Status: Giving the curcumstances, Mysti and I have agreed that it would be best if I wrote the story from now on. I have decided to start fresh and am in the process of rewriting the whole series now.

As Snow Falls on Desert Sky

Chapter 2: My Standards are Set

I picked up Max before driving to the mall. The first place she went to was some clothing store. I didn’t bother to look at the name. It was nothing in there I liked. Still, I followed her in there and am now scanning through the racks filled with clothes I would never wear. I decided now would be a good time to tell her about what happened earlier.

“Hey Max, why earlier I was in F.Y.E. right and-”

“What were you doing in F.Y.E.?”

“Maxine, look at me. Do I need a reason to be in F.Y.E.? I was in there buying ‘Revenge’ and ‘Murder Scene’ again.”

“Again? Come on girl, you already bought both of those things like twenty times. You’re wasting money.”

“It’s not my fault, it’s Tiffany’s. She thought it would be funny to get both of my favorite CD’s and DVDs and snap them in half.”

“Oh my god. I know you snapped her neck after that.”

“No, but I was really tempted. Anyway when I was coming out I had accidentally bumped into somebody.”

“Who was it?”

“I have no clue but they were cute, and before I could say excuse me or anything one of them just came out of nowhere and said ‘Watch where you’re going you emo’.”

“Oh please me that you didn’t hurt him.”

“I wanted to. Believe me, I wanted to. But there was three of them and I wasn’t sure if I could take all them.”

“So what did you do?”

“Nothing they walked away.”

“This is cute. You should wear this,” she said while holding up a pink mini-skirt. I looked from it to her with an incredulous look on my face and said “Are you serious? Stop playing with me Maxi or I’ll punch you in your face.” She laughed then walked up to the cash register. She paid for it then walked out of the store with me following behind.

“So where is Scott supposed to be meeting us?’

“At the food court. Duh!”

We sat at the food court eating, for a few minutes before I saw Scott come up behind Maxine and put his hand in front of her eyes. What a cheesy romantic move. I groaned at my friends and got up from the table.

“Aww Kay, don’t be like that. You’ll find a man soon,” Scott said.

Scott is Max’s boyfriend. They have been going out for a few years. He plays for our high schools basketball team and has dark brown hair that he keeps cut. I didn’t like him when they first started dating but he slowly grew on me. I still don’t really like him, but I can tolerate him for the most part. Until he starts making little quips about how I need a man. But I must say that no matter how much I dislike him, I have to admit that he is cute and has the body of a god. Max made a good choice.

“Prescott,” I said calling him by his full name. “I believe the Pussycat Dolls said it best. ‘I don’t need a man’, but if I was to get one, my standards are set according to Jacob Black, Ash Redfern, Edward Cullen and Draco Malfoy. C’mon Max. You said you’ll go with me to Hot Topic.”

Maxine got up from the table and together she, Scott and I all walked to Hot Topic. I went shuffling though the racks of clothes I would wear if I could fit them, while Maxine went looking though the Deathnote messenger bags. I was looking though the My Chemical Romance tee shirts contemplating whether or not I should by it when Scott came up behind me.

“You always looking for anything to do with that stupid gay-ass band.”

“Don’t make me have to punch you in the face,” I said without turning to face him.

“I hope you’re not gonna buy that.”

“I was thinking about it.”

“That would be a waste of money. You know you can’t fit it, you would have to lose like fifty pounds to be able to get your head though the whole.”

“Shut the hell up Christianson!” I called. I only call people by their last names if I really don’t like them or is really mad.

“Make me.”

“Scott!” Maxine yelled. “What the hell are you doing?” She walked over to where we were standing and told Scott to go sit on the bench outside. He obeyed like the little dog he is. Maxine waited until he was out of the store before she said anything. “Ri-Ri, I’m sorry. Don’t pay any attention to him, okay? He don’t know what he’s talking about.”

“…Oh girl, I’m not worried about him. You know I don’t pay him any attention. Hey, you never told me whose concert it is we’re going to.”

“Oh, um it’s a Tokio Hotel concert.”

“Tokio Hotel huh? That’s weird. I didn’t know they were on tour right now.”

“Girl, stop faking. You know that the only band tour schedule you memorized is My Chem’s.”

“Well, I can’t deny that. So who else is going?”

“Well Scott of course, but James and Eric are out. Cindy doesn’t like them and David’s gone with his parents for the remainder of the summer. So it’s just gonna be you, Scott and I. Cool?”


“So, are you gonna get something?”

“No, I just wanna go home and get ready for the concert. What time is it again?”

“Tonight at seven o’clock.”

“Well, its three now, so I’m about to go home. Are you riding with me or is Prescott giving you a ride home?”

“I’ll ride with Scott.”

“Okay, what about the concert, how we getting there?”

“We can all go with Scott.”

“Fine. I’ll see you Max.”

“Be ready by five!” she yelled as I walked out of the mall.


I made my home and pulled into my driveway. I noticed that Tiffany’s dad car and my mothers car were both gone. With any luck Tiffany will be gone as well. I got out of the car and walked into the house.

“I’m home!” I screamed. When no one said anything I came to the conclusion that no one was home. I went up to my room and locked myself inside. I pulled the curtains closed before walking to the closet. I pulled out my favorite black short sleeved shirt with a little red splashed here and there to resemble blood and my black and red lace arm warmers. I put on a pair of dark blue boot cut jeans and black buckle up knee high boots. I put on some makeup, mainly just eyeliner, then started on my hair. I grabbed a portion of hair from the top of my head and put it in a ponytail, leaving out enough to cover my face, the less people to see my face the better. I then walked over to the mirror. All I saw was my belly fat lapping over my pants.

I kept hearing Scott’s words over and over again. “You would have to lose like fifty pounds to be able to get your head though the whole.” He was right. I had to lose weight. I ran into the bathroom and bent over the toilet. I stuck a finger down my throat and regurgitated the food I had eaten at the mall. After, I had got a bottle of water and swished it around in my mouth before spiting it out. I then drank the remaining water and threw the bottle in the trash, before brushing my teeth. I rinsed and gurgled with Listerine for an extra minute and thirty seconds before I went into the living room to wait for my ride.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay people. I give all credit to Mysti for the idea of this story. If you love it or hate it, be sure to talk to her.