Status: Giving the curcumstances, Mysti and I have agreed that it would be best if I wrote the story from now on. I have decided to start fresh and am in the process of rewriting the whole series now.

As Snow Falls on Desert Sky

Chapter 16: Crap! I Forgot About the Concert

I walked into my room and threw my bags on the floor. It was a little after three o’clock and I felt drained. I immediately went to my CD player and played whatever was in there. I soon found out that Slipknot’s “All Hope is Gone” was still in it. As soon as I pressed the play button, Psychosocial reverberated of off my walls and throughout my room. I sighed in contentment and walked back over to my bed, flopping down on it and becoming one with my mattress.

As soon as I felt the clutches of sleep engulf me once again, I was snapped out of it by my cell phone ringing. If it kept going like this, I’m gonna be forced into cutting it off.

I am not afraid to keep on living. I am not afraid to walk this world alone. Honey if you stay I’ll be forgiving. Nothing you can say can stop me going home.

“Max, what the hell you want?” I asked quite irritable.

“Why are you so grouchy all of a sudden?”

“Because you’re interrupting my me time. What do you want?”

“Well sorrrrry. I just called to ask you if you were ready yet.”

“Ready for what?” I asked dumbly.

“The concert’s today. Did you forget?”

“Shit!” I cried out.

“Did you even look at the tickets Nick gave you?”

“No, not really. Do you know what time the concert is?”

“Nick told me 5:30”

“Shit!” I cursed again. “It’s already 3:15. I’m not sure I’m going to this one Max.”

“What! Ricky, you have to go. You still have my ticket and Nick will be devastated if he doesn’t see you.”

“I don’t care Max. You can come get your ticket.”

“How am I supposed to get there?”

“Get Scott to drive you.”

“Rick, if you don’t go, I’m gonna have Scott come around three times as often as he do now.”

I took a moment to think about it. My being exhausted dislike of the Disney puppets and their music versus my dislike Scott. I really did hate Scott.

“Fine,” I said finally. “I’ll do it. I gotta go take a shower.”

She hung up the phone and I retired to my bathroom. I took off yesterday’s clothes and stepped into the steaming hot shower. While I stood in the shower I began to sing the beginning lyrics to a song I wrote.

“I heard a voice just yesterday
That told me I'm slipping away
I never felt like this before
The sky's not blue anymore”

I stopped as I lathered the soap in my hands and began to wash all the grime off of my body. Once I was satisfied that I was clean enough, I got out of the tub and wrapped a fluffy purple towel around my body (which was a feat considering I’m so wide). I then walked to my closet and pulled out my favorite My Chemical Romance based outfit, except the shirt was long sleeved and a little baggier.

After I had gotten dressed I looked at the clock that by my bedside table. It was a quarter to five. I put on my shoes, got the tickets, and walked out the door with my keys in hand. Surprisingly, I made it to my care without any run-ins with Sid or Tiffany.

When I made to Max’s place, she was waiting on the porch with Scott. They were making out. It disgusted me so I beeped the horn really loud to get their attention. Max turned around to look at my car and while she did that, Scott flipped me off behind her back. I just laughed and did the same to him.

Max gave her idiot one more peck on the lips before running and hopping in the car. Once she was buckled up, she immediately began criticizing my choice of outfit.

“Ricky wearing a My Chem outfit to a Jonas Brothers concert? That is so tacky! I told you we should’ve-”

I tuned her out then and put a random CD into the cars CD player. I had let out a little laugh as “Shut Up” by the Black Eyed Peas began playing. We listened to it for the rest of the car ride.

We pulled into the parking lot just as “Anxiety” started playing. As soon as I found a spot Max had got out while I stayed to hear the rest of my favorite BEP song. When I got out of the car, Max looked steamed.

“C’mon Rick, we’re gonna be late,” she said while pulling me to the arena.

“Max, calm down,” I said while slipping my arm out of her grip and handing the tickets to the man. He held open the doors to the arena for us and showed us to our seat. I thanked the man as the lights dimmed down and the girls started screaming.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay people well, I read that completely irrelevant chapter Mysti posted {it cost us a loss of a star and 2 subs, I should've checked it before she posted it} anyway the song that Ricky sang was actually the first verse of a song called Eucharist by Straight Line Stitch.