Give It a Chance for Our Love to Start


Dear Tinsley

Wow, I'm so happy that you wrote back. Kevin said you wouldn't. But now he feels stupid … as usual. Now we'll always be friends. You read Pride and Prejudice before? Wow, I didn't know that. Isn't that Bethany's favorite book?


Dear Joe

Guess what? I am the top of my class this year! And I was elected president.

Lots of love,

Dear Tinsley,

Wow, I didn't know you were as good in school as Bethany. Congrats. Guess what? Nick met with some manager guy, and guess what? He's going to be on Broadway! Cool huh? Anyways, my dad is the new preacher at our church. We go every Sunday. Last week, I was sitting there when this tune came into my head. He, he, he, heee, ha, ha, ha, haaa. It's been stuck in my head for so long.



Dear Joe,

Your song has become a habit of mine. Every time I go into a church, it always comes to mind.


Dear Tins,

For me, you've become a habit. You know, I can't sleep if I haven't gotten your email. You've become my drug. Nick and Kevin say I'm obsessed. Even Frankie told me that yesterday.


Dear Joe,

Haha, I miss them. Aww, how's Frankie, he was so small when you guys left. Gosh, it's been like 10 years. I can't go to sleep that often either. But every time I can't, I read Pride and Prejudice. It's so sweet. You should try it.


Dear Tinsley,

You've read that story a million times! Get some new material! Guess what? I found this picture of you and Bethany from 15 years ago. It was taken like two weeks before you left. I wonder if we'd recognize each other.

The Middle Jonas

Dear Middle Jonas,

I'd recognize you anywhere, rock star! I heard you got signed! Congrats! I'm so proud of you guys. Don't forget us little people. But would you recognize me?

The little person

Dear Little Person,

I'd recognize you anywhere too. I see you in my dreams all the time. I know that you're still the most beautiful, coolest, sweetest girl anywhere. I'd know you anywhere.


Dear Joey,

Okay, besides the fact that that was so creepy, you're a liar. But we'll have to see if you really know me. Let's make a deal. Let's look for each other's hearts, not our faces, okay?


Dear Tinsley,

Deal. Well, we'll find out soon. I'm coming back to Texas.


I gasped, reading that last email. He was coming back. Joe was coming here. I ran a hand through my hair, tucking a curl behind my ear. I took the cross hanging from my neck in my fingers, grasping it as I sighed. "That girl isn't me, Joe," I whispered. "She's someone else. She's not me."


"Tinsley," I shouted, knocking on her door. "Come on, come on. Tins—finally," I said as the door opened. I stopped, smiling shyly as I saw it wasn't her, it was her dad. "Morning Mr. Carmichael."

He smiled, sighing. "Bethany Lions, I have known you for years. You're like my second daughter. How many times have I told you to call me Phil.

I giggled. "Sorry Phil."

"Tinsley's upstairs," he laughed. "I'm sure you girls have got some gossiping to do."

"Thanks," I said, laughing. "And no way Phil. It's all real news and work for us."

"Right," he chuckled. "Maybe then Tinsley's grades in college would be a little better." He sighed. "Anyways, get on up there. She's probably already waiting for you and your 'real news'."

"Thanks Phil," I laughed, remembering why I was here. I grinned, running up the stairs to her room. "Tinsley," I screamed, running through her bedroom door.

"What's up babe," Tinsley said from across the room. She was in front of the mirror, as usual, straightening her hair.

"He's coming back," I screamed, my excitement radiating off of me.

"Who," she said, rolling her eyes. "You act like I can read your mind."

I rolled my eyes too, ignoring her comment. Tinsley was – good at heart. And… conceited, self-centered, and well – a bitch everywhere else. But she was always there for me, whenever I needed her. She was still my best friend, my sister. And not many saw this side of her like I saw. She was good at heart. "Joe," I said, a huge smile breaking out on my face.

"Joe who," she asked, her beautiful face breaking out into a confused stare.

I sighed in frustration. "Joe Jonas," I groaned. "Our old best friend? The lead singer of the Jonas Brothers with Nick and Kevin? Joseph Jonas."
♠ ♠ ♠
So, just explaining a bit, half of the letters are 15 years later.
Just clearing that up =]
Anyhoo, comments/feedback please?
I'm soo excited for this story =]