Give It a Chance for Our Love to Start


Now boarding rows 37 through 40.

"That's us," Joe said, looking at the ground. "I guess this is it." He was leaving the only girl he had ever loved. And though he was only 10, and hadn’t lived long enough to have loved anyone else, he knew what he felt for Tinsley was meant to be. He knew she was the one for him. Except now he was moving across the country, from Texas to New Jersey. He was leaving, and he didn't know if he'd ever see her again.

"See you," Tinsley said, twirling her hair. She tapped her foot impatiently. Joe was leaving, yet he wasn’t going. She looked at Bethany who was standing next to her, looking at the floor as if she was about to cry.

"Promise you'll email me every week," he said quietly, completely oblivious to his family calling him to go.

"But I don't have a computer," she said, half-heartedly. She was pretty sure she wouldn't anyway.

"I do," Bethany said quietly.

"That's right," Joe grinned. "Tinsley, you can email me from Bethany's computer every week." He smiled at Bethany. "Thanks Bethany. You're such a great friend."

Bethany merely smiled, feeling her heart break at his words.

"Great," he said. "I'll wait for your first email. Bye Bethany," he said, facing her quickly. He smiled at her before turning back to Tinsley. He leaned forward, kissing her cheek before darting back and running after his brothers towards the gate.

Tinsley rolled her piercing violet eyes, wiping her cheek as she ran a hand through her short black hair. "Can we go now? California Dreams is on." She turned and walked towards the exit.

Bethany stood where she was, a single tear falling down her face as her own eyes stayed glued to the floor. "I'll miss you Joe," she whispered, closing her eyes as more tears came. She felt her mom put her hand on her shoulder, sniffling as she watched her own best friends board the plane. Bethany sighed, opening her eyes as she heard Tinsley call out to them impatiently. She turned and walked towards the exit, stopping briefly to take one last look at the boy she loved, the boy who loved her best friend.


"Dear Tinsley," she read as she sat in Bethany's computer chair. Bethany was lying on her bed, a book in her hands. "New Jersey is pretty normal. It's a little quiet. But the temperature is a lot nicer, especially compared to Texas. I made a new friend today, named Mandy. Well, she is an old family friend, but I met her for the first time today. She's really nice. I go to church with her every week to listen to my dad preach. I made another friend named Joe. He's imaginary. He gets me in trouble a lot. Anyways, Nick is making me say hi. So hi. I'm really missing Bethany's mom's pancakes. My mom's just can't live up to them. *sighs here* Anyways, like I said, New Jersey is pretty cool. But I miss Texas, Mexican food, and most of all, you. I'll wait for your first letter. Love, Joe"

Tinsley rolled her eyes. "You know Beth, Joe's becoming a real bore. Now I have to sit here and actually write him back? No thanks."

Bethany sighed, putting her favorite book, Pride and Prejudice, down, and sitting up to look at Tinsley. "Tinsley, you are so mean. Joe is so sweet and he likes you so much, but you're always so mean to him."

"Yeah, yeah," she said, standing up and grabbing her purse. "If you like him so much, you write him. Anyways, I have to go. My dad is making tacos tonight. Sleep over my house this Friday?"

"Okay," Bethany sighed, knowing there was no point in saying anything to Tinsley. Once her mind was set, it was done. "See you later."

Bethany got up, and sat on her computer chair, quickly rereading Joe's letter. She sighed, seeing so much love in every word. Joe really loved Tinsley, and she was completely cold hearted towards him. She thought she would write to him. Joe was just as much her friend as he was Tinsley's. So what if he hadn't actually asked her. If Tinsley didn't want to, he needed some kind of connection to them still.

Dear Joe,

New Jersey sounds fun. The temperature must be a real change for you. Texas is still the same: hot, fun, and loud. Only now it's without you. I'm re-reading Pride and Prejudice again. School is starting soon and now I'll have to go in a lone for the first time ever. I miss you like crazy.

Lots of love,


Bethany sighed, rereading her response. She looked it over, thinking if she should send it. But then she remembered that Joe didn't want her to reply. He wanted Tinsley Her heart broke as she hit the backspace key, and instead, signed the letter Tinsley before clicking send.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys! So like the new rewrite?
It's a lot like the old one but I made it girls instead of Nick and Joe.
Anyhoo, the rest of the story will be in first person point of view. But for some reason, I like putting the prologue in third person XD.
So yeah, comments/feedback/banners? please?
Thanks guys! Love you <3