Give It a Chance for Our Love to Start

Never Look My Way

“Bethany,” Tinsley groaned. “How could you?”

“I know, I know,” I sighed, staring at her bedspread. “I’m sorry. I just – can’t do anything about it now.” I was sorry I had never thought about what would happen if Joe ever came back, how he would react, if I could tell him. I just put that out of my mind, enjoying the moment, sending him the emails, pouring my heart out. I had given him almost every part of me, without thinking of what would happen if we came face to face. The one thing I was always sure of, the one thing I always remember was that he thought I was Tinsley. He knew me, every part of me. Yet he thought he knew her. That thought never escaped me, and now the consequences of those lies could ruin everything, could make me lose the love of my life.

"So what now," she rolled her eyes. "You expect me to pretend it was me wasting my time with letters?"

"You know Tinsley, I've always helped you," I whined. "I did all your homework during school. I helped you with your chores, and your after school activities. I even went out with that kid to get him off your back. And you can't do this one little, measly thi--"

"Alright, alright," she rolled her eyes. "Stop your dramatics. I'll do it."

"Yes," I shouted, hugging her. "Thank you!"

She laughed, hugging me back. I grinned as I sat back, feeling so relieved. Joe would get his Tinsley. But what he didn't know was that the one that was his wasn't her. It was I.


"Where's their plane," I groaned, looking at the schedule board again.

"Relax," Tinsley rolled her eyes as she sat in one of the seats. "They'll be here."

I sighed, sitting down next to her. Tinsley and I had been sent to get the Jonas' from the airport, and now here we were, waiting for him. I wondered if he'd think she was me. I wondered if he really knew me through my letters, if his heart would know mine. But then I sighed, looking at Tinsley. She was beautiful, with her long dark black hair that always seemed to look perfect, and her piercing violet eyes. The other only person Bethany knew, or even knew of, besides Elizabeth Taylor to have those eyes. Her features were perfect, leaving not an extra ounce of fat on her body. There was no other way to say it. Tinsley was beautiful. There was no doubt about it. She was the kind of girl that could make you take a hit on your self-esteem just be looking at her. And she was my best friend. I had lived with this insecurity my whole life, this overshadowing. Tinsley was the pendant while I was the chain. I was the thing keeping her together, but she was the one to be admired. Joe would take one look at her, and never look my way again.

"Hey look," she said. I followed her gaze to the schedule board. "Flight from the Philadelphia Airport, unloading."

I felt my stomach churn. This was it. This was the moment when I would see if the call of love was as strong as they said if Joe would know me. We stood as people started coming out. I took a deep breath, trying to force myself to remember to breathe.

"Hm, I wonder if we'll be on TV," Tinsley said, lost in her own world.

I sighed, ignoring her. I looked at the people, looking for him. And then I saw him, his beautiful, flawless face, easy to pick out, easy to place. This was the guy I had seen in my dreams over and over again. He was the guy I had written to for the past ten years. He was the guy of my dreams. And I felt my heart call out to him. I watched as his brothers stepped out behind him, all three of them grinning as they looked our way.

I gasped as they walked over to us, their faces locked with ours. I heard Tinsley curse out in surprise to my right. I couldn't help but smile at that. But I felt my heart drop a little. I knew that tone. She thought he was hot, that much was obvious. But didn't she know he was mine? I looked at the boys walking towards us, their faces broken out in huge grins. This was it, I thought as he got closer. I felt it in my heart that he would know me. He would know the girl from the letters.

Closer and closer he got, though it seemed slower with the anticipation of the moment. I wanted to run out to him, hold him, hug him, kiss him. But I was rooted it place. 10 feet. 8. 5. 3.

And then it happened. The moment that tore my heart in two. He walked right past me, stopping in front of Tinsley. "Tinsley, right?"

I felt my heartbreak, knowing it had failed, our love had failed. I watched as Tinsley grinned. "Right you are, Mister – Florida?" I sighed, knowing that the moment had been too good to be true. My hopes had been too good to come true. I put on my best smile, stepping to stand next to them, next to Joe and Tinsley, next to the reasons my heart was laying on the floor.

"Florida," Joe asked, confused. "But I'm from New Jersey."

"New Jersey, Florida, Tinsley rolled her eyes. "Same diff, either way, welcome back to Texas."

"Thank you," Joe grinned. He finally turned his gaze towards me, still smiling. It wasn't the same smile. The look he gave her – the look of pure love. Now he was smiling at me, and it wasn't the same. "Hey, Bethany, right?"

"Right," I smiled as he hugged me. I sighed, feeling his arms around me. They felt so right, and yet he didn't know.

"Hey, what about us," Nick grumbled.

I laughed. "Nickie?"

"Bethy," he grinned as I hugged him.

"So you guys," I said. "We're having a party at our house for your homecoming."

"A party," Joe asked, making my heart flip just at the mere sound of his voice. "Awesome!"

I sighed, as I looked at Tinsley. She was smiling at Joe – in her way. I gasped. He was her next target, I could tell. And Tinsley always got what she wanted.
♠ ♠ ♠
Eh, it was okay I guess.
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