Status: Giving the curcumstances, Mysti and I have agreed that it would be best if I wrote the story from now on. I have decided to start fresh and am in the process of rewriting the whole series now.

As Snow Falls on Desert Sky

Chapter 13: Bimbos with Backstage Passes

Max and I were waiting outside of the boys’ dressing room. She was all giddy with excitement and I was just staring at the wall. When she noticed, she began to strike a conversation with me, asking me about the concert. I really amazed myself tonight. I had actually paid attention for a little bit, but the music couldn’t really hold my attention for long and I soon found the tune in my head (which just so happened to be Demolition Lovers by My Chemical Romance) to be more interesting.

I was still listening to it when the door opened to reveal the newly refreshed Jonas Brothers. Max and I walked in and sat on the couch that they had in there. Nick sat next to me, Kevin next to Max and Joe had gone to set up “Guitar Hero”.

“Max, when you beat me last night it was just a fluke,” said Kevin. “I want a rematch!”

I guess Max ended up winning the match last night between her and Kevin.

“I want a rematch too!” said Joe coming back with the two faux guitars in hand.

“I’d be happy to give you both a rematch, but it’s not gonna change anything,” she said in a sad yet sweet voice. “You’re still gonna lose.”

I laughed at her comment.

As the three of them basically began an all out “Guitar Hero” tournament, Nick had got my attention and I began chatting with him. We were just getting on the topic of how they were enjoying their tour so far when there was a knock at the door. It opened and the big, intimidating dude, who handed me the backstage passes in the middle of the concert, last night, whose name I found out to be ‘Big Rob’, came in, closely followed by six other girls.

All six girls, I noticed had blonde hair, from platinum blonde to strawberry blonde. They were all wearing a Jonas t-shirt and some form of pink mini skirt, except one, the last one had one baby blue streak in her platinum blond hair and had on a pair of ripped jeans.

As all of these girls filed into the room, Big Rob had said that they all had backstage passes. I just look at Max, and then got up from the couch to give the backstage pass holders room to sit next to Nick. I had grabbed a chair and sat in a deserted corner of the room.

I looked around the room and noticed that each of the brothers had a girl flanking him. Nick had two girls, one on either side of him, Joe had four girls, and I noticed one of them was Max. I laughed quietly to myself as she grabbed onto his arm and death glared at the girl that had basically draped herself in his lap. Kevin, on the other hand, and only one girl at his disposal, and it was the one with the blue streak.

I noticed that one of the girls that was currently occupying Nick’s attention was basically throwing herself at him and ignoring every sign he sent that said he wasn’t interested. I sat and watched the scene in front of me unfold with a slight smile on my face; however, I soon became very bored with it and cursed myself for not bringing my book with me tonight.

As my eyes began to roam around the room for something to read, they landed on a magazine. I couldn’t tell what it was from where I was sitting, so I picked it up. Upon closer examination I realized that it was the “Rolling Stone” magazine that the Jonas Brothers did the cover for. I had to suppress a laugh.

I remember when this edition of the magazine first came out. Max had brought it the instant she saw it and brought it to my house for show and tell. When I asked her to let me see it, and she gave it to me, I immediately grabbed a pen and marker that was on a near by table and ran towards, and locked myself in, the bathroom. There, while Max banged helplessly at the door, I went to work on the cover of the magazine. I gave them zits, black eyes, devil horns, the works. When I came out and handed it back to her, she looked at it before throwing t back at me, saying that I ruined their perfect image.

I was violently snapped back to reality when a sudden movement had caught my eye. I looked around an noticed that the groups were still the same, only with one slight alteration. The girl that was draped it Joe’s lap earlier, had moved at was now standing by the couch with Nick, I guess there wasn’t anymore seats. I simply shrugged and went back to the magazine. I didn’t get very far in it because something had blocked my light and I was cast into its shadow. I looked up and came to face the girl that left Joe for Nick.

She had platinum bleached blonde hair, and blue eyes. She was wearing a white Jonas Brothers t-shirt and a plaid pink miniskirt. She stood over me, glaring at me expectantly.

“Can I help you?” I asked.

“What are you doing here?” she asked, venom coating her every word.

“What are you doing here?” I asked.

“I belong here, you don’t Simmons, you emo whore.”

How did this trick know my name?!

“How do you know my name?”

“You don’t recognize me?” she said with a sneer on her face.

It was at that point that I recognized her. She’s one of Tiffany’s lapdogs. I think her name’s Susan.

“Look, Susan,” I said rather calmly.

“Shut up Emo, and give me your chair. I want to sit next my future husband.”

“Sit on the floor,” I said as if I was the most obvious thing.

“I don’t sit on the floor; only people who are as low as dirt sit in the floor. It’s perfectly okay for you though.”

I stood up ready to fight, but I guess Max had been paying attention every since she Susan had approached me, cause as soon as she saw me stand up with my arms cocked back, she tore herself away from Joe and ran over to me. She grabbed me by the arm and dragged me out of the room, not stopping until we were out on the parking lot. She turned to me, a look of exasperation on her face.

“Rick, please don’t get into a fight here. We’re in the middle of a concert!”

“I wasn’t trying too! Max, you didn’t hear what she said to me!”

Her lighted up considerably as I said that, then she said “Well, don’t worry about Susan, or any of them, they’re just bimbos with backstage passes.”

I looked at her then let out a laugh, my little altercation completely forgotten.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm sorry it took so long to post, but my internet was down. Don't forget to comment at the end over every chapter.

Thank you for reading and I love you all (Asha does too, no matter what she says, or how much she hates the Jonas Brothers)!