Status: Giving the curcumstances, Mysti and I have agreed that it would be best if I wrote the story from now on. I have decided to start fresh and am in the process of rewriting the whole series now.

As Snow Falls on Desert Sky

Chapter 15: A Car Ride with James and Eric

I walked into my room, kicked off my shoes and just crashed on the bed. I had just dropped Max off at her home and after practice and the concert, I was exhausted. I could already tell I was gonna wake up in the middle of the night with a cramp in my leg. I glanced at the clock to see just how late it really was. According to my clock it was already close to midnight. I shrugged and got comfortable in bed. I laid there, tired as all hell, too lazy to change my clothes and fell asleep.

I awoke the next day to my phone ringing.

This was supposed to be my first single, but I just fucked that up so, fuck it lets all have fun just mingle slap a bitch and smack a ho

My First Single by Eminem. That's not the best way to wake up in the morning.

“Ima kill whoever this is,” I said answering my phone, sleep coloring my voice. Someone had just woke me up outta my sleep. If I don’t my 20 hours, I’m a bear. I was mad as hell.

“Whoa, someone’s grouchy this afternoon,”said a voice I clearly recognized.

“James!” I squealed popping up. “How are you?! I feel like I haven’t talked to you in forever.”

“Ricks, you just saw me like three days ago,” he said with a slight chuckle. “Anyway, what are you doing right now?”

“Just waking up, why?”

“Come outside, I have something to show you.”

“Okay,” I said before hanging up. I got up out of bed, still wearing yesterday’s clothes, and slipped on my slippers before making my way outside. When I got outside I sawthe most beautiful a carI had ever seen with my own two eyes.

It was a 2008 Toyota Solara SE 2D Convertible and sitting in the drivers seat was one of my best friends. I looked to James and saw a big cheesy grin plastered to his face. I ran over to him and he gave me a big bear hug. I giggled when he sat me down.

“James, what are you doing here?” I asked but another voice cut him off before he could answer.

“So James is the only one who gets a hug? I feel real loved right now right now Ricky.”

I looked in the back of the car and saw the owner of the voice. Eric is a close friend of mine, probably my bestand favorite male friend. I met him in my sophomore year of high school. He has really light skin and the most pretty brown eyes ever. At one point in time, I thought I had had a crush on him, but kept my feelings secret and never acted on them because he had made it quite clear that her strictly saw me as “one of the guys” and he also told me he liked my friend Raya.

A smile crept on my face at the site of him. He got out of the car and enveloped me in a hug. He pulled back and smiled at me.

“How are you Ricky?” he asked.

“I’m fine E’. How are you?”

“Better now that I get to see you.”

“That’s great! Is everything okay at home?”

Eric lived with a foster family. His mom had a mental disorder and was taken away to get help. He never knew his father. His foster family isn’t that much better either. His foster mom is patient to some extent, but his foster father is a hard ass and never lets him forget that they took him in.

He sighed. “Everything is everything, Kay. What about you?”

“Same,” I said with a shrug.

“Okay, okay,” James said. “I’d hate to interrupt your ‘woe is me’ moment, but Rick, you want to go for a spin?”

“Of course,” I said as if it was the most obvious thing ever and hopped in the passenger seat of the car.

“Where to m’lady?” James said as he got in the drivers seat.

“Somewhere where you don’t talk like an idiot, but wait, you do that everywhere. Let’s just go to Staples or somewhere to go school shopping. How much money you got on you?”

“Ha ha very funny Rick. I always have money on me. C’mon, let’s go to Staples, since someone still have to go to school.”

“Shut up James, we all couldn’t be as lucky as you to be born a year before.”

“Aww, Ricky, don’t be sad you got one more year right?” he said while rubbing my hair. “I mean you are gonna be a graduating junior right?”

“Yeah James.”

“Dude, that’s good, especially since this one,” he pointed at Eric, “ended up not having all his credits and had to go back to repeat his senior year, I’ve been lonely.”

“Oh yes, god forbid if James ever get lonely while his friends are still in high school,” I said sarcastically. “If you had gone to college then maybe you wouldn’t be so lonely.”

Eric, sensing that the conversation was taking a less than positive turn; he quickly intervened and changed the subject.

“Kay, did you see Naruto on Saturday?”

“Oh my god yes! That was an awesome episode that came on. Did you see my baby Shikamaru and how he beat that girl with the flute?”

“Um Ricky, if I remember correctly Temari was the one who took that girl with flute out."

“Shut up okay. Temari may have taken her out but Shikamaru loosened her up for her.” Eric gave me a skeptical look.

“Shut up Eric!” I said again.

“Okay,” he said with a laugh. “Anyway, where you been at for the past few days Rick? I’ve been trying to get in touch with you.”

“I’ve been hanging out with Max,” I said simply.

“Oh. I know she’s been getting on your nerves with that Disney talk.”

“Oh duh. But I would proudly debate my case if it came to it, and you know what I mean.”

“Yeah, and sometimes I wish you’d shut up about it.”

“And I wish I was rich and famous with a kick a kick ass band, but this life and we don’t get what we want. Period,” I said as we pulled into the Staples parking lot and the car stopped. I got out of the car first and immediately walked through the red doors and into the Staples.
♠ ♠ ♠
A bit of a filler isn't it? Anyway, I'm sorry I havent posted. My internet was down. I had to use Tommy cause I watching the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers movie when I wrote this, and i had just got finished watching Naruto, the episode I describe is one of my favorites.

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