member of the crew, had thrown me in the air, and I slid across the floor.

“Awww, it wasn’t that bad,” said Halo as he slung an arm over my shoulder.

“Uh. Yes it was.”

“Okay everyone!” said Bullet. “For an excellent practice, I’m taking out all out for smoothies. My treat.”

Everyone cheered. I did too, until I saw Halo’s watch. 8:15.

“Crap,” I exclaimed. “Is that the right time?”

Halo looked at his watch. “Yeah, it is. Why?”

“Sorrows, is everything okay?” asked Bullet.

“I cant go to get smoothies with you Bullet.”

That instantly got the attention of everyone in the crew.

“What do you mean you can’t go,” said Cube. “What’s wrong?”

“What’s makes you think something is wrong?”

“Something must be wrong,” said Romeo, the last member of the crew. “You love free food.”

“Well, I can stand to miss a couple meals,” I said while grabbing my car keys and my clothes. “And besides, I have to meet Max somewhere, so I’ll see you guys later.”

“I’ll call you the next time we have practice, okay Sorrows?” asked Bullet.

“I got you B’.” I said before leaving and getting in my car.

As I made my way to the arena, I suddenly realized that I was still wearing Halo’s sweats, and I was all sweaty and damp. I drove speedily down the road and hope that a cop wasn’t near by. To my relief there wasn’t. Thankfully I turned into the arena parking lot and jumped out of the car. I glanced down at the watch on my left wrist. 8:25. I could the screams and shouts of fan girls all the way into the parking lot. I ran into the entrance hall of the arena and gave the man my ticket, before booking it to my seat, which, conveniently, was the same one I sat in last night.

I saw Max sitting in the seat she was in last night and walked up to my seat and sat down. Once I was sitting I turned to her. “Is this seat taken?”

She turned to face me and let out a loud shriek while wrapping her arms around me. “Kay! You made it! I was starting to get worried,” she pulled away to look at me. “How was practice?”

I opened my mouth to tell her, but as soon as I did so, music started playing. I looked on stage and saw the Jonas Brothers coming out on stage. I looked to Max and said “I’ll tell you after,” before looking at the stage again.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter is some shit. I hate it. I read the last chapter. I can't believe Mysti had resorted to begging to you people to comment. I apologize if I'm sounding rude, but I really don't care if comment or not. I'm writing this series as a challenge to my writing skillz. I have no idea why Mysti is writing this.

I would also like to apologize for not getting this chapter out yesterday, but my computer was being brokeback and my internet was down.