Give It a Chance for Our Love to Start

Finding Someone Who Loves You Back Is Hard

"Bethany," Joe whispered as he moved closer to me.

I stood still, holding my breath as his touched my face. He was so close, I could feel him, his hand grazing my arm as he leaned closer, and his lips met mine. Softly but so passionately. Like there was no one else in the world, just me and him.

"I knew it was you all along Bethany," he groaned against my lips. "I knew it was you."

His hands trailed down my sides, his fingers played with my belt, his –

Something woke me, jumping onto my bed. "Bethany," a too familiar voice whined. "Wake up."

I groaned, pulling the covers over my face. As much as I loved him, we were friends, and friends did not wake up immediately when another extremely hot friend said it once. "Go away," I said, lying through my teeth. I didn't want him to go away. I wanted him here – with me.

"Come on Beth," he whined, pulling my covers down. "Daylight's a-wasting."

"A-wasting for what," I glared at him as I slowly opened my eyes, seeing his beautiful face inches from mine as he leaned over me. I fought the urge to gasp.

"For going to the store," he announced, getting off of me.

"The store," I repeated. "You woke me up before noon to go to the store?" As mad as I was pretending to act, I couldn't help but like it. He wanted me to go with him. He wanted to spend time with me. Not Tinsley, but me, Bethany.

"Yup," he grinned. "Now hurry up. I want to get something pretty for her."

"Her," I said softly, trying to keep the hurt out of my tone. Of course, it was for Tinsley.

"Yeah," he walked over to my computer. "I was going to get something from New Jersey, but I wasn't sure what to get her. I wanted it to be perfect. And I thought, hey Bethany is Tinsley's best friend. She'd know the perfect thing for Tinsley." He turned to smile at me.

"Um – right," I tried to smile back. "Okay, um let me just go shower and stuff."

"I shall be right here," he said, turning back to the computer and logging onto myspace.

I sighed, walking to the shower. Joe only wanted to hang out with me because it had to do with Tinsley. This was going to be a long day.


"What about this one," I asked, holding up a necklace.

"Tinsley would never wear that," Bethany laughed, taking it out of my hand and putting it down. She handed me another box. "What about this?"

I took it out and held it in my fingers. It snapped. I handed it to Bethany quickly, looking around. "I didn't do it."

She started laughing. "Ouch you really know how to break a heart Joe," she said, still laughing. But her tone was sad. I looked at her confused. She smiled. "That's the style of it. You give the one you love one half, you wear the other, so that your hearts are always connected."

"Would Tinsley like that," I made a face. From her letters, it seemed perfect for her. But meeting her, maybe I should get something more – diamond-y.

Bethany smiled. "Tinsley may – seem like she is a materialistic person. But I know her. And she'll truly like this better."

"Okay then," I said, putting it back in the box. "You know Bethany, without meeting each other, without seeing each other –"

"We know everything about each other," she sighed.

"We love each other."

"Without ever meeting," she said.

"Without ever seeing her," I smiled.

"That is truly an amazing relationship," she sighed.

"And what makes it so much better is that Tinsley is so beautiful."

Bethany shook her head as if coming out of a trance. I looked at her, concerned. "Yeah, Tinsley is beautiful."

"You know Bethany," I said, as we walked to the cashier. "Most of my time has been spent with my brothers and my friend Mandy. I've never really been open with anyone – except Tinsley. I like talking to you."

"I like talking to you too," she smiled.

I handed the box to the cashier as Bethany started looking at other stuff. And then I got an idea – a brilliant idea. I turned to the cashier. "Could I get two of those please?"

Bethany looked at me. "Two?"

"Yeah," I smirked. "One for you. So that when you find the person you love, you can give him the other half." Brilliant, I tell you.

She sighed, smiling. "Finding someone who loves you back isn't always easy." She turned back to the stuff she was looking at.

I stared at her, confused. Bethany was so – amazing. I could tell we were going to be really good friends.


"Goodnight daddy," I said as I got out of the shower, my fingers combing through my hair as I walked back to my room. I couldn't help but think of Joe. He was so hot, and his body was so – oh man. It got me going crazy. "God, he is so hot."

"Why thank you," Joe smirked, getting up from my bed as I closed the door.

"Who says I was talking about you," I glared at him, not about to give in.

He smirked, walking up to me. He was so close, his breath touching my face. I continued to glare at him, not letting him see the effect he had on me. "You were," he said confidently.

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes. "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be having a little sleepover at Bethany's?"

"I had to give you something," he said.

"And what if my dad sees you," I asked.

"He won't," he said confidently. I couldn't help but be turned on by his cockiness. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a necklace. "This is for you. One half of the heart is for you, the other for me. Our hearts will then always be connected."

I wanted to kiss him right there, to thank him. No one had ever gotten me something like that. No one ever understood that it was something I would have liked. No one – except Bethany. I had a feeling she had something to do with this. "Anyone can sneak in here in the middle of the night," I smirked at him. "I need a man that can announce his love in front of everyone, for the whole world to hear."

He smirked at me, backing away to the window. "I can do that," he said. "And then, you will wear this gift."

He left, leaving me wanting more, something no one had ever done before. I giggled to myself, getting into bed. I turned to my side, looking at the picture of my mother. "You know mom, this love thing is weird. I – like talking to boys. But love? I have no idea what to do. Come on, you got to help me out of this love thing, okay? Anyways, I'm tired. Goodnight mom." I blew a kiss at the picture frame before going to sleep.
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So yeah, I'm liking this story.
Hehe I have big plans for this. Big plans!
So feedback/comments please.