Give It a Chance for Our Love to Start

Waking Up

“What- what did the doctors say,” I asked, my voice breaking before I even got the question out. My eyes were glued to the girl in the bed next to me. My best friend, my sister.

Nick sighed, putting his hand on mine. “They – they don’t know if she’s going to make it.”

“No,” I turned back to him quickly, tears building in my eyes. “What happened?”

“A car was speeding down the street, and it hit you guys,” he told me. “Tinsley – she pushed you out of the way, but you hit your head. The major impact of the car though – she got.”

I stared at Tinsley, still in a coma. She had saved me. It made guilt wash over me. She had saved my life, and now she might die, and I had been selfish enough to love the same man as her? The tears were pouring freely out of my eyes now, soaking my cheeks.

Nick put his hand on my cheek, gently wiping away the tears. “Bethany honey, it’s going to be okay.”

I looked at him. Nick. He was so sweet and so amazing, and I had put him through so much pain too. What was wrong with me? “I-I’m so sorry.” I managed to get out.

“What,” he asked confused. “Why are you sorry?”

“Because – I’m such a bad person,” I choked out. “I am so selfish and so stupid. I’m so sorry Nick. You’re so amazing, to me and to everyone. You don’t deserve this. You don’t deserve to be cast into this messed up love triangle or square or whatever. You deserve so much bet--.”

“Bethany baby,” he put his hand on my mouth, stopping me. “Stop. You are better. I don’t deserve you. You’re so beau--”

I took a deep breath. “Don’t.”

“Don’t what,” he asked.

“Don’t list the hundred reasons or whatever that you love me,” I begged. “I don’t – can’t hear it. Actually no. Maybe you should say them. That way I’ll feel worse. That seems like a good punishment.”

He laughed. “”I’m not saying them to punish you. But how about just one reason?” I nodded. “I know you Bethany. I see you. The real you, behind the pain and fake smiles, I see you. And I love what I see. I see a beautiful, intelligent, sweet, silly girl. I see my whole world.”

“You’re awake,” Joe said from the doorway before I could reply.

I saw Nick’s eyes tighten for a second before he composed himself. I found that weird. What had happened while I was asleep? “Yeah,” I said. “I um – I’m awake.” I looked at my sister in the bed next to me, and felt the guilt wash over me all over again.

His eyes wavered to Tinsley as well, and I saw pain on his face that probably matched my own. Did he feel as guilty as I did?

“I um – need a cup of coffee,” Nick said, standing. “And I’ll go get a nurse.” He left. I looked at the cup on the nightstand next to mine. It was steaming, and it was full.

I sighed, looking at Joe. “He has such a way of leaving people alone, doesn’t he?”

He smiled slightly. “Nick is – a good guy.”

“I know,” I said quietly, again wishing Tinsley hadn’t saved me. Why was I doing this to him?

“Bethany,” he said, moving closer. “I – don’t know if you heard me while you were in a coma, but I –“

“I heard you,” I said quietly, cutting him off.

“Oh,” he said simply.

“Thanks,” I said quietly, looking at Tinsley.

“I want her to wake up too,” he said quietly.

“Why did she save me,” I asked, my voice breaking again. “I don’t get it. She saved me. She shouldn’t have. I didn’t deserve it.”

“Bethany,” he said, pained, not next to my bed. “Don’t – don’t say that.”

“It’s true,” I looked at him. “Look at what I’ve done Joe. I was taking the love of her life away from her.”

“You were also giving it back,” he said. “As much as I wish it wasn’t like this, you are giving up your love so she can have some. Bethany, you were saving her too.”

I sighed. “Joe, do you think – do you think what I was doing was right? I mean feelings aside, love aside, do you think what I did was the right thing to do?”

He sighed, and thought about it. I could see his eyes were contemplating. “Yeah,” he finally admitted. “I do.”

“Really,” I asked, slightly taken back even though that was the answer I had been hoping for.

He smiled slightly. ”Surprising, I know. But I’ve had a lot of time to think about it, and a whole lot of words thrown at me lately. And you know what? You’re all right. This is right. Tinsley – and Nick. They’re family. They deserve happiness, don’t they? And Nick – he’s willing to give up so much. I can’t cause him pain after that.”

I nodded, looking at Tinsley. I couldn’t cause her pain either. I wouldn’t. I looked at Joe. “Do you – can you give me up a minute with Tinsley?”

He nodded, and walked out. I staggered over to Tinsley’s bed, standing over her. Tears were pouring down my cheeks again as I stared at the face of my sister, still in a coma for saving me. I still couldn’t understand why she had done that.
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AHH so this is almost over. Maybe 4 or so chapters left. The next one is going to be crazy sad.
Haha I'm so excited. I had to get back in like the mind set to write this. Haha cause it's been a while. But whatevers :] I think this one came out okay. What dd you guys think? Comments? Feedback?