Status: Giving the curcumstances, Mysti and I have agreed that it would be best if I wrote the story from now on. I have decided to start fresh and am in the process of rewriting the whole series now.

As Snow Falls on Desert Sky

Chapter 5: Into the Torture Chamber

“I can’t believe I let y’all talk me into staying here,” I said as we entered the stadium. I had promised myself a long time ago that I would never let anyone put my through the agony and suffering of having to sit through a concert with screaming girls and horrible music, unfortunately enough for me, in this case, I was tricked into coming and talked into staying. So, being the ‘great friend’ that I am, I vowed to give the people who has subjected me to this torture a hard time by making snide remarks and complaining to them throughout the whole concert. Especially since Max likes the Jonas Brothers.

“Do everyone in this stadium a favor? Stop complaining and shut up, will ya Kay?” said Scott as we took our seats. He had to yell in order to be heard over the gaggle of screaming fan girls shouting out random things like “I wanna marry you Joe!” and “Nick J is off the chain!” What the hell does that second one even mean? These boys weren’t even on stage yet! There’s no need to shout that out!

When it was finally quite it didn’t stay that way for long. As the lights dimmed and the curtains opened and the opening chords to a song that I obviously didn’t know that name of began playing the yells and screams started right back up again.


I sat through the whole concert pouting, with my arms crossed over my chest, staring at the floor. I was practically the only girl who wasn’t jumping up and down screaming my heart out. Even Maxine had got into the spirit, shrieking along with their songs. Occasionally, I would look over and couldn’t help but grin at my friend whenever she shouted “I LOVE YOU JOE!” to the stage. I then looked over at Scott and I noticed that he had earphones on, probably listening to something by Lil’ Wayne. I was absolutely livid that I hadn’t thought of that.

While I absolutely despised all things even remotely related to Disney, especially the Jonas Brothers, Maxine was my exact opposite. She completely loved them, and was quite excited to be able to attend their concert. I had to give her my props though- whenever we were together she wouldn’t listen to one of her favorite bands, just so I wouldn’t start to rant and complain about how the standards of rock stars has fallen if the Jonas Brothers are considered rock.

Throughout the whole concert, even though I was barely paying attention, I felt someone eyes on me. When I looked up, I noticed that I seemed to have caught the eye of the brother who I believe was the youngest one. He seemed to be staring me down. Hard. I tried my hardest not to let a sneer form on my face, but it didn’t work. My suspicions were confirmed when they brought out an acoustic guitar and began playing a song that I believed was “Hello Beautiful”.

I watched as they pulled out a stool and sat it in the middle of the stage. The one that was starring at me had the guitar. When he came over to our area of the stage Maxine went nuts. She was jumping and yelling and crying, basically doing anything to get his attention. But he went and stood directly in front of me. He tried to get me on stage, but I flat out refused. So he stood in front of me and began playing. Meanwhile, one of his brothers had already brought another girl on stage and she was already sitting in the chair. It wasn’t until after one had tapped his shoulder did he move from in front of me.

After that, I immediately averted my gaze back to the floor. That boy standing in front of me had drawn attention to me. I hated attention. I slunk back into my seat and continued staring at the floor for the rest of the concert. When the curtains closed and the light came back on, I excited in think that the concert was over. However when Max informed me that it was just intermission, I was crestfallen. When she opted to go to get something to eat, I decided not to, knowing full well that if I got up out of my seat right now, I would leave and not come back. She got up and left to get food while, Scott and I remained seated. We were basically the only ones remaining in the theater. I was still looking at the floor when I was approached by this big, intimidating looking dude.

“Um, may I help you?” I asked looking up at him. He merely said “I was told to give these to you,” and handed me three laminated sheets of paper. Upon closer inspection, it was determined that the three sheets were in fact backstage passes. I looked to the door of the arena and saw Maxine coming back; I looked to Scott pleading with him with my eyes not to say anything to Max, as she approached. He ignored me.

When Max came back and asked what had happened while she was gone I promptly said “Nothing,” but her boyfriend was the one to say “Big Rob came out here. He gave our resident no man having, Goth friend, Kay, three backstage passes.” I wanted to slap him. Not because of what he called me, but because him telling her that I had acquired backstage passes did nothing but made her what to go backstage and made me have to be here longer than I had too. I was pissed.


With an encore of a song I believed was titled “Kids of the future”, I think, the concert was finally over after a long period of hearing but screams, shouts and bad music, thank goodness. The amphitheater soon cleared out and I was the main one trying to leave, but Max grabbed me and together she and Scott held me down. So now we’re the only people left in the whole stadium, confused as where to go.

Soon I saw the manager from earlier approach us. “May I help you three?” he asked.

Max was the first to speak. “Why yes, you can. We had received backstage passes and we’re not sure where to go.”

“Oh, yes. You’re the three who were invited backstage by Mr. Jonas.”

“I suppose we are,” Max said again.

I just sat there with a snarl on my face watching in distaste.

“Well, if you three will just please follow me,” he said with a grin as he began to guide us to a door near the stage, but Max being who she was, couldn’t resist jumping on stage and playing with the microphones.

She eagerly ran up and tapped the microphone, extending her index finger. A loud thumping noise echoed through the stadium and bounced off the large walls. Maxine giggled as she flipped her long hair over her shoulder and grinned broadly, her braces shining.

“For real Max?” I asked, my arms crossed over my chest. I had already climbed on stage and was standing right beside her.

“Duh! C’mon Ricky, you know you wanna play with this stuff. Take the mike and sing for us.”

“…No,” I said after a minute of thinking. “But you can go right on ahead.”

“Okay, I think I will,”

“Please don’t!” I screamed. “I was just kidding. Believe me, no one wants to her you sing,” I said with a smile on my face.

“Girl, stop playing, I know I know how to sing.”

“If you say so.”

“Girls!” said the manager trying to get our attention. “If we may proceed backstage then- ah! Boys! The recipients of the backstage passes are here, just up stage there.”

I turned my head to look at them before walking over to the edge of the stage and jumping off. They were lined according to height, the shortest, with curly hair, being on my left. The on in the middle had long straight hair and the other one had curly hair as well but was taller that the other. They looked strangely familiar to me.

I landed right in front of them and a second after I heard a thump signaling that she too had jump off the stage, I turned to look at Max and I could tell she was trying to repress the urge to let out a loud squeal. This must be her fan girl moment. I went through the same thing when I met My Chemical Romance, but I went into the other room to squeal and came back, not suppress it. That’s not healthy. When she got over it, she calmly introduced herself, much like I had when I met My Chem.

“Hello boys. My name is Maxine James,” said Max before she introduced us. “This is my boyfriend Prescott Christianson and my good friend-”

I had cut her off, because by this time I had placed why these boys looked so familiar to me. I guess one of them noticed it at the same time I had cause once the one in the middle had gotten a good look at me and he scream “YOU!” at exactly the same time I had.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so here's the deal. Mysti said she has writters block and asked me to write this chapter even though it's her turn. I have no idea if this is how a Jonas Brothers concert is really like, I've never been to one (Thank God!). And if you people got a problem with it then oh fucking well. Anyway the next chapter is all Mysti.