Give It a Chance for Our Love to Start


"What are you doing here," I asked, panic flowing through me as I stood up.

"We need to talk," Joe said, moving closer.

"I don't think that's such a good I—"

He cut me off by putting his hand on my mouth. He was so close now, I could feel like breath touch me face. His hand on his skin was too much. I wanted him. I needed him. Yet I couldn't have him. I tensed my body, hoping he would move his hand. He seemed to sense my intentions and slowly took his hand away, after what seemed like hesitation. He rested it on my shoulder instead. His lower lips trembled slightly before he spoke. "It's been four weeks Bethany," he said, his voice low and pained. "Have you found your soon to be husband yet?"

I just stared at him, not saying anything. So this is why he had come. The vow. He had come to remind me of his promise.

He continued to look at me, his eyes gentle as they bore into mine. Yet, when he spoke, his voice was unusually cold. "What? You haven't? You do remember my vow, don't you Bethany," Joe asked quietly. "I will only marry her the day you marry someone else. Our marriages will be to other people on the same day, or never. You think I lie?"

"No," I said quietly. "I believe you."

"Yet, you didn't find anyone," Joe said. This time his voice was warmer. I didn't say anything. His hand moved slowly down my hand, taking and hand, his fingers intertwining with mine. "You'll always be mine Bethany. And I'll always be yours."

"Joe," she whispered.

But she was cut off as there was a knock on the door. "Bethany," Tinsley's voice came through the door.

Joe's hand was still holding mine, his eyes still locked on mine, his heart beating as fast as mine.

"Bethany," she called again. "Come on, open the door."

I sighed, moving to pull away from Joe. His hand tightened around mine for a brief second, as if to stop me from letting go, and then he released me. I walked over to the door, unlocking it.

"Finally," she said as she came in. "I was knocking for like—" She froze, finally seeing Joe standing there. She looked from him to me. "What's going on?"

"Well Bethany," Joe sighed. "Looks like we're caught."

I didn't say anything. I was wondering if I could telepathically slap him. Unfortunately, psychic powers had never been my forte. Damn it.

"What?" Tinsley's voice was panicky.

"Should we tell her," Joe asked me. "Looks like we'll have to."

"Tell me what," she asked, looking at me, her eyes starting to water.

Joe sighed, walking over to her. "Looks like the surprise is ruined." He pulled out a necklace from his pocket. "I was just showing this to Bethany. Just a little present. She said you'd love it."

Tinsley and I both sighed in relief, only for different reasons. She laughed, hugging Joe. "Thank you," she said. "I love you."


The poisoned salads didn't work. Stupid Kevin. I sighed. I knew I couldn't have poisoned her. And it wasn't like I was actually trying to kill her. The salad would have just knocked her out for a few hours. Then when she woke up, we could pretend Joe had something to do with it, she'd hate him. They'd break up and she'd say I hate you, I never want to see you again. You can go be with someone else. And then, bam! Joe and Bethany could get together. It was brilliant. It was perfect. It was flawless. And it only had a 31% chance of killing her. Pretty good odds, I thought, especially when you considered the 69% chance she wouldn't – you know, die. Stupid Kevin, I sighed.

I bumped into Bethany on my way up the stairs. "Oh sorry," I said quickly.

She just smiled at me, a pained look on her face. I knew it wasn't from our collision. I sighed. Bethany was such an amazing person, inside and out. I loved her. I knew I could treat her right. I could make her happy. But that didn't matter. She wanted Joe, even if she had been the one to make him go to Tinsley. She was head over heels with a boy she loved, and a boy she was doomed to love forever. But was it forever? I mean I knew Bethany. If she told Joe to stay with Tinsley now to keep Tinsley happy, then she wasn't going to change her mind. But maybe I could changer her mind. Maybe I could make it change to me. Maybe take her out, maybe to get ice cream. I sighed. No, that was wrong.

"Do you want to go for ice cream," she asked.

I started to laugh. She looked at me, confused. "I was just thinking that."

She smiled. "I'm guessing that's a yes then."

"Let's go," I said.

We got to Dairy Queen in a few moments. It was right by the house, and seeing as I didn't have my license and Kevin had taken his car wherever he went just now, we couldn't go anywhere else. Dairy Queen was two blocks away. "So," I said as I sat down with my Cotton Candy ice cream.

"So," she said.

"Mind if I tell you something," I asked.

"Okay," she said warily. I could tell she was wondering where this was going. Her eyes were searching my face for an answer. That was okay. I didn't mind. She could look at me all she wanted. Maybe then she'd see I was way cuter than Joe.

"I think you're insane," I said as I took another spoonful. Her mouth dropped slightly for a split second. I could tell this was not was she was expecting to hear. I waited patiently for her to respond.
♠ ♠ ♠
Banner by Christine.

So yeah. Sorry for the crappiness of this chapter. I did try though. I'm still not feeling update-ish, you know? But yeah. Kinda short, kinda stupid. But eh, it's an update. We can call it a filler =]
So yeah, comments/feedback please.