Status: Giving the curcumstances, Mysti and I have agreed that it would be best if I wrote the story from now on. I have decided to start fresh and am in the process of rewriting the whole series now.

As Snow Falls on Desert Sky

Chapter 22: Saving the boys from Stalkers

As I pulled into me driveway, I noticed that Tiffany and her lapdogs were sitting in the front yard staring at the house next door. I parked and exited the car before walking over to the girls. When I got closer I realized that they had taken the furniture off of the porch and rearranged it in the yard facing the Jonas’s household. Even though I assumed that I had a vague idea, I felt compelled to ask what they were doing.

“Tiffany called us earlier and told us to come over here,” said a girl whose name was Amaya.

“She said that some celebrities had moved in next door,” said another girl. Her name was Marisa.

“She said it was the Jonas Brothers,” said Amaya cutting off Marisa.

“So we’re here watching the house incase one of them comes out,” said the last girl whose name was Andrea. “There’s another group around back.”

As they were saying this, it took all I had in me not to bust out laughing in their faces. “Let me get this straight, just to clarify it for me,” I began. “You all are out here because Tiffany called you and said that some big shot celeb had moved in next door, which is not true by the way, and now you’re spying on the house for what? Signs of movement?”

“Shut up Simmons!” said Tiffany. “You know just as well as I do that the Jonas Brothers moved in. And Nick seemed to know you quite well. So stop lying and tell them that the Brothers live in this neighborhood.”

I looked at her like she was crazy. I know I had just met the boys, but I wasn’t about to agree with her (even if I don’t like them). That would be like throwing them to the dogs, or worse, a pack of rabid fan girls, and as funny as that site might be, I don’t think anybody deserves that.

“Okay, first of all, why would Nick know Ricky?” asked Amaya. She was one of the few of Tiffany’s friends who called me by my name.

“I don’t know, but when he saw her this morning he ran right past me and straight to her,” said Tiffany.

I scoffed at her. “Oh please. Does that even sound possible? I mean come on. I wouldn’t be caught dead even looking at Disney, much less being caught out in public with a Disney puppet.”

“That sounds true,” said Marisa. “I don’t think Ricky would lie about this.”

“But she is lying,” said Tiffany. “Look, just wait until someone comes out of the house, then you’ll see.”

I laughed silently to myself. “While you four do that, I’ll be in the bathroom,” I said before walking into my house.

When I entered my bedroom, I pulled out my cell phone while I walked over to my computer desk. I looked out of my window and into the window of the house next door. I saw Nick sitting on his bed with a guitar in his hands and Joe in the background going through a box.

I tried waving my arms back and forth in an attempt to get his attention. When that didn’t work, I sighed and dialed a number on my phone. It rang twice and I watched as Nick Jonas fished in his pocket and pulled out his phone.


“Hey Nick,” I said into the phone while opening my window. “What are you playing?”



“How did you know I was playing something?”

“Look out your window.”

I watched as he looked in the direction of the window. I waved when he spotted me. He got up and opened the window with a smile on his face.

“What room are you in?” he asked out the window about to hang up the phone.

“Don’t hang up the phone,” I said quickly stopping him.

He looked at me then spoke into the phone “Why?”

“Because you have fan girls hanging out in my front and back yards watching your house,” I said with a laugh.

“What?!” he said shocked.

“That’s actually why I called.”


“Yeah. Is Max still there?”


“Good. Put her on please.” I watched as Max came into view and Nick handed her the phone.

“Ricky?” she said into the phone.

“Look, I need you to open the Jonas’s front door.”

“That’s a weird request. Why?”



“Good. I’ll knock on the door in five minutes.” I said before hang up the phone, closing my window and walking out of my room. I walked down to the living room, out of the house and back over to the group of girls in my front yard. “So, did you see them yet?” I asked.

“No,” said Marisa.

“No detectable movement,” reported Amaya.

“Did you ever just, I don’t know, knock on the door?” I asked.

“Um, no. We haven’t,” said Andrea. “Tiffany told us not to.”

I laughed then. “You always do what Tiffany say? I’ll go knock on the door.”

I went up and knocked on the door twice. Max opened the door and I smiled at her. She stepped aside and let me in, smiling at the girls in the front yard before closing the door and busting out laughing.

“Did you see the look on their faces?” she laughed.

“No, I didn’t. Where is everyone?” I asked looking around the deserted first floor.

“They’re all upstairs in their rooms unpacking.”


“C’mon, follow me,” she said grabbing me by my arm and dragging me up the stairs.
♠ ♠ ♠
So the whole five chapters yesterday thing didn't work, but it's not our fault. We had some unexpected drama. Enjoy the chapters we put up today.