Status: Giving the curcumstances, Mysti and I have agreed that it would be best if I wrote the story from now on. I have decided to start fresh and am in the process of rewriting the whole series now.

As Snow Falls on Desert Sky

Chapter 4: “You’re Being Very Discriminatory”

It was quite obvious that we weren’t at a Tokio Hotel concert, and whatever concert we were at, it was quite obvious that I didn’t belong there. I was quite noticeable, being the only one wearing any kind of dark color, let alone black, so all eyes were on me. I hate being the center of attention. I immediately turned my frustration on the person who caused it. I turned to Max.

“Max,” I began trying to keep my voice steady and calm. “Where are we?”

“At a concert,” she answered in a wavering voice.

“Whose concert?” My voice had a slight edge to it, but at the time I didn’t care. I was clearly irritated at the stares and whispers I was attracting by just standing there. I hated attracting attention.

“Whose concert?” she repeated me.

“I believe I just asked that.”

“We’reatajonasbrothersconcert.” She half mumbled

“Whose?” I asked again.

“We’re at a Jonas Brothers concert.”

“……You lied to me,” I said simply with a shock look on my face.

“No, I didn’t lie. It was trick.”

“You told me it was a Tokio Hotel concert!” I could feel myself getting angry. The teenage girls that were in the general area were all staring at me and I was more and more agitated by the minute.

I looked at my friend and she was cowering in fear. I know I have a bit of an attitude problem so after seeing this, I took a deep breath and asked in a calm voice “What would cause you to lie to me to get to come to this concert?”

“It was the only way I knew to get you to come. I really wanted you to come with me and I knew that if I told you it was a Jonas Brothers concert you would have shot it down immediately, started crackin’ jokes about them being Disney, and laughed at the fact that I even asked you.”

After thinking about it for a moment I agreed with her. “You’re right. That’s what I do.”

“Ricky,” she sighed. “I hate to say it, but you and everyone else in the group has been a little prejudice and judgmental towards the Disney Pop genre.”

“Yeah,” I said after a minute. “I have been a little discriminatory.”

“Yeah you have,” agreed Scott.

I sighed. “You already paid for the tickets?”


“Where are the seats?”

“They’re real good seats. Front row.”

“Damn. You know I can’t pass up good seats for anything,” I said giving in. “But, these are the Jonas Brothers, and I do hate them so, I guess I can make an exception.”

“What?! No! You’re going to see this concert whether you like them or not. I spent a good chunk of money on these tickets and I can’t return them. So you’re going to sit and watch the whole concert. Do you understand me?” she said.

No matter how intimidating I can be when irritated, Max can be a million times worst than me you are talking about money issues. Sometimes it frightened me.

“So what do you say Ricks? Will you-?” I didn’t hear the rest of her question because her voice was drowned out by a louder more screechy one.

“What are you doing here Ri’Kaylah?” It was Tiffany.

“Tiffany,” I said calmly. “I’m here to enjoy the concert. Same as you.”

“No. Didn’t anyone ever tell you that this is a no emo zone?”

After she said that I really wanted to hurt her, but that would’ve most likely ended up with us getting kicked out and that would’ve been embarrassing to Max. She really wanted to see this concert, so instead I just turned back around and ignored her.

“Don’t you hear me talking to you, you emo whore?”

I turned around at that statement. “You dumb-ass bit-,” I began but was cut off by her smacking me. I stared at her in shock before I grabbed her arm, twisted it behind her back and pinned her to the wall. By this time management had come out. “Now look,” I said. “I thought you and I had an agreement to ignore each other in public. I suggest you do that before something happens to you,” and I let her go. I laughed as she ran back to her friends. “Is there a problem out here?” asked the manager. I looked at him before answering. “No. There’s no problem sir,” I said in my sweetest voice with no sarcasm. “Just some old friends getting reacquainted.” I left and got back in line with Scott and Max.

When it came time we handed our tickets to the ticket taker before entering the stadium, Max entering into a concert she’s been waiting ages for, Scott entering into a place where he can get cozy with his girlfriend, and I? I was entering a place that would be my torture chamber for the next few hours.