You Always Seem to Catch Me When I'm Lying


The party was in full swing as music blared from the stereo speakers and voices buzzed throughout out Kimmie's house. The hostess was dancing with her best friends as her brother watched on from a distance, proud and protective of his little sister for finally becoming the popular, confident person he had always encouraged her to be.

As she swayed to the rhythm of the song playing, Kimmie couldn't help but wonder where Caleb had disappeared to, nearly an hour ago. After receiving a phone call, he had rushed outside to hear the caller on the other end, and not returned to dance with his patient girlfriend.

"Sian!" Kimmie shouted over the music, gaining Sian's attention, she then turned to face Kimmie.

"Where did Caleb go?" Kimmie again, shouted over the guitar riffs of New Found Glory.

"I don't know, try outside?" Sian replied, also raising her voice over the music. Kimmie nodded and waved to her friends as they carried on dancing.
Passing Jonathan on her way to the front door, Kimmie smiled as she realised he was deep in conversation with Nikki, a girl from school whom Kimmie had been trying to get to talk to Jonathan for at least a month, due to the huge crush she had on the boy. The seated couple noticed Kimmie walk past and smiled appreciatively, as both had earlier discussed the fact that their online conversations had been thanks to Kimmie's persistence in them getting to know each other.

Kimmie made her way through the groups of people clustered around her house and left the building. She looked around and spotted Caleb sat on the bench at the far end of the porch. Kimmie started to walk over the the red-haired boy, but instantly slowed down as a feminine hand appeared on the back of his head, running through his hair.

Instantly knowing who it was, Kimmie marched up to the two and stood in front. The blonde girl was first to notice her presence. Caleb looked confused as he swayed slightly in his seat, clearly an effect of the excessive amount of alcohol he had consumed through the evening.

"Kimmie, why'd you stop?" he slurred leaning forward again.

"Possibly because she's not Kimmie? I am!" Kimmie seethed as the blonde girl, now recognisable as Danielle with newly coloured hair just smirked in satisfaction. Caleb looked dumbfounded.

"I highly suggest you leave, Danielle, and if you ever appear at my house again, you won't be leaving in one piece."

"Oh," Danielle laughed, "Is that a threat or a promise?" she questioned, trying Kimmie's patience even more.

"Both. Now fuck off."

Kimmie pulled Caleb's arm so he stood up, knocking over a collection of bottles that were under the bench. Kimmie remembered what Caleb had told her earlier.

"Don't let me drink vodka. It gets me so drunk I can't see straight or hear properly."

Danielle had been sneaking high volumes of vodka into Caleb's plastic pint glass of beer. Kimmie helped Caleb upstairs with Sian and Kyle, who had seen her struggling with the intoxicated boy. They placed Caleb down on Kimmie's bed - after Sian demanded a random couple to leave the room rather forcefully.
As soon as Caleb lay back onto the pillows of Kimmie's bed, he shot back up again and made a staggering beeline for the bathroom. Kimmie joined him in the bathroom, putting a glass of water on the floor next to him and moving his hair from his face, as the contents of his stomach left in the reversed way they had entered it. Caleb finally leaned back against the side of the bath and sipped the water. Kimmie soaked a flannel in cold water and wiped over Caleb's face. He breathed heavily as he drained the last of the water from the glass.

"Baby I didn't know it was her, honest. Her hair was the same as yours, she had the same shirt on and - " Kimmie put the cold flannel over Caleb's mouth to silence him.

"She was putting vodka in your drink. I knew you had no idea what was going on." Caleb turned to face her kneeling beside him. He reached up and brushed his fingers along he jawline.

"You have no idea how much I want to kiss you right now," Caleb whispered as his fingers trailed down Kimmie's neck.

"Oh hell no, not after you just brought up three bottles of vodka and loads of beer." She stated. Caleb smiled meekly and blew a kiss towards her anyway. Kimmie smiled and leaned in, confusing Caleb until she placed a light kiss on his head.

"Come on, boo, let's get you to bed for a bit." Kimmie said, helping Caleb up from her bathroom floor. He complied and walked back into the bedroom, once again laying down on his girlfriend's bed.

"Stay with me till I fall asleep?" he asked, as Kimmie flicked the light switch by the door. She smiled and nodded, closing the door and joining Caleb on her bed. They talked till Caleb's eyes began to get too heavy for him to keep them. As his breathing slowed, he loosened the embraced on Kimmie's stomach as she sat next to his near-sleeping form.
Kimmie moved towards the edge of the bed and Caleb finally fell asleep. She stood up, and kissed his cheek lightly, smiling adoringly and moving strands of hair from his face.

"I love you, Caleb Michael," Kimmie whispered, barely audible to anyone but herself, or so she thought.

"I love you, Kimberley Jessica." Caleb murmured, before falling into a deep dreamless sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is so long, I like it.

Alyssa told me to go to sleep after I finished this update, so that's exactly what I'm going to do.
After Jason Mraz has disappeared from my T.V :') <3

I'd also like to finally welcome Nicola to the story! (:
She's my sponge :'D <33!
I couldn't remember the boy she chose, so I picked JCook ;D
Comments are nice... please? ;(