Status: Giving the curcumstances, Mysti and I have agreed that it would be best if I wrote the story from now on. I have decided to start fresh and am in the process of rewriting the whole series now.

As Snow Falls on Desert Sky

Chapter 18: I Tackled Her to the Ground

I tried desperately to cling to the last few strings of sleep the next day, but the ever growing pool of wetness by my head made it increasingly difficult. I grudgingly opened my eyes and I was not met with a pretty site. A sticky red thick liquid was all over my dark green stars and moon bedspread and pillow cases. I sighed and looked at my arm. It seems that in my unconscious state, I had reopened my wounds. I watched as the blood pour feely from my arm.

I got out bed and walked towards the bathroom. I walked past the cupboard and over toward the shower, deciding that the wounds could wait until after I got out. I turned on the water for the shower and stripped down. After making sure I had all my hair in a shower cap, I entered the tub.

I stood in the tub, letting the scalding hot water saturate my skin and wash away the blood. After a few minutes, I began to scrub my body. I carefully avoided my arm, saving that part for last. Once I had finished I got out of the tub, I dried off with my over sized beach towel and lotioned up to prevent ash. I wrapped it around my body and looked at my refection in the mirror, once I wiped the steam off.

I couldn’t believe I had been in such a foul mood last night that I had resort to picking up a razor again. I couldn’t believe that I had give access Sid of all people to have that much control over me that I would come up to my room to that again. I thought I was stronger than that.

Still staring at my reflection, I sighed before opening the cabinet. I reached and pulled out the peroxide, the gauze and tape. After I poured a fair amount of peroxide on my wounds, I watched as the white bubbles covered my abrasions. I placed the gauze over my skin and secured it tightly with the tape. Once I was sure that the wounds wouldn’t be reopened and blood would not be leaking everywhere, I walked back into my bedroom.

I walked to my closet and pulled out a long sleeved shirt that said “I don’t need your attitude, I have my own” and a pair of black slacks. I also put a black hat on my head before glancing at the clock. I was a quarter after noon. I put on a pair of socks and shoes before walking out of my room.

As I made my way downstairs, I suddenly realized how hungry I was. I walked into the kitchen and saw Tiffany standing by the refrigerator talking on her phone. When she saw me she dropped her voice to a low whisper and retired to the living room. I paid her no mind as I made myself a bowl of Special K cereal. Just as sat down and began eating, Tiffany came back in closing her cell phone. She looked at me as if she had something to say, but wasn’t sure if she should speak or not. I guess she decided that she should.

“You know our new neighbors finally moved in last night. About time too. The movers have been bringing in their furniture all week.”

I stared at her. “And you’re telling me because?”

“You’re going with me to welcome them to the neighborhood.”

“You got me bent,” I said with a slight scoff and went back to my cereal.

“Whatever. Just know this, if they have a cute teenaged son, he’s mine,” she said as she walked out of the door and slammed it shut.

I shrugged and continued to eat my cereal. That’s just like Tiffany, wanting to bring me along just so she could look prettier in the comparison. Sighing, I got up from the table and went to put my bowl in the sink. I didn’t feel like staying home all day, so I got my car keys from the table and walked outside.

I stood just outside the front door and looked around, see if I could find Tiffany. I spotted her next door, openly flirting with a boy with curly hair. I scoffed before readjusting my hat and walking towards my car. When I got to my car, at the last minute, I decided it would be best if I walked wherever I was going. Putting my keys in my pocket, and the earphones of my i-pod in my ears, I began to walk down the street.

As I was walking I past by our new neighbors house. I wasn’t paying attention, and if I didn’t have Mindless Self Indulgence’s “You’ll Rebel to Anything” blasting though my ears, I probably would’ve been able to hear someone calling my name, or that same someone say watch out as he tackled me to the ground.

~Nick’s POV~

I walked into the living room of the house we just moved in to find my brothers just sitting there lounging around and watching TV. I sat on the couch and joined them. As soon as I got comfortable, there was a knock at the door. I glanced at each of my brothers only to find they were all staring at me with a look that said “are you going to get that?”

Sighing in defeat I stood up and made my way to the door. I opened the door to find a girl standing there. She was a cute African-American girl with long brown hair. She was average height and straight white teeth, which I only saw cause she was smiling so hard that her eyes were closed.

“Hi, I’m Tiffany! And I just came to wel-” she said as she opened her eyes, but cut herself short when she realized who I was.

“You’re… you’re,” she began once again but stopped as our brothers came to the door.

“Nick who’s at the door?” asked Kevin.

Once Kevin and Joe came to the door, she froze for at least five seconds before letting out an ear piercing scream. Trying to get my hearing back, I calmly asked her who she was. She took a deep breath before answering.

“I’m Tiffany Riley, your new neighbor. I just came to welcome you into the neighborhood.”

“Thanks,” we said before introducing ourselves. “I’m-”

“Oh, I know who are,” she said before attaching herself to my arm and began flirting with me shamelessly. I found it really quite annoying actually.

After a few minutes, it really started to get on my nerves, so I cut her off mid-sentence to ask her where she lived.

“I live right over there,” she said while pointing to the house right next door. Oh boy, living next door to a fan girl? This is going to be interesting.

As I looked over at the house, I noticed someone walking down the driveway. It was a girl. She was wearing a long-sleeved red shirt on with black pants. She also had on a hat, but that didn’t keep me from seeing her weird multicolored hair.

I watched as she went to her car then turned around deciding that it would be better to walk. I watched as she began to walk. As she walked past our house, I noticed immediately who it was.

“Ricky?” I said quietly, but Tiffany must’ve heard me because she looked at me with disgust as soon as I said her name.

“Ricky!” I called loudly trying to get her attention.

“Why are you calling out for her,” Tiffany said with disgust.

“So that is Ricky?”

“Yeah, but-”

I never got to hear the rest of what she said because as soon as she confirmed that it was Ri’Kaylah, I pried my arm away from hers and ran towards Ricky while calling her name. As I was running toward her, I had tripped. I screamed “Ricky, watch out!” before I tackled her to the ground.
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Hey ya'll. This Asha. I'm still writting these few parts, but I told you you'll see more of the brothers. You cant commebt this chapter if you want